Viking Epic Gets Banished to January

by | July 26, 2006 | Comments

Marcus Nispel‘s "Pathfinder" was just bumped back from September 8th to January 12th, the move most likely prompted by the waves of muffled giggles that greeted the flick’s theatrical trailer.

The epic adventure film comes from the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" director (not Tobe Hooper), and it stars Karl Urban and Clancy Brown. Honestly I was kind of looking forward to the movie, but then again I liked "The 13th Warrior," so don’t go by me.

In related news, IGN FilmForce recently had a sit-in with Nispel and Brown, and here’s an excerpt of their coverage: "Nispel explained how, as an Eastern European, he was taught growing up that Vikings had reached America long before Christopher Columbus did. He wanted to portray Viking culture differently and more accurately than other films have, emphasizing how terrifying they were.

Brown, a veteran of many genre films, revealed that he plays Gunnar, an old Viking chieftain whose best battles are behind him. The actor had to learn Icelandic for the role, and also recounted how the film’s star, Karl Urban, managed to get him to reluctantly perform some stunts for a fight scene."

See you in January, vikings.
