SCADA International

SCADA International


Optimizing the renewable industry with software, hardware and consulting - Wind power - Solar PV - Hydro power - Power2X

Om os

SCADA International enables the renewable energy sector to optimize production and reduce cost through intelligent software and hardware solutions that capture live production data from various sources and turn them into decision-supporting information. We provide consulting, system engineering, hardware solutions, and application software related to real-time Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. The company is trusted by over 150 customers. The customer range spans the world's best organizations and includes OEMs, utilities, independent service providers (ISP), independent power producers (IPPs), and traders. We have a global presence and have established 6 regional offices in Denmark, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, and the USA. However, our reach does not stop there - to fulfill our strategy to be in the region for the region. We have strong areas of reference where we have implemented our solutions and have business partners.

51-200 medarbejdere
SCADA systems, SCADA application solutions, PLC programming, Park Network Solutions, Energy Power Control, Wind remote control, SCADA wind, SCADA renewable energy, SCADA wind commisioning, SCADA wind installation, SCADA wind monitoring, OneView(r), park control, Vindenergi, Solar PV, Hybrid control, Power regulation og Park SCADA


  • Primær

    AC Illumsvej 4

    Silkeborg, DK-8600, DK

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  • 319 SW Washington St

    Suite 1000

    Portland, Oregon 97204, US

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  • ul. Mokronoska 2

    Wroclaw, PL-52-407, PL

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  • Kapstadtring 7

    2nd Floor

    Hamburg, Hamburg 22297, DE

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  • Садовническая набережная

    Москва, Москва 115035, RU

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Medarbejdere hos SCADA International


  • Se organisationssiden for SCADA International, grafik

    10.821 følgere

    Do you also stumble upon the word forecasting a lot these days? And we don't just mean weather forecasting now that the last glimpse of summer is showing its colors. No, as the renewable energy landscape evolves, forecasting – with everything it entails – becomes a bigger part of managing and optimizing renewable power plants. With digitalization, we now have multiple tools available to facilitate predictive maintenance and detect failures, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of renewable assets. But how do you navigate all these endless opportunities? And what is possible today, tomorrow, and down the road? In this new blog post, we demystify the world of forecasting and explore some of the technologies that are available today and how they actually provide useful data that operators can use to optimize their assets and performance: #Forecasting #EnergyPrediction #OperationsandMaintenance

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  • Se organisationssiden for SCADA International, grafik

    10.821 følgere

    Ready to make your mark in #renewable energy? We're seeking a talented Sales Manager to drive our growth in the Nordic region. If you excel in unlocking business opportunities and have a knack for building lasting client relationships, this is your chance to drive impactful change! Join SCADA International, where our expertise in SCADA and Power Control can power the future of renewable energy. You will be joining Jacob's team in Silkeborg and become an integral part of the dynamic sales team. Interested? Click on the link to apply and learn more about how you can be part of a fast-growing team dedicated to innovation and sustainability: #OurSCADATeam #hiring #EmpoweringARenewableFuture

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  • Se organisationssiden for SCADA International, grafik

    10.821 følgere

    Did you know that SCADA International can help you with your grid complexity challenges? And that’s thanks to our extended competencies! Former co-director at Next Consult, Erik Bundgaard Poulsen, reflects on how they can do that. “We are proud to offer innovative products and services developed by our talented team. Joining SCADA International enables us to extend our reach, delivering exceptional solutions to a broader market and empowering more clients to achieve their goals. And that’s exactly what our teams have been busy doing since day one. As Jacob Stammer Larsen, VP Sales Europe, emphasizes: “We’ve engaged in multiple dialogues with customers where our expertise is essential. Grid complexity is a concern for many of our clients, so it’s rewarding to extend the conversation and solve these issues with our in-house competencies.” Ultimately, the seamless collaboration and integration of the talented engineers at Next Consult into #OurSCADATeam enhance our ability to provide solutions throughout the value chain – so our clients need to worry less! #growth #innovation #grid

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  • Se organisationssiden for SCADA International, grafik

    10.821 følgere

    Why is hybridization a key enabler in solving the puzzle of grid congestion? Well, hybrid power plants have the ability to harness multiple energy sources in a single integrated system, enhancing flexibility in power production and utilizing the power potential to its fullest. Energy storage, which can often be built more rapidly than new transmission, can help ease transmission grid constraints by shifting generation and load over time. But building hybrid power plants – or adding battery storage to existing wind or solar PV plants – is only the first step in actually utilizing the full potential of hybridization. The next step is optimal plant design and configuration. And according to a new study from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the measured impact of hybridization varies depending on the setup. This means that power providers and investors can increase the potential of their power plants by choosing the right setup and right configuration. And that is why we specialize in step 2. Learn more about how we do this here: #Hybrdization #hybridpowerplants #energystorage

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  • Se organisationssiden for SCADA International, grafik

    10.821 følgere

    The summer season is almost over, but we're not letting that bring us down! September is just around the corner, and that means we're heading to WindEnergy Hamburg! Last time was a blast, but we think this year will be even better. Why? Well, first of all, come and experience our brand-new booth at B6.440. Here, you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee with one of our colleagues and meet our team members from Next Consult ApS, Quantec Systems GmbH, and Sweet Geeks A/S. Try your luck at our new “Spin-and-Win(d)” wheel of fortune, or place your bets on the next big trend in renewable energy. So, make sure to stop by! Feel free to reach out now to set up a meeting with us. We’re eager to start the conversation! Share your participation here: #WindEnergyHamburg #Renewablefuture

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  • Se organisationssiden for SCADA International, grafik

    10.821 følgere

    Hvad er det første, du tænker på, når du hører ordet cybersikkerhed? Måske minder ordet dig om de seneste års stigende fokus på nye sikkerhedsprocedure, adgangskrav og to-faktorgodkendelser. Krav som nogle gange kan opleves som besværlige formaliteter fremfor reel værdiskabelse. Men måske behøver cybersikkerhed ikke mødes med suk og modløshed. I vores 10. afsnit af podcasten #EnergyExplained har vi haft fornøjelsen af at have besøg af en vores nye kollega fra Sweet Geeks A/S, Ian Simonsen, der sidder som Senior Information Security Consultant. Og i dette afsnit afliver Ian myten om, at cybersikkerhed blot handler om de små ulejligheder, som bliver en større og større del af vores hverdag. Cybersikkerhed handler meget mere om beskyttelse af data og viden. Især når vi snakker om energibranchen og kritiske infrastrukturer. Faktisk burde cybersikkerhed ses som en innovativ og strategisk mulighed for at skabe robusthed i branchen. Dét og meget mere kan du blive klogere på i afsnittet, hvor snakken også går på det kommende NIS2 direktiv og fordelen ved at komme i gang i tide. Så tune ind på Spotify eller der, hvor du ellers lytter med: #cybersecurity #TheEnergyExplainedPodcast #renewables

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  • Se organisationssiden for SCADA International, grafik

    10.821 følgere

    SCADA International empowered the generation of nearly 5 GW of green energy in 2023 alone, constituting a considerable impact in the renewable energy sector. But what exactly is considerable? Well, put into practice, 4.7 GW could power over 1 million households in a year with clean energy. Or, what’s equivalent, this alone could cover all of Denmark’s annual electricity consumption. This means that by the end of 2023, we had cumulatively empowered 27 GW of installed capacity. That’s how considerable and positive our impact on the planet is! This is all thanks to our incredible specialists and innovative technology team, who constantly make our software state-of-the-art and future-proofed so all our clients can enhance and optimize their renewable power plant operations. Because tomorrow’s energy is today’s innovation – innovation, that is future-driven and renewable-powered! #renewables #cleanenergy #greenenergy

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  • Se organisationssiden for SCADA International, grafik

    10.821 følgere

    SCADA International is one of the 2024 winners of the Scandinavian Business Awards at EU Business News. We have been awarded as the Most Innovative Data Acquisition Solutions Company 2024. And we are pretty proud of this recognition. Because innovation is our backbone! And data acquisition and data integration are at the heart of what we do! Without reliable data, our renewables wouldn’t have the momentum and significance as they have today. And that is why we also keep innovating and keep updating our solutions to match the needs of our customers and the demands of the industry. So, kudos to our development team! This one is for you. Learn more about the award here: #Innovation #SCADAdata #RenewableData

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  • Se organisationssiden for SCADA International, grafik

    10.821 følgere

    One of our typical customers worked in 10 different SCADA systems before getting us on board.   This means 10 logins, 10 platforms, and 10 interfaces.   Unnecessary complex, don't you think?   Our main focus is to reduce complexity and provide our customers with solutions that optimize performance and competitiveness.   Learn more about how we do that here: #SCADA #DataIntegration

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  • Se organisationssiden for SCADA International, grafik

    10.821 følgere

    At SCADA International, we are delighted to be on a journey with Sweet Geeks A/S toward shaping the future of the renewable energy sector. “With the ambitions and strategy for the future set at SCADA International and the incredibly experienced senior consultants that we continue to gather at Sweet Geeks, we have placed ourselves in a very strong position in the renewable industry,” says Palle List Clausen, Commercial Director. Kim Hansen, EVP Digital Services, agrees with Palle: “We’ve already had success stories from our combined efforts, especially in OT services, which is a huge strength for Sweet Geeks. By having these under the SCADA International umbrella now, we have widened our portfolio of capabilities incredibly”. In fact, as Kim Hansen adds: “Many have been impressed by the synergies we have created, and they are eager to explore how our services now could enhance their operations”. As Palle Clausen further argues: “We have strengthened our ability to deliver exactly what they need, consequently helping our clients navigate the complex challenges they are facing in an ever-evolving industry, as is renewables.” We share Palle’s enthusiasm for the future: “I’m excited about us making a difference in the industry,” says Palle Clausen. And so are we! #OurSCADATeam #growth #innovation

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