Generation Instructions

The LOD generation process consists of two major steps as explained below. Click the links for more information about a step or the available options.

For all intends and purposes, LOD and its generation works the same for each supported game mode. Some optional features may not be available in all game modes. They will be disabled or not visible in the GUI.

After having installed the tools and the requirements as explained in the Installation Instructions, follow the 3 main steps Prerequisites, 1. Generate The Required LOD Assets with TexGen and then 2. Generate The LOD Mod with DynDOLOD in the same order as outlined below:


Finalize the load order. Install mods and their requirements. Sort and resolve conflicts.

Clean and error check the load order with xEdit. Clean every plugin that LOOT suggests to clean - ignore misinformation that cleaning any plugins is not needed, does not do anything or causes problems. Cleaning of plugins that contain deleted large references is mandatory for the DynDOLOD DLL NG that includes the large reference bugs workarounds. ITMs are irrelevant in this context, see There are no intentional ITMs. The Batch Plugin Cleaner for Mod Organizer or the xEdit Cleaning Extension for Vortex help to automate some of that.

Typically create all other patches first. Especially all patches affecting exterior worldspaces in any way should be done before generating LOD.

Typically generate and install terrain LOD meshes and textures with xLODGen before generating the LOD mod with DynDOLOD, as the terrain LOD meshes are used to optimize object LOD meshes. Existing object LOD or tree LOD meshes or textures do not affect the LOD mod generation with DynDOLOD and will typically be overwritten by the generated output anyways.

For generating grass LOD, generate the grass pre-cache with No Grass In Objects before generating the LOD mod with DynDOLOD.

Do not install any 3rd party tree LOD billboards. Use TexGen to generate all desired LOD billboards.

1. Generate The Required LOD Assets with TexGen

Use TexGen to update object LOD textures and to automatically create tree/grass LOD billboards, which are used by DynDOLOD. TexGen should not take more than a couple minutes to run.

If updating, uninstall old TexGen output first.

  • Finalize the load order as explained in the prerequisites above. Make sure all mods, plugins and patches (that affect affect trees, grasses or any textures) are enabled and their overwrite order is sorted. Ignore wrong 3rd party advice to temporarily disable plugins, mods, meshes or textures. Such advice is categorically wrong or outdated. In case of issues, solve the cause or use appropriate configurations or settings for desired results. Disabling plugins, mods, meshes or textures is a troubleshooting step and not a fix. In case of problems or questions, use the official DynDOLOD support forum for qualified help and advice.
  • Start TexGen in the desired game mode.
  • Select a dedicated output path. The dedicated output path should be outside of special OS folders like 'Programs Files' or 'Program Files (x86)', User, Documents, Desktop, Download and also not in SteamApps, game or any mod manager folders.
  • Change options as desired. The defaults are fine for standard tree, object and dynamic LOD generation with DynDOLOD. Generate HD tree LOD billboards and rendered billboards for ultra tree LOD generation. Enable grass LOD billboards for grass LOD generation with DynDOLOD.
  • Click Start and wait for the process to complete without errors. Pay attention to all log messages (especially "file not found textures"). It should end with the log message 'TexGen completed successfully'. Do not use the output if there were errors that stopped the process prematurely.
  • Click Exit TexGen or click Zip & Exit to create a *.zip archive of the output for easier mod installation. Creating an archive will clean the dedicated output folder while all relevant files are packed into the zip file.
  • In case a summary of messages was created and opened in the default browser check all its entries to learn about problems and if they need to be addressed.
  • Install the contents of the output path or the *.zip archive as a mod. It should overwrite everything. Consider moving the zip archive to the mod managers download folder for later re-use.

2. Generate The LOD Mod with DynDOLOD

Use DynDOLOD to generate a comprehensive LOD mod that can contain tree LOD, object LOD, dynamic LOD or grass LOD, occlusion data, terrain underside etc. Generating LOD for the vanilla game should not take more than 15 minutes or so, however certain settings, options and 3rd party mods in particular can make it take longer. See the FAQ answers for Long running time or output several GB in file size.

If generating for the first time (new or existing save game) no extra steps are required.

If updating existing plugin(s), sort them with the highest priorities possible.

If updating an existing save game that requires to create new plugin(s) from scratch, make a clean save in an interior beforehand and then remove all former generated output from the load order including the plugin(s).

  • Finalize the load order as explained in the prerequisites above. Clean and error check the load order with xEdit. Make sure all mods, plugins and patches (that affect exterior cells and worldspaces and base records used by references in exterior cells) are enabled and their overwrite order is sorted. Ignore wrong 3rd party advice to temporarily disable plugins, mods, meshes or textures. Such advice is categorically wrong or outdated. In case of issues, solve the cause or use appropriate mesh mask rules or settings for desired results. Disabling plugins, mods, meshes or textures is a troubleshooting step and not a fix. In case of problems or questions, use the official DynDOLOD support forum for qualified help and advice.
  • Start DynDOLOD in the desired game mode.
  • Depending on preferences and desired options, use the wizard mode or click to advanced mode.
  • Select the worldspaces to generate the LOD mod for. Ignore wrong third party instructions to not select specific worldspaces because of "problems" or pre-made LOD. Pre-made LOD only works and matches the load order it was generated for and it is all but guaranteed that models, textures, plugins and their load order are going to be different. Instead of ignoring problems or issues, they should be reported to the official DynDOLOD support forum to be discussed, fixed or properly addressed.
  • Select a dedicated output path. The dedicated output path should be outside of special OS folders like 'Programs Files' or 'Program Files (x86)', User, Documents, Desktop, Download and also not in SteamApps, game or any mod manager folders.
  • If in wizard mode, start LOD generation by clicking one of the Low, Medium or High buttons. If in advanced mode, select options as desired and start LOD generation by clicking the OK button.
  • Wait for all processes including all spawned LODGen command prompt windows to complete successfully. Pay attention to all log messages. It should end with the log message 'DynDOLOD plugins generated successfully' and lines like 'LODGen generated object LOD for [WORLDSPACE] successfully' for each selected worldspace. Do not use the output if there were errors that stopped the process prematurely.
  • Click Save & Exit to save the plugin(s) or click Save & Zip & Exit to save the plugin(s) and to create a *.zip archive of the output for easier mod installation. Creating an archive will clean the dedicated output folder while all relevant files are packed into the zip file.
  • In case a summary of messages was created and opened in the default browser check all its entries to learn about problems and if they need to be addressed.
  • Install the contents of the dedicated output path or the *.zip archive as a mod. It should overwrite everything.
  • Activate the plugins(s). In case Occlusion.esp was generated, it should be the last plugin to load right after DynDOLOD.esp. If a DynDOLOD.esm was generated it should be the ESM with the highest priority possible or just before the first non-ESM. Ignore any contradicting third party instructions. Instead use correct options and settings for the desired results. Do not patch or create patches for the generated output, instead properly report problems to the official DynDOLOD support forum so that correctly working output is generated.
  • Keep all LOD assets (DynDOLOD Resources, 3rd party mods, TexGen output etc.) that were active for LOD generation activated unless there are specific instructions to disable 3rd party mods. Object LOD and tree LOD assets may also be used directly in the game like any other models and textures, in particular by dynamic LOD or Child/Parent Worldspace Copies.

Launch the game via skse[64|vr]_loader.exe. Start a new game or load a (clean) save game that was made in an interior and exit to an exterior worldspace for which LOD was generated. Wait for the onscreen message 'DynDOLOD successfully initialized' and/or check the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM Main page for the last message.

In case of problems in the game, check the DynDOLOD FAQ.