Exclusive: Matt Reeves Clarifies Cloverfield Sequel Status

It won't be another handheld story.

by | February 1, 2008 | Comments

CloverfieldSince Cloverfield‘s stunning opening weekend at the US box office last week, talk has inevitably turned to a sequel, with several rumours already beginning to circulate the ‘net about a Cloverfield 2.

In an attempt to learn the truth, RT sat down with the film’s director Matt Reeves, currently in talks with Paramount to set up a sequel, who set us straight on plans for the follow-up.

First of all, here’s what he had to say about those rumours about another handheld camera movie from the point of view of the guy on the other side of the bridge:

“It’s more the concept of that which intrigues me. There’s a guy on the Brooklyn Bridge who’s filming the experience and he’s looking out and then we look out to see what he’s looking at and there’s a second where the two lenses cross.”

He continues: “Just in my head I thought what was cool was that there was two movies crossing right there. It doesn’t mean we’d ever actually make that movie, I don’t think we’d make that parallel universe. I just loved the idea of that Rashômon point-of-view.”

It seems that as yet, there are no definite plans as to the direction of the sequel, but it’s clear that we probably won’t be seeing a rehash of the handheld style of the first as has been reported. “The experience of making the movie was so challenging and fun in a different way,” he told RT about the production of Cloverfield, “The idea of doing something so differently is exhilarating. We hope that it created a movie experience that is different.

“The thing about doing a sequel is that I think we all really feel protective of that experience. The key here will be if we can find something that is compelling enough and that is different enough for us to do, then it will probably be worth doing.

“Obviously it also depends on how [Cloverfield] does worldwide and all of those things too, but really, for us creatively, we just want to find something that would be another challenge.”

To read the rest of our exclusive interview with Reeves, click here.
