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Skyrim:The Unquiet Dead

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Lay the spirits of Goldenhills Plantation to rest.
Quest Giver: Reading Restless Spirits bounty letter or arriving at Goldenhills Plantation
Location(s): Goldenhills Plantation
Prerequisite Quest: None
Next Quest: A Farmer's Life For Me
Reward: Key to Goldenhills Plantation
ID: ccVSVSSE004_MainQuest
Added by: Farming
A haunted farm is up for grabs

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Ask an innkeeper for work until you receive the Restless Spirits bounty letter.
  2. Travel to Goldenhills Plantation.
  3. Investigate the plantation house.
  4. Investigate the well.
  5. Return to the plantation house.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Rin and the old well

You can start this quest by either asking an innkeeper for work until they give you Bounty - Restless Spirits, or you can simply head straight to Goldenhills Plantation.

As you arrive at Goldenhills Plantation, a ghost will attack you, after dealing with it you can collect the torn page next to the corpse of Urval. Head inside and go to the top floor to find Urval's journal which shows that Urval accused his wife of being a witch before attacking her, after which she appears to have poisoned him. The next step is to find her secret laboratory to uncover the truth, head down to the basement and look to the right as you enter, there is a button on the wall by the door, press it and the cupboard will move to reveal the secret lab.

Enter the laboratory and the ghost of Jonquil will appear and attack you, after dealing with her, read the journal on the apothecary table to discover the truth about what occurred at Goldenhills Plantation. After their son disappeared, Urval and Jonquil killed each other, Jonquil with extract of Deadly Nightshade, Urval with an axe each thinking that the other had murdered their son, Rin. To put their spirts to rest you need to discover what happened to Rin.

Head back upstairs to Rin's room, and look under his bed to find his journal which mentions that he was going to go to the old well to hunt a wolf. Leave the building and head southeast towards Gjukar's Monument, as you are heading towards it, look to the left and you will see the old well surrounded by wolves. Once you have dispatched the wolves, take Rin's toy sword from the child's skeleton.

Urval, Jonquil and Rin

Take the toy sword into Rin's room and place it under the Imperial banner, the ghosts of Urval, Jonquil and Rin will appear behind you. Speak to Rin:

Your family can rest in peace now.
"Thanks a lot! Here. Take this. For all your hard work."

The key to the plantation will be placed in your inventory as a reward. The next quest, A Farmer's Life For Me will then automatically start.


  • Quest won't start if the wolves at the old well are killed or have not loaded in before fighting the ghost outside of the house.
  • The ghosts of Rin and his parents may not show up after placing the toy sword in Rin's room. This appears to happen after you've completed the quest and then reload a save from before completing it. Restarting the game and then placing the toy sword should fix the issue. Restarting the game will also make the ghost of Rin's mother appear if she hasn't appeared before.
  • Quest won't start if follower or horse kills the ghost in the beginning ?
  • Quest won't start if Urval's corpse does not appear on site. This happens if the innkeeper's dialogue for this quest doesn't show up. The sure way of triggering this quest is to receive the note called Bounty - Restless Spirits from the innkeepers. Note: Urval's Ref ID is FExxxB75 ?
  • The ghosts may not appear if you have a follower with you, especially if you have more than one. You can avoid this by dismissing them before doing the quest or simply having your follower(s) wait outside the farmhouse.
  • Quest won't update past "find out what happened to Rin" if you find his body and take his sword before this point. To fix this place sword in a weapon rack, then pick it up again.

Quest Stages[edit]

The Unquiet Dead (ccVSVSSE004_MainQuest)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
0 In Skyrim, talking to an innkeeper can provide you with jobs, rumors, and other interesting leads. I should speak with one and find out if they have anything I can help with.
Objective 0: Ask an innkeeper for work
10 Goldenhills Plantation near Rorikstead is reportedly haunted by ghosts that harass travelers on the road. The Jarl of Whiterun Hold is offering the plantation itself as a reward for anyone who can lay the spirits to rest. I should head to Goldenhills Plantation to investigate.
Objective 15: Travel to Goldenhills Plantation
51 Upon reaching Goldenhills Plantation, I discoverd [sic] that the rumors were true - this place is indeed haunted by the restless dead. What is driving the spirits of these simple farmers to such rage? And what sort of tragedy caused their untimely deaths? I should search the farm to find out more.
Objective 50: Search the plantation for clues
61 Urval accused his wife of being a witch before attacking her, after which she appears to have poisoned him. Could Jonquil have murdered her own son? I should try to find her secret laboratory to uncover the truth.
Objective 61: Find the hidden laboratory
Objective 65: Search the laboratory for clues
81 Jonquil believed her angry, controlling husband had killed their son, Rin, so she poisoned him. Could Urval have murdered his own son? I should search the farm to find out more.
Objective 81: Find evidence of Urval's guilt
101 I have uncovered the truth about what occurred at Goldenhills Plantation. After their son disappeared, Urval and Jonquil killed each other - Jonquil with extract of Deadly Nightshade, Urval with an axe - each thinking that the other had murdered their son, Rin. The only way to finally bring peace to their spirits is to discover what really became of Rin.
Objective 100: Find out what happened to Rin
102 I have uncovered the horrible truth about what occured [sic] at Goldenhills plantation. After their son disappeared, Urval and Jonquil killed each other, and their son appears to have run away to escape his parents' bickering. The only way to finally bring peace to the spirits here is to find out what happened to Rin, and to do that I need to find the old well mentioned in his journal.
Objective 102: Find the old well
Objective 103: Take the toy sword
200 I have found Rin's remains near the old well, along with his beloved toy sword. According to his journal, he ran away from home to escape his parents' constant fighting; apparently, it looks like the wolves got the better of him. I should return the toy sword to Goldenhills Plantation, so that the spirits of Urval and Jonquil can finally know the truth of what happened to their son.
Objective 200: Return Rin's toy sword to the farm
Objective 201: Speak to Rin
1000 Finishes quest☑ The restless spirits at Goldenhills Plantation can finally rest in peace, reunited with the spirit of their son and knowing that neither of them murdered their only child. Now that Goldenhills Plantation is no longer haunted, I can claim it for my own.
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 1, 10, 20, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 300.
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage ccVSVSSE004_MainQuest stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest using resetquest ccVSVSSE004_MainQuest.
Prev: None Up: Goldenhills Plantation Next: A Farmer's Life For Me