Viacurrent’s cover photo


Financial Services

Empowering employees choose when they get paid and relieving their financial stress.

About us

With Viacurrent, employees can track their completed shifts, access money for hours already worked for and improve their financial wellbeing in our learning hub. Flexible pay has proven to improve the financial wellness of frontline employees. In turn, employers see improved recruitment, retention and productivity.

Financial Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held
Financial Wellness


Employees at Viacurrent


  • Viacurrent reposted this

    Mida graafikupõhised töötajad tegelikult arvavad? Oled oodatud tasuta webinaris tutvuma ja arutama, kuidas töötajate ausat arvamust teada, milline on nende aus tagasiside ja mida sellega peale hakata. See on ka hea võimalus näha, kuidas ettevõtted nagu SOL Baltics, Verston ja Poke Bowl enda töötajate heaolu mõõdavad ja tõstavad. Osalemiseks registreeru siin: 👉 Aitäh, Pille ja Martin, et Moticheckiga kaasa lööte!

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  • Viacurrent reposted this

    HR-investeeringu jaoks juhtkonnalt nõusoleku saamine toob personalijuhile palju vaeva. Eesti HR Selts / Estonian HR Society tunamullune uuring näitas, et juhtide veenmine on personalijuhi suurim väljakutse. Sul on investeeringu põhjendamiseks väga head analüüsi vaja esitleda. Seepärast tegin ma tasuta kalkulaatori, mis arvutab mistahes HR-investeeringu mõju sinu eest ära: 1. Sisesta andmed enda HR-investeeringu kohta 2. Saa teada, kui palju investeering raha tagasi toob 3. Jaga tulemusi juhtkonnaga Kui soovid kalkulaatorit Exceli failina endale, siis kommenteeri siia alla “kalkulaator” ja ma saadan selle sulle postkasti!

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  • Viacurrent reposted this

    Küsimus personalijuhtidele: kas oled tundnud, et HR-juhi roll ettevõttes jääb tihti varju? Mina ja Ivar Lukk jagame tasuta webinaris, kuidas personalijuht andmete abil edukamalt juhtkonda veenda saab ja miks see ettevõtte arenguks oluline on. Veidi nagu Dale Carnegie teoses “Kuidas võita sõpru ja mõjutada inimesi”, aga personalijuhtidele ;) Ivar on ise üle 30 aasta olnud tippjuht erinevates ettevõtetes nagu Tele2 enne CaseHubi asutamist. Loe webinari kohta lähemalt ja registreeru siin lingil:

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  • Viacurrent reposted this

    We ran a workshop with companies that have frontline employees at the heart of their operations — such as retail, manufacturing, hospitality, and more. As a kick-off, we shared our own past experiences as shift workers. Turns out the entire room was full of ex-bartenders and retail veterans! In small groups, we then dug into the challenges companies face with managing frontline workers, the factors making life harder for the employees themselves, and how these two perspectives often overlap. We’ll soon share a summary of the key issues and solutions companies shared in the workshop. Thanks to everyone who joined, and to Egon and Karl-Kristjan from Wemply for your help in hosting the event with Viacurrent.

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  • About 70% of shift workers at the Poke Bowl and MEZE franchises use Viacurrent to manage their salaries. With 13 locations in Estonia and Finland, the growth of their business is built around the wellbeing and motivation of their employees. Check out their experiences with Viacurrent from the video. 👉 How does Viacurrent impact recruitment and work motivation? 👉 Why is Viacurrent suitable for shift workers especially? 👉 How does Viacurrent address potential risks?

  • Excited to have Rockstart and Kristjan Novitski on board!

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    🌟 New investment! 🌟 Meet Viacurrent, the latest addition to the Rockstart Emerging Tech portfolio! Led by Hendrik Ojamaa, Arnold Veltmann, Lemmo L., and Johannes Ööpik, Viacurrent keeps frontline employees debt-free by unlocking their earned salary. 💸 With Viacurrent, employees can track completed shifts, access money for hours already worked, and enhance their financial health through their learning hub. 📈 Flexible pay has proven to improve the financial wellness of frontline workers, leading to better recruitment, retention, and productivity for employers. 💼 👉 Angel investor Kristjan N. joined the round alongside Rockstart Hendrik Ojamaa, CEO and Co-Founder, shares: “We’re thrilled to join Rockstart, helping us achieve our mission to financially include European frontline employees into the society. Rockstart is a great partner for helping us do that, with an extensive network across Europe and first-hand experience at scaling early-stage startups into massive companies.” Michael Bjørnlund, Managing Partner at Rockstart Emerging Tech, adds: “This Estonian team has a sweet combination of insight to the problem they want to address, grit and founder complementarity. They've already gotten off to a great start, and I am really excited to be working with them in making smarter payment offerings.” Welcome aboard, Viacurrent! 🤝🚀

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  • Kas su ettevõttes on vahetustega töötajaid? ⏱️👷🏻♀️ Tule ja kuula tasuta webinaris, kuidas neid paremini hallata, toetada ja motiveerida. See on hea võimalus tutvuda, kuidas teised graafikupõhiste töötajatega ettevõtted nagu Forus, MyFitness ja Poke Bowl selleks Wemplyt ja Viacurrentit kasutavad. Kõik osalejad on oodatud meie esitlejatelt küsimusi küsima: 👉 Egon Vaiksaar, Wemply müügijuht. 👉 Hendrik Ojamaa, Viacurrenti kaasasutaja ja tegevjuht. Webinar toimub kolmapäeval, 19. juunil kell 11.00. Registreeru ja loe lähemalt lingil:

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