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Estonian Cleantech Association

Estonian Cleantech Association

Non-profit Organizations

Tallinn, Harjumaa 2,681 followers

We are a business association representing the interests of clean technology companies. ⚡️

About us

Estonian Cleantech Association is a business association representing the interests of clean technology companies. ⚡️ The association unites, supports and represents cleantech companies that are engaged in the development, commercialization, usage, financing and other ways of supporting products, services and processes that save the environment and climate. Our aim is to: ⭐️ increase the success of cleantech companies; 🙌🏼 enhance the development of a sustainable economy; 🌱 reduce the negative impacts of the economy on the environment and climate.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Tallinn, Harjumaa


Employees at Estonian Cleantech Association


  • Estonian Cleantech Association reposted this

    A city fit for a #prince... or a future king! Today, the Prince of Wales arrives in #Tallinn for a two-day visit to show support for British NATO troops. The visit highlights the strong bilateral relations between the United Kingdom and #Estonia, as well as our cooperation in security. After a royal meet-and-greet at #Kadriorg with President Karis, His Royal Highness is visiting some interesting spots in town – from the Freedom School for Ukrainian kids to the latest in green tech at the Estonian Cleantech Association. His Royal Highness is also making time for a walk in #Telliskivi at 5:55 PM, so if you see a royal stroll through one of our trendiest neighbourhoods, don’t be too surprised! On Friday, 21 March, His Royal Highness will travel to #Tapa, where he will meet British troops serving as part of NATO allied forces. Image by Kaupo Kalda #VisitTallinn #VisitEstonia #UnitedKingdom #RoyalVisit #PrinceWilliam

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  • Call for startups and SMEs to join the Baltic Impact Accelerator. 📢 We are looking for early-stage Estonian startups and SMEs with a sustainability focus to join the 3rd cohort of the Baltic Impact Accelerator (BIA). BIA has a triple focus on profit, planet, and people to help your company grow while making a bigger impact! ➡️ 6-month personalised online programme ➡️ 3-days of networking and peer-to-peer learning with other accelerator participants in Latvia ➡️ 8000€ worth of services and 1:1 trainings on various topics chosen by you to fit your company’s growth needs Learn more and apply by 17 April: *** Implemented within EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Project "Triple Bottom Line Baltic Impact Accelerator" ID. CB0100053. The European Union is not responsible for the content of the material. #BalticImpactAccelerator #MadeWithInterreg The program in Estonia is supported by Luminor Eesti. #Luminor Green Tech Cluster Latvia, LUT University, Sustainability InnoCenter Latvijas Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības kamera

  • For Estonia and the Baltic region, with their strategic location, strengthening security and resilience is a key priority. The increasing focus on energy security, cyber resilience, and critical infrastructure protection highlights the need for innovative solutions. As global security dynamics evolve, cleantech is emerging as a crucial element of Europe’s defence and resilience strategies. 📢 The Cleantech for Baltics white paper highlights how clean technologies are not just about sustainability—they play a vital role in building long-term stability and defence readiness. 📖 Read the full white paper on the CfB webpage:  

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    🔎 The next battlefield might not be a border—it could be a power grid. Cleantech is Europe’s first line of defence. Cleantech for Baltics launches the White Paper “Cleantech for Defence, Security and Resilience”. As energy is increasingly used as a geopolitical weapon and cyberattacks target critical infrastructure, clean technologies aren`t just about environmental sustainability—they are a cornerstone of security, resilience, and strategic autonomy. The war in Ukraine and attacks on Europe’s energy networks have exposed vulnerabilities that adversaries can exploit. The solution? Integrating cleantech into defence and security strategies to build a more self-sufficient, resilient, and operationally capable Europe. 🔹 Securing Strategic Autonomy: Europe’s dependence on imported fossil fuels and critical materials puts its security at risk. By scaling up decentralized energy grids, synthetic fuels, and AI-driven resource management, Europe can protect itself from energy coercion and strengthen its military and civilian infrastructure. Innovations like green ammonia for energy and agriculture will be essential to safeguarding food security and industrial supply chains. 🔹 Enhancing Military Effectiveness: Modern warfare requires mobility, stealth, and reliable energy. Clean energy innovations—hydrogen-powered drones, hybrid military vehicles, and silent power generation—can reduce logistical vulnerabilities and extend operational endurance. Infrared-absorbing materials and self-sustaining forward bases add another layer of security, making cleantech a force multiplier on the battlefield. 🔹 Rebuilding After Conflict: Wars don’t just destroy economies; they leave behind toxic landscapes and crippled infrastructure. Cleantech offers faster, more sustainable post-war recovery—from drone-assisted reforestation and bioremediation to circular construction using renewable materials. In Ukraine, clean energy microgrids will play a crucial role in rebuilding a more secure and independent future. Despite its strategic importance, cleantech, security and defence remain disconnected. Europe needs a dedicated task force to drive cooperation between policymakers, industry leaders, and security experts. Aligning investments, removing barriers, and scaling dual-use innovations will be critical to ensuring that cleantech becomes an integral part of Europe’s security and resilience strategy. 📖 Read the full white paper here:

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  • Cleantech Coffee Morning x Baltic Impact Accelerator This Coffee Morning will introduce you to the Baltic Impact Accelerator (BIA) as it launches its third cohort for startups and SMEs looking to increase their sustainability efforts. You'll also learn how your company can take the first step toward participating in large-scale EU-wide projects through upcoming IPCEIs from guest speaker Alice Liblik (EIS). Join us: 🗓️ Friday, March 28th 🕓 9:30-11.30 AM EET 📍 Estonian Business School (A. Lauteri 3, Tallinn) 🔗 More info and registering via What is BIA? BIA helps startups and SMEs grow their business while making a bigger impact. The online program offers a variety of trainings and services tailored to company needs by utilising the Triple Bottom Line (3BL) methodology that enables more growth (Profit) with specific consideration towards the environment (Planet) and society (People). What is an IPCEI? An IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest) is a large cross-border collaborative project coordinated by a Member State, which has a significant impact on the economy, society, and the environment, benefiting the entire EU. *** Implemented within the Interreg Central Baltic Programme project "Triple Bottom Line Baltic Accelerator" (ID CB0100053). The European Union is not responsible for the content of this material. #BalticImpactAccelerator #MadeWithInterreg The BIA program in Estonia is supported by Luminor Eesti. #Luminor

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  • The Estonian Embassy in Paris opened a business hub to support companies entering the French market. 🇫🇷🇪🇪 The hub offers companies premises for exploring French business opportunities, establishing new contacts, and finding partnerships. The opening event was attended by Benjamin Haddad, Minister Delegate for European Affairs, along with Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna. Representatives of Estonia’s clean technology sector were also present. The Estonian Cleantech Association was represented by our CEO, Kädi Ristkok, and the program included a presentation by Arnaud Castaignet, VP of Skeleton Technologies, a cleantech company that has already established a strong presence in the French market. Other cleantech companies, including Trisector, RAIKU Packaging, and MYCEEN, participated. We’re glad to see the continued strong cooperation between Estonia and France! We believe that the hub will open new doors for our cleantech companies to expand and thrive in the French market. Read more: 📸 Pascal Yuan

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  • 📢 Baltic Impact Accelerator (BIA) cohort #2 Demo Days on 3-4 April The Demo Days will bring together soon-to-be accelerator alumni from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Sweden for the program's final pitching session. ➡️ Among others, 9 Estonian companies will present their business ideas: Mati Foods, Furnar, Logpilot, SOL Navitas , Vetik, NPO Veggies Cultivation, Spiral Hydrogen, WasteLocker, and Silva Futures. Join us: 📅 Thursday and Friday, 3-4 April 🕒 10:00 to 12:30 EET 📍 Online 🔗 Register as an investor or a guest via *** Implemented within the Interreg Central Baltic Programme project "Triple Bottom Line Baltic Accelerator" (ID CB0100053). The European Union is not responsible for the content of this material. #BalticImpactAccelerator #MadeWithInterreg #CentralBalticProgramme The BIA program in Estonia is supported by Luminor Eesti. #Luminor

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  • Our CEO Kädi Ristkok attended the launch of the Cleantech Friendship Group in Brussels. The event brought together 32 MEPs and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, giving a start to a strong cross-party collaboration on ensuring the EU's success in cleantech-driven industrial competitiveness. ⬇️⚡️

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    Cleantech for Baltics attended the Cleantech Friendship Group launch with 32 MEPs and President Ursula Von der Leyen. 🎉 The Cleantech Friendship Group (CFG) is a cross-party forum within the European Parliament that aims to act as a key intermediary in shaping Europe’s Clean Industrial Deal. The Group is formed of 32 MEPs from across the political spectrum and representing 14 of EU Members States. On 5 March, the CFG was relaunched, bringing together leaders from diverse backgrounds and expertise, all united by a shared vision of making Europe the home of cleantech. 🏡 🙌🏼 A huge thank you to everyone involved in this initiative! 🔗 Read more: 👤 MEPs in the Cleantech Friendship Group 2024-2029 are: Barry Andrews MEP, Jeannette Baljeu, Hildegard Bentele, Michael Bloss, Pascal Canfin, Mohammed Chahim, Christophe Clergeau, Annalisa Corrado, Paulo Cunha, Christian Doleschal, Sofie Eriksson, Nicolás González Casares, Niels Flemming Hansen, Martin Hojsik, Radan Kanev, Ondřej Krutílek, Sara Matthieu, Eva Maydell (Paunova), Aura Salla, Susana Solís Pérez, Liesbet Sommen, Kai Tegethoff, Ingeborg ter Laak, Bruno Tobback, Reinier van Lanschot, Prof. Dr. Andrea Wechsler, Tiemo Wölken, Virginijus Sinkevičius, Pierre Jouvet, Vytenis Andriukaitis.

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  • 22-23.04 toimub ärikonverents "Roheline Laine", mille teisel päeval on meil rõõm korraldada töötuba tööstussümbioosi teemal. Kõik huvilised on väga oodatud! Kuna töötubades on kohti piiratud arv, siis soovitame juba varakult omale pilet hankida. 🎟️ Rohkem infot all. ⬇️

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    🌿 Iga-aastane ärikonverents "Roheline Laine" keskendub kestlikule ettevõtlusele ning toob kokku Eesti ja rahvusvahelised eksperdid 🌍, et jagada teadmisi ja praktilisi kogemusi rohepöörde teemadel. Konverentsi korraldab Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni Sihtasutus (EIS) 🏢. 📅 2025. aasta "Roheline Laine" konverents toimub 22.–23. aprillil Tallinnas, Vabamu muuseumis ning on suunatud ettevõtjatele ja juhtidele, kes soovivad oma äritegevust muuta jätkusuutlikumaks. 🎯 Esimese päeva peateema on "Kestlikkus ilma rohepesu ja valehäbita", kus käsitletakse roheväljakutsete kommunikatsiooni ja juhtimist. 🏗️ Teisel päeval keskendutakse energiatõhusatele hoonetele ja nende rollile tuleviku jätkusuutlikkuses. 🎤 Konverentsil on kavas: ✅ Ettekanded ✅ Paneeldiskussioonid ✅ Praktilised töötoad 🔗 Lisainfo esimese päeva kohta "Keslikkus ilma rohepesu ja valehäbita" 🔗 Lisainfo teise päeva kohta "Ehitame tuleviku heaks" #rohetiiger #miltton #turundajateliit #eis #loomemajandus

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  • Estonian Cleantech Association reposted this

    Kutsume kõiki toidu- ja joogisektori ettevõtteid osalema järgmisel neljapäeval  Indoneesia turu võimalusi tutvustavale veebiseminarile. Indoneesia on rahvaarvult neljas riik maailmas ning üks kiiresti kasvavamaid turge. Ekspertseminaril käsitletakse muuhulgas järgmisi teemasid: ✅ Turutrendid ja tulevikusuunad ✅ Jaemüük, e-kaubandus ✅ Alkohol, halal ja piimatoodete piirangud ✅ Konkurentsidünaamika ja kasvuvõimalused ✅ Eduka turule sisenemise teejuht Registreeri kohe: Üritust aitab korraldada Eesti Toiduainetööstuse Liit ning seda rahastatakse Euroopa Liidu taasterahastu NextGenerationEU vahenditest.

  • Big wins ahead for cleantech! 📢 The European Commission's #CleanIndustrialDeal (CID) marks a turning point for the industry, providing game-changing opportunities for companies driving the clean transition. ⚡️ With yesterday’s CID launch, the EU is not just talking about #reindustrialization and #decarbonization – it’s putting real funding and policies behind it. Here’s a quick look at what cleantech innovators can expect: ➡️ Stronger market demand: the CID embeds sustainability, resilience, and EU preference criteria into public procurement, sending a clear demand signal for cleantech solutions. National and private procurement will also be incentivized to follow suit. 💸 More available capital: creation of the Industrial Decarbonisation Bank and a strengthened Innovation Fund means more financing to scale breakthrough technologies. The CID promises to mobilise over €100 billion to support EU-made clean manufacturing. ✅ Confidence to scale: with faster state aid approvals and EIB-backed guarantees, companies will get the regulatory certainty and financial backing they need to expand manufacturing and compete globally. 🔗 Read more:

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