🌍 Welcome to Bioxys - a leading provider of innovative healthcare solutions in North West Africa.
At Bioxys, we are dedicated to promoting 💊 pharmaceutical products and 🩺 medical devices that make a meaningful impact on people's lives. Our team of experts collaborates closely with manufacturers to develop 📈 effective go-to-market strategies and implement 📝 operating and marketing plans, ensuring their products reach the right audience in the region.
With 🔟 years of experience in the industry, we understand the unique challenges of the North West African market and possess the 📚 knowledge and 💡 expertise to help our clients navigate it successfully. We are committed to delivering 💯 high-quality services that meet our clients' needs and exceed their expectations.
🎤 Dr. Slimane ZEGHDOUD, Médecin spécialiste en oncologie nucléaire dans les traitements thérapeutiques par radiothérapie interne vectorisée. HCM
Symposium Hôpital Chahids Mahmoudi : « Lutetium-PSMA dans le cancer de la prostate métastatique : la révolution Theranostique pour les patients. »
➡ Inscription visiteur : https://lnkd.in/eM5XpAbc
ℹ️ Programme conférence : https://lnkd.in/ewUKYJCp
📅 19 -20- 21 Décembre 2024
📍 Palais de la Culture Moufdi Zakaria, Alger
Prof. Dr. Akram Al-Ibraheem (Part 1)
Chairman of Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT at Jordan's King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC)
President of the Jordanian Society of Nuclear Medicine
President-Elect of the Asia Oceania Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (AOFNMB)
Akram Al-Ibraheem MD, FRCP, FEBNM, FANMB, FRCPE#AICONM24#Algeria#NuclearMedicine
كلمات الافتتاح الرسمية
الدكتور ع. غضبان، رئيس الجمعية الجزائرية للطب النووي (AANM)
Official opening adresses
Dr. I. Ghedbane, president of the Algerian Association of Nuclear Medicine (AANM)
IMAD GHEDBANE#AICONM24#Algiers#NuclearMedicine
Welcoming the Advanced Accelerator Applications Molecular Imaging team to Siemens Healthineers! 🙌🙌🙌
Through our combination, we are adding 13 new sites across Europe, making us the leading radiopharmacy network in both the U.S. and Europe.
As you can see in the images, radiopharmacies are highly specialized facilities. They are vital for producing radiotracers used in PET scans and theranostics. With their short shelf life—just minutes to a few hours—it is essential to produce them close to where they are used.
With our expanded network, we’re proud to better support patients and care teams across Europe, contributing to timely access to life-saving diagnostics and faster, more precise care.
Learn more: https://lnkd.in/eDCnbKAx
Sous le Haut patronage du Ministre d’état ,Ministre de l’Energie et des Mines et des Énergies Renouvelables et du Ministre de la Santé.
L’AAMN et le COMENA vous invitent à Algiers International Conference On Nuclear Medicine le 13 et 14 décembre 2024 à l’hôtel El Aurassi Alger.
مؤتمر الجزائر الدولي للطب النووي
Conférence internationale d'Alger sur la médecine nucléaire
Président de l’Association Algérienne de Médecine Nucléaire
Transforming Liver Cancer Care with Yttrium-90 Microsphere Therapy
Liver cancer treatment has entered a new era with the advent of Yttrium-90 (Y-90) microsphere therapy, a groundbreaking procedure that delivers targeted radiation directly to tumors. Also known as radioembolization, this advanced approach brings hope to patients with both primary and metastatic liver tumors, particularly in cases where surgery or transplantation may initially seem unattainable.
This treatment represents a sophisticated blend of interventional radiology, precision imaging, and radiopharmaceutical technology. Y-90 resin or glass microspheres are delivered through the liver’s blood vessels, directly targeting the tumor site with highly localized radiation. By leveraging nuclear medicine’s capabilities, this approach ensures both personalized care and improved outcomes for patients.
Key Benefits
• High Radiation Precision: Y-90 microspheres release potent radiation directly into tumors, sparing surrounding healthy liver tissue and reducing systemic side effects.
• Effective for Advanced Cases: This therapy proves effective for large tumors and those involving complex conditions like portal vein thrombosis or widespread metastases.
• Reduced Complications: Compared to conventional treatments such as transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), Y-90 therapy results in fewer complications, including a reduced incidence of post-embolization syndrome.
• A Bridge to Surgery or Transplantation: By shrinking tumors, Y-90 therapy makes previously inoperable cases eligible for surgical resection or transplantation, opening doors to potentially curative treatments.
• Improves long-term survival rates and quality of life for patients with appropriate selection and follow-up care.
Where Can You Access Y-90 Microsphere Therapy?
As a leader in precision oncology, we provide this innovative therapy at seven centers located in Istanbul, Antalya, Gaziantep, and Izmir. Our multidisciplinary teams, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensure comprehensive care tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
If you or someone you know is navigating liver cancer, consult with your oncologist to explore whether Y-90 therapy is the right option. Together, we can pave the way for better outcomes and renewed hope.
Karaciğer kanseri tedavisi, Yttrium-90 (Y-90) mikroküre tedavisinin gelişmesiyle yeni bir çağa girdi. Tümörlere doğrudan hedeflenmiş radyasyon ileten bu çığır açıcı yöntem, özellikle cerrahi veya naklin başlangıçta mümkün görünmediği durumlarda, hem primer hem de metastatik karaciğer tümörleri için umut vadediyor. Radyoembolizasyon olarak da bilinen bu ileri teknoloji yaklaşımı, karaciğer kanseri tedavisinde devrim yaratıyor.
Bu tedavi, girişimsel radyoloji, hassas görüntüleme ve radyofarmasötik teknolojinin gelişmiş bir kombinasyonundan oluşmaktadır. Y-90 reçine veya cam mikroküreler, karaciğerin kan damarları aracılığıyla tümör bölgesine iletilir ve yoğun lokalize radyasyon sağlar. Nükleer tıbbın sunduğu bu olanaklar, kişiselleştirilmiş bakım ile iyileştirilmiş sonuçlar sunarak hasta odaklı bir yaklaşımı mümkün kılar.
Y-90 Tedavisinin Temel Avantajları:
Yüksek Radyasyon Hassasiyeti: Y-90 mikroküreler, güçlü radyasyonu doğrudan tümörlere ileterek çevredeki sağlıklı karaciğer dokusunu korur ve sistemik yan etkileri azaltır.
İleri Vakalar için Etkili: Bu tedavi, portal ven trombozu veya yaygın metastaz gibi karmaşık durumlar ve büyük tümörler için etkili bir seçenek sunar.
Azaltılmış Komplikasyonlar: Transarteriyel kemoembolizasyon (TACE) gibi geleneksel tedavilere kıyasla, Y-90 tedavisi daha az komplikasyonla sonuçlanır ve embolizasyon sonrası sendrom riskini azaltır.
Cerrahi veya Nakil Köprüsü: Tümörleri küçülterek, Y-90 tedavisi ameliyat edilemeyen vakaları cerrahi rezeksiyon veya nakil için uygun hale getirir ve potansiyel küratif tedavilerin önünü açar.
Uzun Vadeli Sağkalımı ve Yaşam Kalitesini Artırır: Doğru hasta seçimi ve düzenli takip ile hastaların yaşam süresi ve yaşam kalitesini iyileştirir.
Bu Hizmeti Nerede Alabilirsiniz?
İstanbul, Antalya, Gaziantep ve İzmir’de bulunan yedi merkezde bu yenilikçi tedaviyi sunuyoruz. Alanında uzman multidisipliner ekiplerimiz, her hastanın bireysel ihtiyaçlarına göre kişiselleştirilmiş ve kapsamlı bakım sağlamaktadır.
Eğer bir tanıdığınız veya sevdiğiniz karaciğer kanseri ile mücadele ediyorsa, Y-90 tedavisinin doğru bir seçenek olup olmadığını öğrenmek için onkoloğunuzla görüşebilirsiniz.
3 weeks countdown to the AICONM 24
December 13 & 14 ,2024.
These two days will be devoted to rich and inspiring exchanges on four major themes :
# regulation and radiopharmacy.
# artificial intelligence.
# Theranostics.
# nuclear cardiology.
There is still Times to register.
looking forward to meet you all in AICONM 24.