Collective Routes

Collective Routes


Collective Routes is an enquiry-driven collective committed to researching social change.

نبذة عنا

Collective Routes is an enquiry-driven collective, committed to researching existing approaches, experimenting new practices and producing grounded knowledge in social change. As a collective, we bring together socially engaged practitioners in participatory research and collaborative learning across the fields of Social Policies, Social Entrepreneurship, Youth Development, Heritage for development, and Organizational Culture.

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
حجم الشركة
٢ - ١٠ موظفين
المقر الرئيسي
تم التأسيس

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في Collective Routes


  • عرض صفحة منظمة Collective Routes، رسم بياني

    ٩٦٤ متابع

    يسعدنا انه نشارككم الكتيب التوثيقي لمعرض المعرفة اللي نظمناه في ابريل ٢٠٢٤ عن المرونة المؤسسية كجزء من برنامج تاندم أمواج معرض المعرفة” هو حدث يجمع بين الممارسين في مجال التنمية، والباحثين، والفنانين، ورواد الأعمال الاجتماعيين، والنشطاء، والمهتمين بالتعلم، والمشاركة في إنتاج المعرفة حول موضوع معين. تشمل هذه المعرفة أنواعًا مختلفة من الفهم والممارسة، مثل الأدوات والأساليب العملية، والمخرجات القائمة على البحث، والممارسات والتجارب العملية على أرض الواقع. تناول معرض المعرفة لهذا العام (٢٠٢٤) موضوع “المرونة المؤسسية” في مجال الفن والثقافة، والذي تم شرحه من خلال التركيز على دعم المنظمات لتزدهر وتعمل بشكل أفضل لصالح فرق عملها والمجتمعات التي تستهدفها والقضايا التي تدعمها. تم تصميم معرض المعرفة بشكل تشاركي من خلال مساهمات المشاركين الذين شاركوا خلاله مختلف أساليب المعرفة والعمل، حيث أخدت مساهماتهم أربعة أشكال: أسئلة مفتوحة ونقاشات جماعية المعرفة العملية | مشاركة أداة أو أسلوب عمل المعرفة التأملية | مشاركة ممارسة أو تجربة المعرفة النظرية | مشاركة البحوث ومنتجات بحوث

    كتيب توثيقي لمعرض المعرفة: المرونة المؤسسية

    كتيب توثيقي لمعرض المعرفة: المرونة المؤسسية

  • أعاد Collective Routes نشر هذا

    عرض ملف lamiaa solaiman الشخصي، رسم بياني

    MEL Officer at Alwan Wa Awtar (NGO)

    فخورة بالشغل اللي بيعملوه Collective Routes وسعيدة بالمشاركة في تجربة معرض المعرفة. هتلاقوا هنا توثيق للمشاركات اللي كانت موجودة

    كتيب توثيقي لمعرض المعرفة: المرونة المؤسسية

    كتيب توثيقي لمعرض المعرفة: المرونة المؤسسية

  • عرض صفحة منظمة Collective Routes، رسم بياني

    ٩٦٤ متابع

    For Arabic, Scroll down! We are thrilled to announce the publication of an insightful article by our very own Mohamed Yassein Salman as part of the research work of Collective Routes with support from the DROSOS FOUNDATION The article is available in both Arabic and English. This article showcases the experience of using Participatory Action Research (PAR) to enable participatory evaluation and learning throughout the "Arts for All" Project. Unlike conventional approaches to evaluation that rely on external evaluators, PAR promotes participatory evaluation, in which the project participants and implementing team play a central role in judging the project's outcomes and impacts. يسعدنا أن نعلن عن نشر مقال مثير للاهتمام من تطوير محمد ياسين كجزء من العمل البحثي لمسارات جماعية  بدعم من مؤسسة دروسوس. يعرض هذا المقال تجربة استخدام بحث الفعل التشاركي بغرض تمكين عملية التقييم والتعلم التشاركي خلال مشروع "الفن للجميع". على عكس النهج التقليدي للتقييم الذي يعتمد على المقيمين الخارجيين، يعزز بحث الفعل التشاركي التقييم التشاركي، حيث يلعب المشاركون في المشروع وفريق العمل دورًا مركزيًا في تقييم نتائج وأثر المشروع. المقال متاح باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية.

    Using Participatory Action Research (PAR) as participatory evaluation and learning methodology: the case of “Arts for All” Project (2019 – 2022)

    Using Participatory Action Research (PAR) as participatory evaluation and learning methodology: the case of “Arts for All” Project (2019 – 2022)

  • عرض صفحة منظمة Collective Routes، رسم بياني

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    And finally Collective Routes did host a knowledge fair about organaizational resilience… Thanks everyone who contributed to this event @menna reda, Mohamed Yassein Salman , Shaimaa Atef

    عرض صفحة منظمة Collective Routes، رسم بياني

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    Thanks to everyone who attended the Knowledge Fair. We are grateful for all panelists, contributors and participants for enriching the discussion with their experiences and insights. Until the next one.

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Collective Routes، رسم بياني

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    Happening Now! First panel of the Knowledge Fair: The Evolution of the Arts and Culture Scene in Egypt Over the Past 15 Years. Hosting: * Rana El Nemr - Co-founding board member of Contemporary Image Collective * Ali El Adawy - Curator and Critic, Wekalet Behna * Marwa Karout - Leadership Circle, Alwan Wa Awtar * Mai El-Ibrashy - Chair, Megawra - Built Environment Collective Moderated by Shaimaa Atef, Culture for Development Lead - Collective Routes

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Collective Routes، رسم بياني

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    We are excited to share with you today the second part of the Knowledge Fair contributions. Safa Harrak, Independent Capacity building & Conflict Resolution specialist Session: Peace living at work The session is about peace living at work, covering different levels across personal, interpersonal, and intergroup dynamics. The session reflects on a few previous experiences in this area, and the participants should get engaged in brainstorming & harvesting of experiences in these topics. Eventually, the group will discuss how having a peaceful workplace helps in organizational resilience. Mohamed Hassan ElSayed, Port Said Ala Adeemo Presentation: Reviving abandoned heritage sites through art and creating connections with the community Presenting  some of the experiences and events that have been organized in the last ten years, about reviving abandoned heritage places with art. Most of these experiences  are completed with a few incomplete ones. Ali Azmy,  Makouk/Mowazi  Presentation: Participatory meetings A form of meetings inspired by the concept of "open space”. It helps the team to determine the meeting’s agenda and facilitate it in a participatory and practical manner. Nayera Adly Husseiny and Ahmed Yasser El Tahlawy The Practitioner's Playbook: How to align organization’s strategy & M&E processes?   The Practitioner’s Playbook is a toolkit for integrating strategy and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The domains of strategy and M&E are often approached as independent silos despite being inherently interconnected. This toolkit bridges that gap, providing an actionable guide for practitioners to holistically align their strategy and M&E processes. Farida Hammad, Researcher Workshop: On a personal note. A growing number of workspaces are adopting a culture of people first and with that comes the need to develop more meaningful relationships between colleagues. There is an invitation to get to know each other, but to what extent? This discussion becomes even more significant within arts and culture; a field where the inherently personal nature of creative work blurs the lines between the personal and the private. In the arts drawing on one’s life experiences is often a valuable asset. The workshop will be structured in two parts: 1. Storytelling: participants will share their own experiences, or those of others, related to these dynamics.  2. Reflections: a semi-structured open discussion to think through the different layers of this topic. Excited to see you all tomorrow in the Knowledge Fair.

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Collective Routes، رسم بياني

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    We are excited to announce the contributions participating in the Knowledge Fair. Raniah El-Sayed Morsi, Learning Director  and Community Theatre Practitioner Sensory Experience: The Chair Game: What hinders us from changing? Through laughter and sensual engagement, we will pose questions such as: what makes change challenging, and what change unearths in terms of fears? The experiment will be followed by a reflection and presentation on the character strengths model in positive psychology coaching. Youmna Muhammad, Ahel Foundation Presentation: Participatory leadership through reflection on Athar Network’s work Athar is a network of leaders in the Arab world who believe in the ability to change and who pursue community organizing. The network integrates, through its structure and work, the idea of participatory leadership and the extended structure. The goal of the contribution is to present how the network’s team achieves this goal, what are their success stories, and what are the challenges they meet. Lamiaa Serageldine, Alwan w Awtar Practical experience: A simulation of consent decision making  Consent decision-making is an alternative vote decision-making tool, allowing all opinions and needs to be taken into account based on the collective wisdom of the group. A topic will be presented for attendees to make a decision about  in a consensual manner according to this mechanism. Then we will reflect on the experience and the possible areas of its application. Samar Shenouda, Freelance consultant Presentation: Participatory Management: 10 basic principles and how they are translated into practice? The presentation will share the process of developing management practices centered around the people. These practices are flexible in dealing with a rapidly changing reality. The presentation explains the most important concepts and how to translate these concepts into practical practices. Stay tuned for the rest of the contributions tomorrow!   

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