Welcome to the new Phlit Global HQ 🌍 🏢 🌆 🏡 With new team members joining us in the coming months, we have moved 200 meters west-north-west and 1 floor up 😁. We can now be found at Diplomvej 377, 2nd floor. We are very happy to continue to grow here at the DTU Science Park with excellent facilities, wonderful people, and room for companies to scale. #flexibility #greentech #movingday Ramadhani Kurniawan Subroto Javiera Quiroz Quiroz Peter Frøkjær Strand Wybren O. Christian Bonde Christian Emil Houmann Tomislav Dragičević Peter Larsen
Indlejrede softwareprodukter
Kongens Lyngby, Capital Region of Denmark 2.220 følgere
Unlock the flexibility of your power assets
Om os
Unlock the flexibility of your power assets. Phlit helps clients contribute to the green transition by stabilizing the electricity grid, increase asset intelligence with high-frequency data, and generate new revenue streams from market connectivity. Phlit's technology FlexGate connects power assets (compressors, pumps, heat pumps, boilers, batteries) directly to the energy markets. We work with a large number of partners across industries to reach customers and assets that others cannot.
- Websted
Eksternt link til Phlit
- Branche
- Indlejrede softwareprodukter
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 11-50 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Kongens Lyngby, Capital Region of Denmark
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 2021
- Specialer
- Edge computing, Cloud computing, Aggregation, Industrial communication protocols, Programmable logic controllers, Machine learning, Power electronics, Electrical drives, EV charging stations og Batteries
Diplomvej 377
Kongens Lyngby, Capital Region of Denmark 2800, DK
Medarbejdere hos Phlit
Phlit styrker it-sikkerheden med D-mærket. ”Det er vigtigt for os at kunne vise vores kunder, at vi har styr på vores it-sikkerhed, data, systemer og processer. Det gør D-mærket meget lettere for os. Med D-mærket har vi et fælles sprog og reference med vores kunder. Det gør, at de kan stole på os,” siger Peter Larsen, CEO i Phlit. ”Vi valgte D-mærket, fordi det er tilpasset virksomhedens størrelse, aktivitet og område – og så fordi det er et dansk mærke. Lige nu er vores marked det danske, og vi vil gerne være med til at styrke kulturen omkring cybersikkerhed i erhvervslivet i Danmark,” uddyber Peter Larsen. Læs om vores case på D-mærkets hjemmeside, hvor du samtidig kan se den nye video produceret sammen med D-seal, DI - Digital, Late Bloomer Media og DTU Skylab. #cybersikkerhed #cybersecurity #greentech #flexibility
Phlit genopslog dette
Get your popcorn out 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Cybersecurity is a natural priority for Phlit, and we wear our newly awarded badge D-seal with pride. Together with DI - Digital and D-seal, we have produced this video to demystify cybersecurity and encourage more companies to make it a priority. Cybersecurity is far from straightforward, and I firmly believe that it is something we need to talk about, voice concerns, and share best practices. I think one of the most difficult aspects is to manage cyber risks in supply chains? How do you know if there is weak link? And how do you prove that you are not the weak link? Happy to hear your thoughts and reflections in the comments! Phlit is the first greentech company to achieve the D-seal, and the logic is quite simple: 🍿Cybersecurity is important for us, because it is important for our customers and partners. 🍿As a tech company, we need to be at the forefront of cybersecurity. 🍿D-seal is the new standard for cybersecurity for Danish companies of all sizes, and we believe it is competitive advantage for each certified company and Danish industry as a whole. Thanks for the creativity to DI - Digital, D-seal, 🎬 Late Bloomer Media, and DTU Skylab. 🎥🙏🏻 (Video in Danish) #cybersecurity #iot #flexibility #greentech #itsikkerhed #dseal
Phlit genopslog dette
Phlit er D-mærket 🚀 Phlit leverer digitale løsninger, der skal sikre et fleksibelt elnetværk i en tid, hvor vi i stigende grad benytter energikilder med varierende effekt som sol og vind. Med flere kunder inden for kritisk infrastruktur, der er omfattet af NIS 2-direktivet, havde Phlit behov for et synligt bevis på deres arbejde med it-sikkerhed og ansvarlig dataanvendelse. Det har de nu fået med D-mærket. ”Det er vigtigt for os at kunne vise vores kunder, at vi har styr på vores it-sikkerhed, data, systemer og processer. Det gør D-mærket meget lettere for os. Med D-mærket har vi et fælles sprog og reference med vores kunder. Det gør, at de kan stole på os,” siger Peter Larsen, CEO i Phlit. Motivationen for at få cybersikkerhedsdokumentation har været stor i Phlit, og deres valg faldt på D-mærket, blandt andet fordi det tilpasser sig den enkelte virksomheds virkelighed. ”Det har været forholdsvis nemt at komme i gang med det. Der ligger en del arbejde i at dokumentere alting, men det har hverken været meget kompliceret eller uoverskueligt. Min anbefaling er derfor bare at gå i gang i stedet for at overtænke, hvornår det rigtige tidspunkt er,” opfordrer Peter Larsen. Stort tillykke til Phlit med D-mærket 🎉 Hør mere om Phlit og deres vej mod D-mærket i videoen herunder 🎥👇 eller læs casen: https://lnkd.in/gNksKPxE
Phlit genopslog dette
”Det er vigtigt for os at kunne vise vores kunder, at vi har styr på vores it-sikkerhed” 🔒👏 Mød den D-mærkede virksomhed Phlit. Hos Phlit leverer de digitale løsninger, som er med til at sikre et fleksibelt elnetværk i en tid, hvor vi i stigende grad benytter energikilder med varierende effekt som sol og vind. Når man som Phlit er leverandør til virksomheder, der er en del af den kritiske infrastruktur, har man potentielt indflydelse på, om der er strøm i stikkontakten. Derfor har virksomheden et stort behov for at vise, at de har styr på it-sikkerhed, data og systemer – og at de efterlever kravene i NIS2. ”Det er vigtigt for os at kunne vise vores kunder, at vi har styr på vores it-sikkerhed, data, systemer og processer. Det gør D-mærket meget lettere for os. Med D-mærket har vi et fælles sprog og en reference med vores kunder. Det gør, at de kan stole på os,” siger Peter Larsen, CEO i Phlit. D-mærket tager sit udgangspunkt i virksomhedens risikoprofil gennem fire forskellige virksomhedskategorier. Det bliver afgjort af virksomhedens størrelse, omsætning og konkrete produkter. Kravene er derfor knyttet til den enkelte virksomheds virkelighed. ”Vi valgte D-mærket, fordi det er tilpasset virksomhedens størrelse, aktivitet og område – og fordi det er et dansk mærke. Lige nu er vores marked det danske, og vi vil gerne være med til at styrke kulturen omkring cybersikkerhed i erhvervslivet i Danmark,” siger Peter Larsen. 🎥 Se videoen med Phlit og hør, hvordan processen mod D-mærket har hjulpet dem med at få endnu bedre sikkerhed omkring følsomme data og en mere systematisk tilgang til it-sikkerhed 👇 #nis2 #cybersikkerhed #digitaltryghed
Phlit genopslog dette
We are expanding the Phlit Foosball Squad! Well, if you are also an outstanding Software Engineer, you may soon get the chance of a lifetime: Test yourself in foosball AND build the flexible energy system of the future. With an increasing pipeline of projects, the Phlit team is gradually expanding, whenever we find the right match. I have to admit that I really suck at this game. It's a lot of fun though. Seems so simple, and then it's not. But maybe you can beat these guys? I stand no chance when facing the Chilean Chinchilla, the Dutch Dramaqueen, the Crazy Croatian, the Birkerød Butcher, the Sorcerer from Surabaya, Christian the 1st or Christian the 2nd. Last time I "got eggs" as we say in Danish... a goose egg... (please, don't tell anyone). We interview on an ongoing basis. Check out our latest job posts on The Hub: https://lnkd.in/dfF7vFg8 Your help with liking, commenting, reposting, and any other means of spreading this post is much appreciated 🙏🏻👌✉️ 📸 from DTU Science Park in Lyngby #greentech #flexilibty #greenenergy #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #iot #teamwork #foosball
Calling all Software Engineers: The Foosball table might be full, but we still need more capable hands that code and brains that crack problems. Are you ready to join a diverse and talented team and create the flexible energy system of the future? Check out our newest job opening on The Hub: https://lnkd.in/dg2MNi2z #greentech #software #flexibility #iot #cybersecurity
A warm welcome to Christian Bonde - our new multi-talented student assistant 😎 It is a pleasure to have you onboard! #greentech #flexibility #teamwork
Finding the right people is very hard work! I met our new student assistant Christian Bonde at the ultramarathon "100km i Vestskoven" in June. Luckily, we both survived, and this week, Christian joined the Phlit team. Welcome Christian! Christian studies Sustainable Energy Systems at DTU - Technical University of Denmark, and he will contribute to flexibility analysis, commercial and admin stuff, while also being a strong addition to our Foosbal squad. For us runners, every day is "medal monday", so we had to show off our sustainable wooden ultra-medals in the office today. #greentech #flexibility #ultrarunning #ultramarathon #teamwork
Phlit genopslog dette
Orden i penalhuset: Phlit has been granted the D-seal for IT security and responsible use of data. I am very proud of the Phlit team! It's pretty simple: Cybersecurity is important for us, because it is important for our customers. As a tech company, we must be ahead of the curve. With a stamp of approval from the D-seal, we clearly show that we take risk management, data ethics, and close partnerships seriously. We believe the D-seal is the right standard for Danish companies and organisations of all sizes, and that it will inspire other countries to adapt a similar certification. We want to do our part to make sure that Denmark is a frontrunner in cybersecurity. Over the past 3-4 months, we have worked intensively to streamline our processes and documentation to get "the stamp". The collaboration with the D-seal organisation has been smooth and very rewarding. If you are considering the D-seal certification, we are happy to share our experience. Please reach out! #greentech #cybersecurity #digitaltrust #iot #flexibility 📸Late Bloomer Media, Morten Fillipsen
Digital Trust: We are proud to announce that Phlit has been granted the D-seal for IT security and responsible use of data. "We are now NIS-2 compliant and ahead of the curve. Our customer relationships build on trust, and the D-seal certifies that we adopt best-in-class risk management and do not expose our customers to cyberattacks", explains Phlit CEO Peter Larsen. The D-seal is Denmark's labelling programme for IT security and responsible use of data. It is the right platform for companies of all sizes, and we want to do our part to make Denmark a frontrunner in cybersecurity. Over the past 3-4 months, we have worked intensively to streamline our processes and documentation to get "the stamp". The collaboration with the D-seal organisation has been smooth and very rewarding. If you are considering the D-seal certification, we are happy to share our experience. Please just reach out. #greentech #cybersecurity #digitaltrust #iot #flexibility 📸Late Bloomer Media, Morten Fillipsen