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Go raibh maith agat as ucht do vóta a chaitheamh sna toghcháin Eorpacha!

Tá do vóta tar éis todhchaí na hEorpa a mhúnlú agus an daonlathas a neartú. Beidh ról lárnach ag Feisirí nuathofa de Pharlaimint na hEorpa sna cinntí a dhéantar maidir le na postanna is tábhachtaí in AE agus leagfar béim ar obair na Parlaiminte maidir le dlíthe a n-imreoidh tionchar ar saolta gach duine san Eoraip.



Toghcháin Eorpacha

ballot box

The European elections are held every five years giving you the chance to select who will represent you in the European Parliament and help decide what kind of future you want for Europe and Ireland. The next European elections will take place on 6-9 June 2024.

European elections: what they are and how they work European elections: Educational Toolkit

Caidreamh le daoine óga

picture of young people

Welcome to the Youth Outreach page of the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland. Here you will find lots of information about our programmes and competitions for young people.

Ambassador School Programme in Ireland Euroscola competitions for Irish schools Classroom resources School visits to the European Parliament in Dublin

Eolas d’iriseoirí


Find up to date and relevant information including Press Releases, Newsletters and contact information.


Feisirí Eorpacha na hÉireann

There are currently 705 members in the European Parliament, elected across the 27 Member States of the EU.  Ireland currently has 13 MEPs representing three constituencies, Dublin, South and Midlands-North-West.  Due to population increases the number of seats in the European Parliament will increase to 720 for the next legislative term. Ireland is among Member States which gained seats, and as such elected 14 MEPs due to take up their seats on 16 July 2024 in Strasbourg. You will find more information about your MEPs at the link below.


Faoin Oifig

The European Parliament Liaison Office provides information on the European Parliament's role and powers, on the Irish MEPs and their activities and on issues currently being considered by Parliament which are of significance for Ireland and for Europe as a whole.

Our press section deals with queries from journalists and provides information for those journalists wishing to attend plenary sessions.

Our range of services include:

  • information on the European Parliament and on the role and work of Irish MEPs
  • assistance in accessing European Parliament reports, resolutions or other documents
  • information on European elections in Ireland
  • assistance with provision of speakers for events/presentations
  • information on European Parliament activities with schools
  • information on applying for a traineeship or on recruitment procedures at the EU institutions
  • advice on EU citizens' rights
  • information on visiting the European Parliament in Strasbourg or Brussels
  • advice on submitting a petition to the European Parliament or making a complaint to the European Ombudsman
  • provision of leaflets, maps, wallcharts and other publications on the European Parliament

Our address is:

The European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland
12-14 Lower Mount Street
Dublin D02 W710
Tel.+ 353 (0) 1 605 7900

Our Team


Head of Office (Acting)


Public Relations Officer


Press Officer


Community Manager


Cultural Relations


Communications Assistant


Communications Assistant


Communications Assistant