Estonia is taking another bold step in digital education. After the success of Tiger Leap, which helped build its digital society, Estonia is launching AI Leap 2025 – integrating artificial intelligence into schools. 🔹 20,000 students and 3,000 teachers will receive free AI tools and training in the first phase. 🔹 In year two, 38,000 more students and 2,000 teachers will join. 🔹 Estonia is partnering with leading AI companies, including OpenAI and Anthropic. President Alar Karis: "Just as Tiger Leap put Estonia on the digital map, AI Leap will make learning smarter and more personalised." With strong public-private cooperation and a dedicated AI Leap Foundation, Estonia is setting a global example in AI-powered education. ⬇️ . #education #Estonia #AI #digitallearning
Education Estonia
Education Administration Programs
Tallinn, Harju 2,365 followers
Your official source on Estonian education | Know-how | Digital Solutions | Cooperation
About us
Estonia is known and recognized worldwide as a successful and innovative e-state. How has a country, which regained its independence in 1991, achieved so much in such a short time? Why does Estonia have one of the highest numbers of start-up companies per capita in the world? What prompted us to implement the “Tiger Leap” project in education which started the digitalization of the entire public sector, leading to increased innovation and transparency? The answer is education. Education Estonia is an initiative for international education cooperation by the Government of Estonia. Learn more about the education system and the best practices behind the success of Estonia or search for digital solutions and schools. Estonia has the knowledge and expertise to share. Education Estonia has been initiated by the Ministry of Education and Research and is coordinated by the Education and Youth Board of Estonia.
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External link for Education Estonia
- Industry
- Education Administration Programs
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Tallinn, Harju
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2019
- Specialties
- Education, Digitalization, Innovation, E-learning, E-tests, Personalised learning, and AI in education
Lõõtsa 4
Tallinn, Harju 11415, EE
Employees at Education Estonia
Our latest newsletter is out! 🔹 Estonia wins the Global Future Fit Award 🔹 AI Leap 2025 brings free AI tools & training for students and teachers 🔹 Supporting education reforms in Moldova, Kenya & Uganda 🔹 Balancing smart devices in the classroom ⬇️ . #education #Estonia #AI
While Russia wages war on Ukraine, Moldova is fighting on another front—countering weaponised misinformation. “We are at the frontline in the fight for freedom and democracy,” says Dan Perciun, Moldova’s minister of Education. He believes knowledge is the best defence against such misinformation, turning Moldova’s classrooms into another theatre of war. Moldova’s latest education reform aims to strengthen critical thinking and modernise learning. With Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) and University of Tartu, Moldova is looking to Estonia’s education model for inspiration—not just in digitalisation, but in autonomy and innovation. As Stefano Braghiroli from the University of Tartu notes: “Estonia’s past is Moldova’s present. And, hopefully, Estonia’s present will be Moldova’s future.” Can education reform be a country’s best defence? Moldova’s students and educators believe so. ⬇️
How are smart devices regulated in Estonian schools? It’s a question we’re often asked, as this topic is widely discussed around the world. In Estonia, the focus is on finding balance – ensuring technology supports learning while prioritising students' wellbeing. 🔹 In primary schools, the use of personal devices is often limited, with school-provided tools like tablets taking priority. 🔹 Teachers are encouraged to follow clear guidelines that promote balanced learning environments. 🔹 Close cooperation with parents is seen as a good practice to align school and home approaches. ⬇️ . #education #Estonia
Estonia is helping build better education systems in Kenya and Uganda. Through the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV), we focus on digital skills and teacher training to drive long-term change. With partners like Tallinn University, Kenya is modernising teacher education by adopting competency-based curricula. These efforts equip teachers with tools for success, improving education quality. Learn more on ESTDEV’s website. ⬇️ . #Education #Estonia #DigitalSkills #TeacherTraining
The University of Tartu has opened applications for the 2025/2026 academic year! 🔹 29 international degree programmes! Don’t miss their Virtual Open Day on 16 January to learn more. ⬇️
✨ International Admission is Open for the 2025/2026 Academic Year ✨ The University of Tartu is excited to welcome applications from international students for our 29 degree programmes, including: ✔️ 26 master’s programmes ✔️ 2 bachelor’s programmes ✔️ An integrated curriculum in Medicine 📆 Key dates to remember: ✔️ Master’s programmes: The application deadline is 15 March ✔️ Bachelor’s programmes and Medicine: The application deadline is 15 April ✔️ Excellence in Analytical Chemistry Erasmus Mundus master’s programme: The applications close on 5 January 🎥 Explore more at our Virtual Open Day: Join us on 16 January for an overview of this year’s admissions and study programmes. Learn more and register here ➡️ Estonian students can apply to English-taught programmes from 1 February (excluding Excellence in Analytical Chemistry). Good luck to all applicants!
This year has been a busy and inspiring time for us with delegations from all over the world visiting to explore our education system. 🔹 Among the many highlights of this December was the visit by a delegation from the Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research. Their journey began at Kohila Sipsik Kindergarten, where they observed how children shape their learning environment through activities like designing play areas, changing bedding, and pressing apple juice. This approach integrates everyday tasks with guided free play, fostering independence, self-esteem, and future skills. In Kohila Parish, they discovered how local schools and businesses collaborate to support entrepreneurial projects and nurture future skills, showcasing the power of community involvement in education. At the Rakett69 Teadusstuudiod, Taavi Kotka and Unicorn Squad’s tech-savvy girls amazed the delegation with their creativity. The visit concluded at Tallinn University, where the delegation gained insights into Estonia’s teacher training programs and international curricula. Fortunately for the delegation, this year’s mild winter in Estonia still revealed the charm of snow-covered scenery. ❄️❄️❄️ . #education #Estonia #educationEstonia
The Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera spoke with Estonia’s Minister of Education, Kristina Kallas, to uncover the factors behind Estonia’s top-ranking PISA results in Europe. One key topic was Estonia’s approach to technology in schools — a subject of global debate. Minister Kallas shared Estonia’s viewpoint: “Technology is part of our way of life, and school cannot be a bubble. Banning them would be counterproductive.” Rather than imposing nationwide restrictions, Estonia empowers schools and teachers to decide how best to integrate technology into learning. This approach fosters responsible and effective use, tailored to each classroom’s needs. ⬇️ . #education #Estonia #OECDPISA
Huvi Eesti hariduse vastu on suur. Seekord on hea meel rääkida Eesti haridusest inimestele, kellele Eesti pikka tutvustamist ei vaja - eestlastele maailmas. Ja räägime sellest, miks tasub Eestisse õppima tulla. Haridusteemalisel virtuaalfoorumil arutlevad sel teemal Kai Koort Education Estoniast, Eero Loonurm Study in Estoniast ja Nele Dresen Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumist. Juba sel neljapäeval 28. novembril. Või hiljem siis salvestatuna!
Käib kiiretel pööretel üle ilma elavate eestlaste virtuaalfoorumi produtseerimine. Otsime saates vastust küsimusele, kas Eesti haridus on üks maailma parimatest? Ja miks eesti juurtega noored välismaal võiks Eestis õppimise kasuks otsustada? Foorumil saavad sõna nii Eesti hariduse eestseisjad Study in Estonia Eero Loonurm ning Kai Koort Education Estoniast ning Nele Dresen Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia / Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium kui ka meie tudengid ning vilistlased erinevatest Eesti ülikoolidest: Lyza Karoly Jarvis, Lisa Trei, Thomas Sebastian Tolgu, Ella Scott, Patricia Suimets, Jaan Erik Branno, Liina Deutschler, Ralf-Martin Soe. PS toreda videopostkaardi oleme saanud ligi sajandi võõrsil eesti lastele ja noortele eestikeelset haridust andnud New Yorgi Eesti Koolist. Foorumi avab haridusminister Kristina Kallas ja mõtisklusega võtab kokku president Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Foorumit juhib ja muusikat teeb Daniel Levi-Viinalass. Täpsem info: Foorum nagu ikka lindistatakse ja jääb järelvaadatavaks Global Estoniani portaalis. Ja kui sul on südamel veel mõni küsimus, millele sa 28.11 saatest vastust ootad, kirjuta julgelt kommentaaridesse või saada mulle DM. Mari Annus Johanna Rivers ✨Anneli Andersen Melissa Anson Keit Spiegel TIINA JARVET Liina Raud Kristi Barrow Sulev Kalamäe Kaire Cocker
Estonia ranked as having the best education system in Europe by PISA and excels in reading, maths, and science, writes The Times. "The key to Estonia’s success is a broad and balanced curriculum, with an emphasis on problem-solving, critical thinking, entrepreneurship and digital competence, the qualities that employers want. Pupils are expected to be active participants in their learning rather than passive recipients of facts," writes Rachel Sylvester. Despite national exams in just three subjects, only a small part of the school timetable is dedicated to test preparation, allowing a focus on diverse and balanced learning. ⬇️ . #education #Estonia