Tallinn Airport (TLL)’s cover photo
Tallinn Airport (TLL)

Tallinn Airport (TLL)

Airlines and Aviation

Recognized with ASQ award as the “Best Airport” in Europe among airports with 2-5 million passengers for six years.

About us

AS Tallinn Airport operates and develops 5 airports and 2 airfields in Estonia, of which Tallinn Airport is the biggest in terms of facilities, passenger and cargo traffic and flight network. Additional activities include passenger, cargo and aircraft handling, which is provided by the airport's subcompanyTallinn Airport GH. We can not aspire to become the world’s biggest airport. However, our mission is to be the world’s cosiest one. In the last number of years, the airport has gone through significant development. The changes have been made whilst keeping in mind the purpose of enhancing the passenger experience in the terminal. Tallinn Airport operates a modern passenger terminal – located just 4 km from the city centre and harbour – 4 cargo terminals, airside facilities and equipment that allow for the landing and handling of nearly all civil passenger aircraft and freighters. Partners include passenger and cargo airlines, courier, freight forwarding and cargo handling companies as well as different service providers.

Airlines and Aviation
Company size
501-1,000 employees
Public Company
aviation, airport services, and tourism


Employees at Tallinn Airport (TLL)


  • Tallinn Airport (TLL) reposted this

    Today, Airport City celebrates its 2nd anniversary! 🎉 In just two years, Airport City has evolved into a dynamic development hub. In its first year, the focus was on building a strong team, planning key developments, and launching initial projects, including the construction of cargo terminals and a universal hangar in the southern area. This year, the main focus is on three developments in the southern area, with a total building space exceeding 22,000 square meters. This fall, state-of-the-art air cargo terminals with office spaces will open for FedEx Express Estonia AS and DHL Express Estonia AS. In early April, the cornerstone will be laid for an aircraft hangar complex, set to be completed in the last quarter of 2025, with Magnetic MRO AS as the primary tenant. At the same time, preparations and negotiations continue with potential partners for future developments in the southern and eastern areas. In the coming years, several existing buildings in the northern area will undergo renovation, and detailed planning is underway across all areas to secure future construction rights for various development purposes. 👏 A heartfelt thank you to all colleagues and partners who have contributed to the growth of Airport City! Wishing our young and ambitious project continued success and momentum – may all great plans take flight! ✈️

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  • 🏆 Tallinn Airport has once again been recognized as the Best Airport in Europe in the 2-5 million passenger category! 💛 A heartfelt thank you to every member of the Tallinn Airport community, our colleagues, and partners—this achievement is the result of our collective efforts. The ASQ award from ACI World - Airports Council International is given based on passenger's feedback and so it reflects our dedication to continuously improve the passenger experience. We are humbled and thankful for the appreciation and we'll remain committed to ensure that every journey through Tallinn Airport is seamless and enjoyable. #cosyESTairport #TallinnAirport

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  • 💛 Tallinna lennujaamas on üle 650 töötaja, kes panustavad paljudel erinevatel ametikohtadel. Reisijad puutuvad kokku peamiselt reisijateeninduse ja õhusõidukiteeninduse spetsialistidega. Aga meie seas on ka insenere, raamatupidajaid, juriste, elektrikuid, mehhatroonikuid, eritehnika operaatoreid ja paljude teiste erialade esindajaid. Igaühel neist on oma roll selles, et Eesti oleks ühendatud maailmaga. #TööLennujaamas #KoosÜhendameEestiMaailmaga

  • Tallinn Airport (TLL) reposted this

    As of January 2025, Veiko Keerberg has taken the helm of Airport City AS, a subsidiary of Tallinn Airport. Keerberg has been part of the company’s team since its inception. The previous board member, Teet Raudsep, has moved on to the IT sector. “We are very grateful to Teet Raudsep for his contributions. Under his leadership, key developments of Airport City were launched, the team was assembled, and new processes were introduced to create a strong foundation for future growth,” said Riivo Tuvike, Chairman of the Management Board of AS Tallinn Airport. “We are also very pleased that the company has nurtured its next leader from within. Veiko has been a valuable member of the Airport City team, having been part of its inception and growth. His contribution to past developments has been remarkable. We are therefore optimistic and confident that, under his leadership, Airport City will continue to thrive and successfully follow its chosen path.” Read further: https://lnkd.in/dszkQE7v

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  • Hubane ja privaatne VIP ala Tallinna lennujaamas on mõeldud reisijatele, kes eelistavad lennujaama läbida mugavalt, diskreetselt ja võimalikult kiiresti.  VIP Standard pakett on mõeldud eelkõige reisiseltskondadele, kes soovivad oma reisi alustada rahulikult ja hubaselt. Pakett sisaldab: ⭐ Kuni 2 tundi ajaveetmist privaatses ja hubases VIP-alas 1–5 reisijale. ⭐ Suupisted ja joogid hinnas. ⭐ Privaatne julgestuskontroll ning piletite ja pagasi registreerimine VIP teeninduses. ⭐ Vajadusel aidatakse ka piiri- ja tolliprotseduuridega. ⭐ Reisijate transport lennukini. ⭐ Parkimine kahele sõidukile üheks nädalaks VIP-parklas. VIP Private Express pakett on populaarne eelkõige eralennukile suunduvatele reisijate seas. Paketis sisaldub: ⭐ Privaatne julgestuskontroll, piletite ja pagasi registreerimine VIP teeninduses. ⭐ Vajadusel aidatakse piiri- ja tolliprotseduuridega. ⭐ Reisija sõidutamine lennukini. VIP Business Express on eelkõige ärireisijate lemmikuks, kes soovivad lennujaamaprotseduurid läbida kiiresti ja mugavalt. Paketis sisaldub: ⭐ Privaatne julgestuskontroll ja reisile registreerumine. ⭐ Väravasse saatmine. ⭐ Eelisjärjekorras piiriületus. Rohkem infot: https://lnkd.in/dN6pzudN

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  • Soovides panustada töötajate arengusse, oleme koostöös Fontes Talent Advisory'ga juba teist aastat käivitanud Mentorprogrammi. Tallinna lennujaama Mentorprogramm toob kokku töötajad, kel on juhtimispotentsiaali ja need, kel juba on juhtimiskogemus. Pool aastat kestva programmi eesmärk on toetada juhtide järelkasvu ja anda kogenud juhtidele võimalus end mentori rollis proovile panna. Jõudu ja jaksu kõigile mentoritele ja menteedele! #TööLennujaamas #TallinnaLennujaam

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