34th Annual Capital Pride 2009 / WDC
Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography  .  Videography  .  Writings  .  Ads
Capital Pride Parade 13 June 2009
Before Pride Parade 13 June 2009
Capital Pride Festival 14 June 2009
2009 GLBT PRIDE Elvert Barnes Mixology MUSIC MIXES
When I began my GLBT Pride 2009
Music Mix series in late May 2009 it
had been my hope that one of the
mixes would feature
remixed songs
from 1969, as a tribute to the 40th
anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.

Unfortunately, as time passed, that
particular mix did not materialize.

Click the following cd covers to listen to
and/or download the 5 compilations
that I mixed in celebration of the 2009
GLBT Pride Season.
16th Pride of Pets Fun Dog Show