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Pinyin#Pinyin tone marking

Pinyin-Hanzi-English Chinese-English dictionary

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  • a! 啊 ah!
  • ā 锕 --> See actinium
  • Ā- 阿 a prefix used before a monosyllablic name
  • ābà 阿爸 <topolect> father, dad, daddy
  • A-bǎn - A版 - <Taiwan> A-print (a record printed off locally produced master copy)
  • Ābí Dìyù 阿鼻地狱 --> See Avici Dìyù
  • ābīnggē 阿兵哥 <Taiwan> soldier
  • ābó 阿伯 <topolect> brother-in-law (husband's elder brother)
  • Ābōluó 阿波罗 --> See Apollo
  • Āchāngzú 阿昌族 Achang ethnic minority in Yunan, China.
  • actinium - actinium - actinium is a radioactive chemical element with the symbol Ac
  • ādì 阿弟 <topolect> younger brother
  • ādiē 阿爹 <topolect> father
  • Afghanistan - Afghanistan - Afghanistan | ~ wèiyú Zhōngguó d xīmiàn. ~ is located at the west side of China.
  • Āfùhàn 阿富汗 --> See Afghanistan
  • ài 爱 to love; n. love
  • āidào 哀悼 to mourn
  • Āijí 埃及 --> See Egypt
  • áizhèng 癌症 cancer
  • Ālābō 阿拉伯 --> See Arab
  • Ālābō Liánméng 阿拉伯联盟 --> See Arab Liánméng
  • alpha shèxiàn - alpha射线 - alpha ray, α-ray
  • al-Qaeda - al-Qaeda - al-Qaeda is a global broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden
  • àndàn 暗淡 gloomy
  • ānpái 安排 to arrange
  • ānquán 安全 safety, security; adj. safe, secure
  • ānzhuāng 安装 to install, to erect, to fix, to mount
  • Àobāmǎ 奥巴马 --> See Obama
  • Àolínpǐkè 奥林匹克 --> See Olympics
  • Àolínpǐkè Yùndònghuì 奥林匹克运动会 --> See Olympics Yùndònghuì
  • Àomén 澳门 Aomen, Macau, Macao | ~ shì Zhōngguó nánbù d tèbié xíngzhèngqū. Macau is a special administrative region in the south of China.
  • Àoyùnhuì 奥运会 short form for Àolínpǐkè Yùndònghuì
  • Apollo - Apollo - Apollo is one of the most important and complex of the Olympian deities in ancient Greek
  • Arab - Arab - Arab world
  • Arab Liánméng - Arab联盟 - Arab League
  • Avici Dìyù - Avici地狱 - <Buddhism> the Avici Hell
  • ba 吧 modal particle: (making mild imperative); (acknowledgment); (uncertainty); (pause)
  • bā 八 eight, 8
  • bǎ 把 an auxiliary verb for indicating pre-verbal object as thing dealt with by the action
  • bàchù 罢黜 oust, dismiss from office
  • Bāgédá 巴格达 --> See Baghdad
  • Baghdad - Baghdad - Baghdad | ~ shì Iraq d shǒudū. ~ is the capital of Iraq.
  • bái 白 n. white; adj. --> See ~ d
  • bái d 白的 adj. white; clear
  • bǎi 百 hundred
  • bāibai 拜拜 --> bye-bye
  • báinèizhàng 白内障 <medicine> cataract
  • báipíshū 白皮书 white paper
  • bǎiwàn 百万 million
  • Bājīsītǎn 巴基斯坦 --> Pakistan
  • bàn 半 half
  • bàn 办 to do, to handle, to manage
  • -Bāng 邦 state, province
  • bǎngjià 绑架 to kidnap, to abduct; abduction
  • Bangkok - Bangkok - Bangkok | ~ shì Tàiguó d shǒudū. ~ is the capital of Thailand.
  • bāngzhù 帮助 to help; a help
  • Bani Walid - Bani Walid - Bani Walid is a town in Libya, in the Misrata District
  • bǎo'ān 保安 security
  • bǎo'ānbù 保安部 security department
  • bǎobiāo 保镖 bodyguard
  • bǎochí 保持 to keep, to remain
  • bàodǎo 报导 a report; to report
  • bàodào 报道 a report; to report
  • bàofā 爆发 to break out
  • bàofēngyǔ 暴风雨 rainstorm, storm
  • bàofù 报复 to avenge, to revenge, to retaliate; a revenge, reprisal
  • bàofù 抱负 ambition, aspiration
  • bàogào 报告 a report; to report
  • bǎohù 保护 to protect
  • bāokuò 包括 to include
  • bàolì 暴力 n. violence; adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • bàolì d 暴力的 violent
  • bàolì dy 暴力地 violently
  • bàoluàn 暴乱 riot
  • bǎoshǒudǎng 保守党 conservative party
  • bàozhà 爆炸 a blast, explosion; to explode
  • bǎozhèng 保证 to pledge, to guarantee; a pledge, a guarantee
  • bàozhǐ 报纸 newspaper
  • bāshì 巴士 --> See bus
  • Bāshìlā 巴士拉 --> See Basra
  • bāshìzhàn 巴士站 bus station, bus stop
  • Basra - Basra - Basra | ~ shì Iraq dōngnánbù d chéngshì. ~ is a city in south-eastern Iraq.
  • BBC - BBC - BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation
  • běi 北 n. north; adj. north; adv. north
  • bèi- 被 by; be (passive signifier)
  • běibù 北部 the north, northern part
  • Běi Dàxī Yáng 北大西洋 the North Atlantic Ocean
  • Běi Dàxī Yáng Gōngyuē Zǔzhī 北大西洋公约组织 --> See Nato
  • Běidǒu 北斗 the Big Dipper, the Plow
  • bèifú 被俘 be captured
  • Běijīng 北京 Beijing | ~ shì Zhōngguó d shǒudū. Beijing is the capital of China.
  • bēijù 悲剧 tragedy
  • bèijūliúzhě 被拘留者 detainee
  • bèipò 被迫 be forced
  • bèishā 被杀 be killed
  • bèixuǎn 被选 be elected
  • Belgium - Belgium - Belgium | ~ shi Xī Ōu guójia. ~ is a country in Western Europe.
  • běn 本 root; foundation; capital; book; this; a measure word for
  • -běn 本 this; a measure word for books
  • bēngkuì 崩溃 to collapse; a collapse
  • bǐ 比 compared to; to compare
  • -bǐ 笔 a measure word for money
  • biān 边 side
  • biàn 便 then
  • biàn 变 to change
  • biànbù 遍布 spread all over
  • biànchéng 变成 to become
  • biānjiè 边界 n. border
  • biànmì 便秘 constipation
  • biǎoshì 表示 to express
  • biāozhǔn 标准 standard
  • bié 别 don't
  • Bǐlìshí 比利时 --> See Belgium
  • bìmiǎn 避免 to prevent, to avoid
  • bìng 并 equally, simultaneously; actually, truely; and
  • bīngbáo 冰雹 hail, hailstone
  • bìngdú 病毒 virus
  • bìnglì 病例 case (of disease)
  • bìngqiě 并且 also, and, besides, furthermore
  • bìngwēi 病危 be critically ill
  • bīngxiāng 冰箱 refrigerator
  • bīnlín 濒临 be close to
  • bìrán 必然 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy; n. <philosophy> necessity
  • bìrán d 必然的 certain
  • bìrán dy 必然地 certainly
  • bǐsà 比萨 --> See pizza
  • bǐsàbǐng 比萨饼 --> See pizza
  • bìxū 必须 must
  • bìyèshēng 毕业生 graduate
  • bōkuǎn 拨款 to allocate funds
  • Boko Haram - Boko Haram - Boko Haram, a militant organization based in the northeast of Nigeria
  • Bōsī Wān 波斯湾 --> See Persian Gulf
  • -bu- 不 be unable to
  • bù 不 not; no
  • bù- 不 non-, un-
  • -bù 部 department; a measure word for film, large books, machines, etc.
  • bǔchōng 补充 to replenish; supplement
  • bùdàng 不当 unsuitable, inappropriate
  • bùduì 部队 army, force, troop
  • bùfen 部分 part; a part of, partial
  • bùgòu 不够 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. insufficiently
  • bùgòu d 不够的 not enough, insufficient; not good enough
  • bùguǎn 不管 despite
  • bùhuì 不会 won't
  • bùjiǔ 不久 shortly, soon
  • bùluò 部落 tribe
  • bùmén 部门 department
  • bùnéng 不能 cannot
  • Burma - Burma --> See Myanmar
  • bus - bus - bus
  • Bush - Bush - George W. Bush; George H. W. Bush
  • Bùshí 布什 --> Bush
  • Bùshū 布殊 --> Bush
  • bùshǔ 部署 to deploy
  • bùtóng 不同 v. to differ; adj. --> See ~ d; n. difference; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • bùtóng d 不同的 different
  • bùtóng dy 不同地 differently
  • bùxíng 步行 go on food, to walk
  • bùzhǎng 部长 minister, secretary
  • bùzhòu 步骤 step, move, measure
  • bùzú 不足 not enough; shortage
  • bye-bye - bye-bye - bye-bye
  • cái 才 then; just
  • cáijiǎn 裁减 to reduce, to cut down
  • cǎinà 采纳 to adopt, to accept
  • Cairo - Cairo - Cairo | ~ shì Egypt d shǒudū. ~ is the capital of Egypt.
  • cáizhèng 财政 finance
  • cáizhèngbù 财政部 treasury, treasury department, ministry of finance
  • Canada - Canada - Canada, a country in North America
  • cánhái 残骸 wreck
  • cānjiā 参加 to join, to attend
  • cāntīng 餐厅 restaurant
  • cèlüè 策略 strategy
  • céngjīng 曾经 ever, at one time or another
  • chàbuduō 差不多 nearly
  • chāihuǐ 拆毁 to demolish, to tear down
  • cháiyóu 柴油 diesel oil
  • cháiyóujī 柴油机 diesel engine
  • cháng 长 long
  • chángshì 尝试 to attempt, to try
  • chǎnpǐn 产品 product
  • chāoguò 超过 to exceed
  • cháoshèngzhě 朝圣者 pilgrim
  • Cháoxiān 朝鲜 North Korea
  • chāoyuè 超越 to exceed
  • chāozhòng 超重 be overweight; overload
  • chē 车 car
  • chèjūn 撤军 to withdraw troops
  • chēliàng 车辆 vehicle
  • chéng 成 to become
  • chéngběn 成本 cost
  • chénggōng 成功 v. to succeed; n. success; adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • chénggōng d 成功的 successful
  • chénggōng dy 成功地 successfully
  • chéngguǒ 成果 achievement, result
  • chéngkè 乘客 passenger
  • chénglì 成立 to found, to establish; be passed
  • chéngnuò 承诺 to promise
  • chéngrèn 承认 to recognize, to admit, to accept, to validate
  • chéngshì 城市 city
  • chéngwéi 成为 become
  • chéngyuán 成员 member
  • chéngyuánguó 成员国 member country
  • chéngzuò 乘坐 to ride as a passenger
  • chètuì 撤退 to withdraw, to pull out
  • chēzhàn 车站 station
  • chī 吃 to eat
  • chīdāizhèng 痴呆症 dementia
  • chīféi 痴肥 obesity
  • chī-le 吃了 ate (past of eat)
  • chíxù 持续 to continue, to persist; persistent
  • chóngbài 崇拜 worship
  • chóngkāi 重开 reopen
  • chōngtū 冲突 clash, conflict
  • chǒuwén 丑闻 scandal
  • chū 出 go out, come out, to exit
  • chuān 穿 to penetrate, to pierce through; to wear, to put on, be dressed in
  • chuán 船 boat, ship
  • chuāngjìn 闯进 to break in
  • chuántǒng 传统 tradition
  • chuányìyuán 传译员 interpreter
  • chuānzhuó 穿着 dress, apparel, clothes
  • chǔjué 处决 to execute
  • chūkǒu 出口 export
  • chūlái 出来 come out
  • chǔlǐ 处理 to deal with, to handle
  • chūnjì 春季 spring, springtime
  • chūtǔ 出土 be unearthed
  • chūwài 出外 go outside
  • chūxiàn 出现 to appear
  • chǔyú 处于 be (in a certain condition)
  • -cì 次 time, occurrence (a verbal measure word)
  • cìjī 刺激 to stimulate, to boost; to provoke, to irritate, to upset
  • cíqù 辞去 to resign (transitive)
  • císhàn 慈善 charity
  • cízhí 辞职 to resign a job; resignation
  • coffee - coffee - coffee
  • coffee-diàn - coffee店 - cafe, coffee shop
  • Colombia - Colombia - Colombia, is a country in the northwest of South America.
  • cóng 从 from
  • cuīhuǐ 摧毁 to destroy
  • cùjìn 促进 to boost, to promote
  • cūnmín 村民 villager
  • cūnzhǎng 村长 village head
  • cūnzhuāng 村庄 village
  • cuòcíqiángyìng d 措辞强硬的 strongly-worded
  • cuòshī 措施 measure, step
  • Czechs - Czechs - Czechs
  • d 的 indicating subordination; a suffix indicating an adjective --> See also dy and de
  • dǎ 打 to beat, to hit, to strike; to fight
  • dǎ- 打 to make, to do
  • dà 大 big, large, great
  • dàbùfèn 大部分 major part; most
  • dǎbupò 打不破 v. be unable to break; adj. --> See ~ d
  • dǎbupò d 打不破的 unbreakable
  • dàchén 大臣 minister, chancellor, secretary
  • dáchéng 达成 to reach (an agreement); to accomplish (a task)
  • dàdà 大大 greatly
  • dádào 达到 to reach
  • dǎdepò 打得破 v. be able to break; adj. --> See ~ d
  • dǎdepò d 打得破的 breakable
  • dǎdòu 打斗 to fight, to struggle
  • dàfúdù 大幅度 n. a big margin; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • dàfúdù dy 大幅度地 to a great extent, substantially, by a wide margin, drastically, substantially
  • dàguó 大国 great nation, big country
  • dàhēng 大亨 tycoon
  • dài 带 a belt, a band, a girdle; a tire; a zone; to take, to bring; to lead; to look after, to raise
  • dàibiǎotuán 代表团 delegation, mission
  • dàibǔ 逮捕 to arrest
  • dàilǐng-xià 带领下 lead by
  • dǎjī 打击 to hit
  • dàjiā 大家 all of us
  • dàjiàotáng 大教堂 cathedral
  • dàliàng 大量 n. large quantity; adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • dàliàng d 大量的 a great lot of, a large quantity of, a mass of
  • dàliàng dy 大量地 in large quantities
  • dàlóu 大楼 multi-storied building, mansion
  • dàlù 大陆 continent
  • Damascus - Damascus - Damascus
  • Dàmǎshìgé 大马士革 --> See Damascus
  • dàmíng 大名 (your) name (courteous); one's formal personal name; great name
  • dàn 但 but
  • dānbiān 单边 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> ~ dy
  • dānbiān d 单边的 unilateral
  • danbiān dy 单边地 unilaterally
  • dāng 当 when
  • dǎng 党 political party
  • dangdì 当地 n. locality; the place (named/mentioned); adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • dāngdì d 当地的 local
  • dāngdì dy 当地地 locally
  • dāngjú 当局 authorities, officials
  • dǎngùchún 胆固醇 cholesterol
  • dāngxuǎn 当选 get elected
  • dànshì 但是 but, however
  • dànshuǐ 淡水 fresh water
  • dānxīn 担心 worry
  • dānyī 单一 single
  • dào 到 to arrive, to reach; go to, to
  • dào 道 road, path
  • dàochù 到处 everywhere
  • dàodá 到达 to arrive
  • dǎodàn 导弹 missile
  • dǎoháng 导航 guided navigation, navigation
  • dào-mùqián-wéizhǐ 到目前为止 so far, up to now, till now
  • dàoqiàn 道歉 to apologize
  • dǎotā 倒塌 to collapse
  • dǎoyǔ 岛屿 island
  • dǎozhì 导致 to lead to, to bring about, to result in, to cause
  • dǎpò 打破 to break --> See also dǎdepò and dǎbupò
  • dàshè 大赦 general amnesty, general pardon; to amnesty generally, to pardon generally
  • dàshǐ 大使 embassador
  • dàshǐguǎn 大使馆 embassy
  • dǎsuàn 打算 to aim at
  • Dàxī Yáng 大西洋 Atlantic Ocean
  • dàxué 大学 university
  • dāying 答应 to promise
  • dàyuē 大约 about, approximately
  • de --> See d/dy/de
  • de 得 indicating a verb followed by an adverb or adverb clause; an infix indicating be able to --> See also d and dy
  • Déguó 德国 Germany
  • -dehuà 的话 if (coming after a conditional clause)
  • děi 得 must
  • děng 等 to wait
  • -děng 等 etc., and so on
  • děngdài 等待 to await, wait for
  • děngdeng 等等 wait a minute
  • -děngděng 等等 etc., and so on
  • dēnglù 登陆 to land, to disembark
  • dēnglù-le 登录了 landed, disembarked
  • dī 低 low
  • dì 地 the earth; land, soil; fields; ground
  • dì- 第 a marker of ordinal numerals
  • dì-1 第一 1st, first
  • dì-2 第二 2nd, second
  • dì-3 第三 3rd, third
  • dì-4 第四 4th, fourth
  • diǎn 点 a dot; a spot; a drop
  • diàn 店 shop
  • dī'àn 堤岸 embandment
  • diàndānchē 电单车 motorbike, motorcycle
  • diǎnlǐ 典礼 ceremony
  • diànlìxiàn 电力线 power line
  • diànnǎo 电脑 computer
  • diànshì 电视 TV, television
  • diànshìtái 电视台 television station
  • diàochá 调查 to investigate, to survey; search, investigation
  • diàocházhě 调查者 investigator
  • Diàoyú Dǎo 钓鱼岛 Diaoyu Dao, Diaoyu Island
  • Diàoyú Qúndǎo 钓鱼群岛 Diaoyu Qundao, Diaoyu Islands, Diaoyutai Islands
  • Diàoyútái 钓鱼台 Diaoyutai, Diaoyu Island
  • Diàoyútái Qúndǎo 钓鱼台群岛 Diaoyutai Qundao, Diaoyutai Islands, Diaoyu Islands, Senkaku Islands, Pinnacle Islands
  • dìdiǎn 地点 place, site, locale
  • díduì 敌对 hostile, rival
  • dìduìkōng 地对空 ground-to-air
  • diēluò 跌落 to fall
  • dì-èr 第二 second
  • dìfāng 地方 place
  • dígē 的哥 young male taxi driver
  • dīgū 低估 to underestimate
  • díkuǎn 的款 reliable funds
  • dìléi 地雷 landmine
  • Dìlíbōlǐ 的黎波里 --> See Tripoli
  • dìngwèi 定位 to orient; location, orientation
  • Dìqiú 地球 the Earth
  • dìqū 地区 region, area
  • díquè 的确 really, indeed
  • díquèliáng 的确良 --> See dacron
  • dírén 敌人 enemy
  • disco - disco - disco is a genre of dance music
  • díshì 的士 --> See taxi
  • díshìgāo 的士高 --> See disco
  • dísīkē 迪斯科 --> See disco
  • dìxià 地下 underground
  • dì-yī 第一 1st, first
  • dìzhèn 地震 earthquake
  • Dìzhōnghǎi 地中海 Mediterranean Sea
  • dōngběibù 东北部 northeast (section)
  • dōngbù 东部 the east
  • Dōng Hǎi 东海 Dong Hai, Donghai, East China Sea
  • dòngluàn 动乱 unrest
  • dōngnánbù 东南部 southeastern part, the southeast
  • dōngnánmiàn 东南面 southeastern side, the southeast
  • dōngxi 东西 thing
  • dōu 都 all
  • dòufu 豆腐 doufu, tofu, beancurd
  • dòujiāng 豆浆 soy milk
  • dòunǎi 豆奶 soy milk
  • dòuzhēng 斗争 to struggle
  • duì 对 right, correct
  • duì 队 team
  • duì- 对 to, for
  • duìjiē 对接 docking, linkup
  • kuìkàng 对抗 to resist, to oppose
  • duìwài 对外 external, foreign
  • duìwǔ 队伍 troops, army; ranks, contingent, procession; team
  • duìyú 对于 in regard to, toward, at, for
  • dújiǔ 毒酒 toxic alcohol
  • duō 多 many, much, more
  • duōcì 多次 many times, repeatedly, on many occasions
  • duóhuí 夺回 to retake
  • duōniánlái 多年来 for many years
  • duōshù 多数 majority
  • dy 地 -ly, a suffix indicating an adverb --> See also d and de
  • Egypt - Egypt - Egypt | ~ shì yīge Zhōngdōng guójia. ~ is a country in the Middle East.
  • èliè 恶劣 bad
  • Éluósī 俄罗斯 --> See Russia
  • ér 而 and, and yet; then
  • èr 二 two, 2
  • érbushì 而不是 but not
  • èr-líng-yī-èr nián 二零一二年 year 2012
  • èr-líng-yī-yī nián 二零一一年 year 2011
  • érqiě 而且 furthermore, and
  • èrshí 二十 twenty, 20
  • èrshísì 二十四 twenty-four, 24
  • èrshǒuyān 二手烟 second-hand smoke
  • értóng 儿童 child, children
  • érzi 儿子 son
  • EU - EU - EU, short form for European Union
  • Euro - Euro - the Euro (sign: €; code: EUR) | ~ shì Euro-qū d zhèngshì huòbì. The ~ is the official currency of the Eurozone.
  • Euro-qū - Euro区 - Eurozone
  • éwài 额外 extra
  • fā 发 to send out
  • fābiǎo 发表 to publish, to issue, to release
  • fābù 发布 to issue, to announce, to release
  • fācái 发财 to get rich, to make a pile
  • fāchū 发出 to issue
  • fāchū-le 发出了 issued, sent out, gave out
  • fādòng 发动 to launch, to start
  • Fǎguó 法国 France
  • fāmíng 发明 to invent
  • fǎn 反 turn over
  • fǎn- 反 anti-
  • fǎnduì 反对 to oppose, to against
  • fàng 放 to put
  • fángbào-jǐngchá 防暴警察 riot police
  • fāngfǎ 方法 method
  • fànghuǎn 放缓 slowdown; slow down
  • fàngjià 放假 to have a day off
  • fàngmàn 放慢 slow down
  • fāngmiàn 方面 aspect, side, facet
  • fǎngwèn 访问 to visit; a visit
  • fángwū 房屋 house
  • fángzhǐ 防止 to prevent, to avoid
  • fàngzhì 放置 to lay aside, to plant, to dispose
  • fàngzǒu 放走 to release, set free, let go
  • fǎnkàng 反抗 to revolt against, to resist, to oppose
  • fànlàn 泛滥 be in flood
  • fánmáng 繁忙 busy
  • fǎnpànzhě 反叛者 a rebel
  • fànrén 犯人 prisoner
  • fǎnyìng 反应 reaction
  • fǎnyìng 反映 to reflect
  • fāshè 发射 to launch, to shoot, to fire
  • fāshēng 发生 to happen
  • Fatah - Fatah - Fatah, is a Palestinian political party
  • fā-tiēzi 发贴子 to issue a post
  • fāxiàn 发现 to discover, to find
  • fāxíng 发行 to issue, to publish, to distribute, put on sale
  • fāzhǎn 发展 to develop, to expand; development
  • fāzuò 发作 break out, show effect
  • fèi'ái 肺癌 lung cancer
  • fēifǎ 非法 illegal
  • fēiguò 飞过 fly over
  • fēijī 飞机 airplane, aeroplane
  • fēijīchǎng 飞机场 airport
  • féiliào 肥料 fertiliser
  • Fēilǜbīn 菲律宾 --> See Philippines
  • fèiqì 废气 exhaust gas
  • fèiwù 废物 waste, refuse, trash
  • fēixiàng 飞向 fly to, fly toward
  • fēixíng 飞行 flight, flying
  • fēixíngyuán 飞行员 pilot, flyer
  • Fēizhōu 非洲 Africa
  • fēn 分 to divide
  • fēnbié 分别 to part, to leave each other; to distinguish, to differentiate; difference; separately, respectively, differently
  • fēng 风 wind
  • fēngfù 丰富 rich, abundant, plentiful; to enrich
  • fēngsuǒ 封锁 to blockade, to block
  • fēngxiǎn 风险 risk, danger
  • fēnqí 分歧 difference, divergence, divarication
  • fěnsuì 粉碎 to shatter
  • fēnxiào 分校 branch campus, branch school
  • fēnzhī 分之 NUM1 ~ NUM2, NUM2/NUM1 | liù fēnzhī yī - one-sixth
  • fēnzhōng 分钟 minute
  • fènzǐ 分子 member, element, part
  • Fójiàotú 佛教徒 Buddhist
  • fǒujué 否决 to reject, to veto
  • fǒujuéquán 否决权 veto
  • fù- 副 deputy, vice-
  • fúdòng 浮动 to float; floating
  • fùgěi 付给 to pay
  • fúhuò 俘获 to capture
  • Fùhuójié 复活节 Easter
  • fùjìn 附近 n. vicinity; adj. --> See ~ d
  • fùjìn d 附近的 near, nearby, vicinal
  • fùnǚ 妇女 woman
  • fùqīn 父亲 father
  • fùshǒu 副手 deputy
  • fùshǔ 附属 subsidiary, affiliated
  • fùsū 复苏 to recover; recovery
  • fúwù 服务 be in the service of, to serve; service
  • fùzérén 负责人 person in charge
  • Gaddafi - Gaddafi - Gaddafi
  • gāi 该 this, that, the said
  • gǎibiàn 改变 to change; a change
  • gǎigé 改革 a reform; to reform
  • gàipiàn 钙片 calcium tablet
  • gàn 干 to do, to work
  • gànbù 干部 cadre
  • gānhàn 干旱 dry
  • gǎnrǎn 感染 infection
  • gānshè 干涉 to interfere, to intervene
  • gāo 高 high, tall
  • gāocéng 高层 high-level, high-rise
  • gāodù 高度 n. altitude, height; high degree, apogee; adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • gāodù d 高度的 altitudinal, high
  • gāodù dy 高度地 highly
  • gāofēng 高峰 peak, height
  • gāofēng-huìyì 高峰会议 summit conference
  • gāoguān 高官 high official
  • gāojí 高级 high in rank/grade/quality
  • gàosù 告诉 to tell
  • gāoyú 高于 exceed, higher than
  • -ge 个 a non-specific measure word
  • gè 各 every, each
  • gèbié 个别 separate, individual, specific
  • gěi 给 to give
  • -gěi 给 to
  • gēlúnbǐyà 哥伦比亚 --> Colombia
  • gémìng 革命 revolt, revolution
  • gēn 跟 to follow
  • gèng- 更 more
  • gèngduō 更多 adv. more; adj. --> See ~ d
  • gèngduō d 更多的 more
  • gēnjù 根据 according to
  • gēnsuí 跟随 to follow
  • gēqiǎn 搁浅 run aground
  • gèrén 个人 personal
  • Gòngchǎndǎng 共产党 Communist Party
  • gōngchǎng 工厂 factory
  • gòngchǎnzhǔyì 共产主义 communism
  • Gōngdǎng 工党 Labour Party; Labor Party
  • gōnggòng 公共 public
  • gōngjī 攻击 to attack
  • gōngkāi 公开 v. make public, make known to the public; adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • gōngkāi d 公开的 open, overt, public
  • gōngkāi dy 公开地 openly, in public
  • gōnglù 公路 highway, road
  • gōngmín 公民 citizen
  • gōngmín-tóupiào 公民投票 referendum
  • gōngnéng 功能 function
  • gōngrén 工人 worker
  • gōngshì 攻势 n. offensive
  • gōngsī 公司 company
  • gōngtóu 公投 referendum
  • gōngwùyuán 公务员 government employee, official
  • gōngxǐ 恭喜 to congratulate
  • Gōngxǐfācái 恭喜发财 Gongxifacai, Kung Hei Fat Choi
  • gōngyè 工业 industry
  • gōngyìngpǐn 供应品 supply, supplies
  • gōngyuē 公约 convention, pact, treaty
  • gōngzhòng 公众 public, the public
  • gōngzhǔ 公主 princess
  • gōngzuò 工作 to work, to function; job, a work
  • gòumǎi 购买 to purchase, to buy
  • GPS, Global position system
  • guānbì 关闭 to close, to shut
  • guānchá 观察 to observe
  • guǎndào 管道 pipeline
  • guānfāng 官方 officials, government
  • guāng 光 light, ray, brightness
  • guǎngchǎng 广场 square, plaza
  • Guǎngdōng 广东 Guangdong
  • guǎngfàn 广泛 extensive, widespread
  • guānjiàn 关键 key, crux
  • guānjiéyán 关节炎 arthritis
  • guānxì 关系 to concern, to affect, to matter; relation
  • guānyú 关于 about, with regard to
  • guānyuán 官员 n. official
  • guānyuánmen 官员们 officials
  • guānzhù 关注 concern
  • gǔchéng 古城 ancient city
  • gǔdài 古代 n. antiquity; <PRC> from remote antiquity to mid-19th century; adj. --> See ~ d
  • gǔdài d 古代的 ancient
  • guǐdào 轨道 track; orbit
  • guīgé 规格 specifications, standards
  • guīhuán 归还 to return, to revert
  • gūjì 估计 estimate
  • gǔlǎo 古老 ancient, old
  • gǔlèi 谷类 grain and corn, cereals
  • gūlì 孤立 isolated, alone; to isolate
  • -guo 过 a suffix indicating: (completion of an action); (that an action has taken place, but does not continue up to the present)
  • guó 国 country, nation
  • guò 过 to pass, to cross
  • guóchǎn 国产 products of a country; to make domestically
  • guòdù 过渡 transitional
  • guófáng 国防 national defence
  • guófángbù 国防部 ministry of defense
  • guóhuì-yìyuán 国会议员 member of parliament
  • guójì 国际 international
  • Guójì-hùliánwǎng --> See Internet
  • guójiā 国家 country, state, nation
  • guójì-shìchǎng 国际市场 world market, international market
  • guònián 过年 to celebrate/spend New Year
  • Guònián Hǎo 过年好 Happy New Year
  • guòqù 过去 the past; in the past, formerly; former; go over, pass by
  • guóyíng 国营 state-run, state-owned
  • Guóyǔ 国语 Guoyu, Mandarin Chinese; national language
  • gǔwǔ 鼓舞 to inspire, to excite, to embrave
  • gùyuán 雇员 employee
  • hái 还 still
  • hǎi 海 sea
  • hǎi'àn 海岸 coast, seacoast, seashore
  • hǎibiān 海边 seaside
  • hǎidào 海盗 pirate
  • hǎijūn 海军 navy
  • Hǎimén 海门 Haimen
  • hàipà 害怕 to fear, to be scared, to be afraid
  • háishì 还是 still; had better; or
  • hǎiyáng 海洋 ocean
  • háizi 孩子 child, children
  • Hamas - Hamas - Hamas, is a Palestinian political party
  • hángkōng 航空 aviation
  • hánliàng 含量 content
  • hányǒu 含有 to contain
  • hǎnyǒu 罕有 v. rarely have; adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • hǎnyǒu d 罕有的 uncommon, unusual, rare, exceptional
  • hǎnyǒu dy 罕有地 rarely, unusually
  • Hànyǔ 汉语 Chinese language
  • Hànyǔ Pīnyīn 汉语拼音 Pinyin, Hanyu Pinyin, Romanized Chinese
  • hǎo 好 good
  • -hǎo 好 well
  • hǎoxiàng 好像/好象 seem, be like
  • hē 喝 to drink
  • hé 和 and; with; sum
  • hé 河 river
  • hé- 核 nuclear
  • -hé 盒 a measure word for boxes
  • hēixīngxing 黑猩猩 chimpanzee
  • hé-jìhuà 核计划 nuclear plan
  • héjīn 合金 alloy
  • hējiǔ 喝酒 drinking (wine)
  • hěn 很 very
  • hěn duō 很多 many
  • héngguò 横过 go cross
  • héngsǎo 横扫 sweep through
  • hépíng 和平 peace
  • hér 核儿 kernel, fruit stone
  • hézi 盒子 box, case, casket
  • hézǐ 核子 nucleus, nucleon
  • hézuò 合作 to cooperate; co-operation
  • hóng 红 red
  • hóngròu 红肉 red meat
  • Hóngshízìhuì 红十字会 Red Cross
  • hóngshuǐ 洪水 flood
  • Hormuz Hǎixiá - Hormuz海峡 - Hormuz Strait
  • hòu 后 offspring; descendant; posterior
  • hòu- 后 post-
  • hòulái 后来 afterward, later
  • hòuqī 后期 later period
  • huā 花 flower; to spend, to expend
  • huà 话 speech
  • huà 化 to change
  • huài 坏 bad
  • huáiyí 怀疑 to suspect; suspicion
  • huáiyùn 怀孕 be pregnant; pregnancy
  • huàn 患 to get (an illness), to contract
  • huángchǔ 皇储 crown prince
  • huángjīn 黄金 gold
  • huāngmiù 荒谬 preposterous, absurd
  • huānhū 欢呼 to hail, to cheer
  • huǎnmàn 缓慢 slow; slowly
  • huí 回 to reply; to return, to go back
  • huì 会 be able to, can, could; will, would
  • huídào 回到 return to, go back to
  • huīfù 恢复 to resume
  • huǐhuài 毁坏 to damage
  • huíjiàn 回见 see you later, see you again
  • huìjiàn 会见 to meet visitor
  • huǐmiè 毁灭 to destroy, to exterminate
  • huìtán 会谈 talks, conversation
  • huítóu 回头 to turn one's head, to turn round; to repent; later, by and by; retrogress
  • huítóu jiàn 回头见 see you later
  • huìyì 会议 talks, meeting, conference
  • huìyuán 会员 member
  • huìyuán-zīgé 会员资格 membership
  • Hùliánwǎng 互联网 --> See Internet
  • hūnlǐ 婚礼 wedding ceremony
  • hùnluàn 混乱 chaos, turmoil
  • huò 或 or
  • huòbì 货币 currency
  • huǒchē 火车 train
  • huǒchēzhàn 火车站 railway station
  • huódòng-fènzǐ 活动分子 activist
  • huòguì 货柜 shipping container
  • huòguìchē 货柜车 container car
  • huǒjiàn 火箭 rocket
  • huómái 活埋 to bury alive
  • huóyuè 活跃 active
  • huóyuè-fènzǐ 活跃分子 activist
  • huòzhě 或者 or
  • hūyù 呼吁 call for, appeal
  • IMF - IMF - International Monetary Fund
  • India - India - India | ~ shì yīge Nán Yà guójiā. ~ is a country in South Asia.
  • Internet - Internet - Internet
  • Iran - Iran - Iran
  • Iraq - Iraq - Iraq
  • Islam - Islam - Islam
  • Israel - Israel - Israel, a country in the Middle East
  • Italy - Italy - Italy
  • Jehovah - Jehovah - Jehovah
  • -jī 机 machine
  • jǐ 几 several; how many?
  • jiā 家 family, home
  • -jiā 家 a measure word for families/businesses
  • -jià 架 a measure word for cars/planes/radios/etc
  • jiàgé 价格 price
  • jiākuài 加快 to speed up
  • jiān 兼 to do concurrently; concurrently, both
  • -jiān 间 a measure word for buildings
  • jiàn 见 to see
  • -jiàn 件 a measure word (for articles/items/etc.)
  • Jiānádà 加拿大 --> Canada
  • jiǎncházhàn 检查站 checkpoint
  • jiānchí 坚持 to persist, to insist
  • jiǎndān 简单 simple
  • jiāndū 监督 to supervise; supervision
  • jiǎng 讲 to speak
  • jiàngdī 降低 to reduce, cut down
  • jiǎnghuà 讲话 to speak, to talk; speech, a talk
  • jiānghuì 将会 will
  • jiāngjūn 将军 a general
  • jiàngluò 降落 to descend, to land; to drop
  • jiǎngshī 讲师 lecturer
  • jiànkāng 健康 health; healthy
  • jiànkāng-yǐnshí 健康饮食 healthy diet
  • jiànlì 建立 to establish, to set up
  • jiǎnshǎo 减少 to reduce, to decrease
  • jiànshè 建设 to build, to construct
  • jiānshìzhě 监视者 watchdog
  • jiǎnxī 减息 lower the interest rate
  • jiànyì 建议 to suggest; suggestion
  • jiānyù 监狱 jail, prison
  • jiànzào 建造 to build, to construct, to make
  • jiànzhù 建筑 to build; construction
  • jiànzhùwù 建筑物 building
  • jiào 叫 to cry, to shout; to call; be called, be known as
  • jiāodiǎn 焦点 focus
  • jiāohuàn 交换 to exchange
  • jiāoqū 郊区 suburb, outskirts
  • jiàoshī 教师 teacher
  • jiāotán 交谈 to talk
  • jiàotáng 教堂 church
  • jiāoxué 教学 to teach
  • jiàoxué 教学 teaching, education; teaching and studying; teacher and student; teach and learn
  • jiāoyì 交易 trading, deal, trade, transaction; to deal, to trade
  • Jiàozōng 教宗 Pope
  • jiàozuò 叫做 be called
  • jiàqī 假期 holiday, vacation
  • jiāqiáng 加强 to strengthen, to enhance, to reinforce
  • jiārén 家人 family members
  • jiārù 加入 to join, to attend
  • jiàrù-le 加入了 joined
  • jiāshēn 加深 to deepen
  • jiàshǐ 驾驶 to drive
  • jiātíng 家庭 family
  • jībài 击败 to defeat
  • jǐ-bǎi 几百 hundreds; several hundreds
  • jìchéngzhě 继承者 successor
  • jīdì 基地 base
  • Jīdì Zǔzhī 基地组织 --> See al-Qaeda
  • jìdù 季度 quarter of a year
  • jiéchí 劫持 to abduct, to kidnap
  • jièchū 借出 to loan
  • jièdài 借贷 to borrow/lend money
  • jiěfàng 解放 to liberate
  • jiēhé 接合 to connect, to join
  • jiējí 阶级 social class
  • jiějué 解决 to resolve, to solve, to tackle
  • Jiékè 捷克 --> See Czechs
  • jièkuǎn 借款 to borrow money; a loan, debt
  • jiēshàng 街上 in the street
  • jiéshí 节食 to diet
  • jiéshù 结束 to end
  • jiézhì 节制 to control
  • jǐ-ge 几个 several
  • jīgòu 机构 body, organization
  • jìhuà 计划 a plan, a scheme; to plan
  • jíhuì 集会 rally, gathering
  • jījīn 基金 fund
  • jījì-fènzǐ 激进分子 extremist; militant
  • jīlěi 积累 accumulate
  • jìlù 记录 to record; a record
  • jìlǜ 纪律 discipline, morale; laws and regulations
  • jīluò 击落 shoot down
  • jīmì 机密 secret
  • jìn 进 to advance; to enter
  • jǐngbào 警报 to alert; an alert
  • jǐngchá 警察 policeman, policewoman; police
  • jǐngchájú 警察局 police office, police station
  • jǐngfāng 警方 police
  • jīngfèi 经费 finances, funds
  • jǐnggào 警告 to warn; warning
  • jīngguò 经过 to pass, to go through, to undergo; a process, a cause
  • jīngjì 经济 economy; economic
  • jīngjì-shuāituì 经济衰退 economic recession
  • jīngshénbìng 精神病 psychosis, mental disease
  • jīngshén fēnlièzhèng 精神分裂症 schizophrenia
  • jǐngtī 警惕 be vigilant, be on guard against
  • jǐnguǎn 尽管 although
  • jīngxīn-zhìzuò d 精心制作的 elaborate
  • jǐnjí 紧急 urgent, emergent, emergency
  • jǐnjí-yuánzhù 紧急援助 bailout
  • jīnnián 今年 this year
  • jǐnquè 紧缺 tight and short, in short supply
  • Jīn Rìchéng 金日成 --> See Kim Il-sung
  • jīnróng-wēijī 金融危机 financial crisis
  • jìnrù 进入 to enter
  • jìnshì 近视 myopia, short sight
  • jìnshìyǎn 近视眼 myopia
  • jǐnsuō 紧缩 to cut down, to reduce, to retrench; austerity
  • jīntiān 今天 today
  • jīntiē 津贴 subsidy
  • jìnxíng 进行 go ahead, go on, carry on
  • jìnxíng-zhōng 进行中 in progress
  • jìnyībù 进一步 further
  • jìnyùn 禁运 embargo
  • jǐnzhāng 紧张 tension
  • Jīn Zhèng'ēn 金正恩 --> See Kim Jong-un
  • Jīn Zhèngrì 金正日 --> See Kim Jong-il
  • jìnzhǐ 禁止 to ban
  • jǐ-qiān 几千 several thousands
  • jǐ-shí 几十 several tens
  • jìshí 计时 to reckon by time, timing
  • jìshù 技术 technology; skill, technique
  • jǐ-tiān 几天 several days
  • jítuán 集团 group, bloc
  • jiǔ 九 nine, 9
  • jiǔ 酒 alcohol
  • jiù 就 then
  • jiǔbā 酒吧 bar, pub
  • jiǔchéng 九成 90%
  • jiǔdiàn 酒店 hotel
  • jiūfēn 纠纷 dispute
  • jiùshì 就是 be; exactly is; only, just
  • jiǔwén 久闻 to have long heard of
  • jiǔwéndàmíng 久闻大名 I've long heard of your great name (courteous)
  • jiǔyǎng 久仰 pleased to meet you (courteous)
  • jiùyè 就业 employment
  • jiùyuán 救援 to rescue, a rescue
  • jiùzhùzhě 救助者 rescuer
  • jìxù 继续 continue
  • jīyīn 基因 gene
  • jìzhě 记者 reporter
  • jízhuāngxiāng 集装箱 shipping container
  • jú 局 bureau
  • jù 据 according to
  • -jù 句 a measure word (for sentence, line of poetry/song)
  • jùchēng 据称 according to reports
  • jùdà 巨大 huge, massive
  • juéde 觉得 to feel; to think
  • juédìng 决定 to decide
  • juéyì 决议 resolution
  • jùjué 决绝 to refuse
  • jùlí 距离 be apart from, be away from; distance
  • jūliú 拘留 to detain, to intern; custody
  • jūmín 居民 resident, inhabitant
  • jūnchē 军车 military vehicle
  • jūnduì 军队 army, troop
  • jūnfāng 军方 the military
  • jūnguān 军官 officer, military officer
  • jūnrén 军人 soldier, serviceman, armyman
  • jūnshì 军事 military affairs; the military; military
  • jūnshì-yǎnxí 军事演习 military exercise
  • jūnyíng 军营 army camp, military camp
  • jùrén 巨人 giant
  • jǔxíng 举行 to hold (a meeting/ect)
  • jùyuàn 剧院 theater
  • jūzhù 居住 to live, to reside
  • kāfēi 咖啡 --> See coffee
  • kāfēidiàn 咖啡店 --> See coffee-diàn
  • kāi 开 to open
  • kāifàng 开放 to open
  • kāihuì 开会 hold a meeting, have a meeting
  • kāihuǒ 开火 to open fire
  • Kāiluó 开罗 --> See Cairo
  • kāishǐ 开始 to begin, to start; a start
  • kāizhī 开支 to expense; expenses
  • kǎlā-OK - 卡拉OK - karaoke
  • kàn 看 to see; to watch
  • kànbujiàn v. 看不见 be unable to see; adj. --> See ~ d
  • kànbujiàn d 看不见的 invisible
  • Kǎndàhā 坎大哈 --> See Kandahar
  • Kandahar - Kandahar - Kandahar | ~ shì Afghanistan dì-2 dà chéngshì. ~ is the second largest city in Afghanistan.
  • kàndejiàn 看得见 v. be able to see; adj. --> See ~ d
  • kàndejiàn d 看得见的 visible
  • kànfǎ 看法 opinion
  • kàngjù 抗拒 to resist
  • kàn-guo 看过 have seen
  • kàngyì 抗议 to protest, a protest
  • kàngyìzhě 抗议者 protester
  • kànjian 看见 to see --> See also kàndejiàn and kànbujiàn
  • Kano - Kano - Kano, is a city in Nigeria and the capital of Kano State in Northern Nigeria.
  • kǎntóu 砍头 behead
  • Kǎnuò 卡诺 --> See Kano
  • kàojìn 靠近 v. be nearby, be close to
  • kǎolǜ 考虑 to consider
  • kǎowèn 拷问 to torture
  • Kashgar - Kashgar - Kashgar
  • Kāshí 喀什 --> Kashgar
  • kǎzhāfēi 卡扎菲 --> See Gaddafi
  • kě- 可 can
  • kě-bìmiǎn 可避免 avoidable
  • kědé 可得 available, can get, acquirable
  • kě-dédào 可得到 available, can get, acquirable
  • kèjī 客机 passenger plane
  • Kělánjīng 可兰经 the Koran
  • kěnéng 可能 possible; maybe; possibility; may
  • kěnéngxìng 可能性 possibility, likelihood
  • kěshì 可是 but, however
  • kěsǐ 渴死 very thirsty; die of thirst
  • késòu 咳嗽 cough
  • kēxué 科学 science
  • kēxuéjiā 科学家 scientist
  • kěyǐ 可以 may, can, could
  • Khyber - Khyber - Khyber | ~ shì Pakistan xīběibù d yīge bùluò dìqū. ~ is a tribal area in the northwest of Pakistan
  • Kim Il-sung - Kim Il-sung - Kim Il-sung
  • Kim Jong-il - Kim Jong-il - Kim Jong-il
  • Kim Jong-un - Kim Jong-un - Kim Jong-un | ~ shì Cháoxiān d lǐngdǎorén. ~ is the leader of North Korea.
  • Kirkuk - Kirkuk - Kirkuk is a city in Iraq and the capital of Kirkuk Governorate.
  • km - km - km, kilometer
  • kǒngbù 恐怖 fearful, horrible, terrible; terror
  • kònggǔquán 控股权 controlling stake
  • kōngnàn 空难 airplane disaster
  • kǒngpà 恐怕 I'm afraid, I fear; perhaps, probably, maybe
  • kōngxí 空袭 air strike
  • kòngzhì 控制 to control, a control
  • kǒu 口 mouth
  • kòuliú 扣留 to detain
  • kuài 快 fast, quick
  • -kuài 块 measure word: piece
  • kuàicān 快餐 fast food
  • kuàidianr 快点儿 faster; Hurry up!
  • kuàilè 快乐 n. happiness; v. be happy; adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • kuàilè d 快乐的 happy
  • kuàilè dy 快乐地 happily
  • kuǎtái 垮台 fall from power
  • kuòdà 扩大 v. to enlarge, to expand; adj. --> See ~ d
  • kuòdà d 扩大的 expanded
  • kuòzhāng 扩张 to expand; expansion
  • kūqì 哭泣 to weep
  • la 啦 a modal particle indicating excitement/doubt
  • lā 拉 to pull, to drag
  • Lāhé'ěr 拉合尔 --> See Lahore
  • Lahore - Lahore - Lahore, is the capital of the Pakistani province of Punjab and the second largest city in the country.
  • -lai 来 indicating ability
  • lái 来 to come
  • láiyuán 来源 origin, source
  • láizì 来自 from, come from
  • lājī 垃圾 rubbish
  • làjiāo 辣椒 chili
  • lājī-shíwù 垃圾食物 rubbish food, junk food
  • lànyòng 滥用 to abuse, to misuse
  • lànyòng-zhíquán 滥用职权 to abuse one's authority/power/position
  • lǎo 老 old
  • láodòng 劳动 to work, to labor
  • láogōng 劳工 labor
  • lǎohuà 老化 to age, to grow older; become outdated; to decay; aging, old
  • lǎoniánrén 老年人 an elderly
  • Latin zìmǔ - Latin字母 - Latin alphabet, Roman alphabet
  • -le 了 indicating a past tense; indicating a new situation
  • lèixíng 类型 type
  • lí 离 to leave, to apart from; distant from, apart from
  • lǐ 里 lining; inside
  • -lǐ 里 in, inside
  • lì 力 <physics> force
  • lián 连 in succession; one after another
  • liǎn 脸 face
  • liǎng 两 two
  • liǎngbèi 两倍 double
  • liǎng-ge 两个 two
  • liánhé 联合 to unite; union
  • Liánhéguó 联合国 the United Nations, the UN
  • liánhé-zhèngfǔ 联合政府 coalition government
  • liánméng 联盟 league, union, coalition, alliance
  • liánxì 联系 relation, link
  • lǐbài 礼拜 religious service; week; day of the week; Sunday
  • lǐbài-yíshì 礼拜仪式 church service
  • Lìbǐyà 利比亚 --> See Libya
  • Libya 利比亚 Libya
  • liè 列 a measure word for rows/files/ranks/etc.
  • lǐhuì 理会 pay attention to, take notice of
  • lìlǜ 利率 interest rate
  • lǐmiàn 里面 inside
  • lǐngdǎo 领导 to lead; head, leader
  • lǐngdǎorén 领导人 leader
  • lǐnghǎi 领海 territorial water
  • língmù 陵墓 mausoleum, tomb
  • lǐngshì 领事 consul
  • línguó 邻国 neighboring country
  • lǐngwài 另外 in addition; other
  • lǐngxiù 领袖 leader
  • lǐngxiùmen 领袖们 leaders
  • lìngyī 另一 another
  • lìngyīge 另一个 another
  • línjìn 临近 very near
  • línshí 临时 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> ~ dy
  • línshí d 临时的 temporary
  • línshí dy 临时地 temporarily
  • lìshǐ 历史 history
  • liú 流 to flow
  • liù 六 six, 6
  • liúxià 留下 to remain
  • liúxíng 流行 to spread; popular
  • liúxíngbìng 流行病 pandemic disease
  • Liùyuèfèn 六月份 June period, the period of June
  • London - London - London
  • lóngzhào 笼罩 to envelop
  • lù 路 road
  • -lǜ 率 rate
  • lùbiān 路边 roadside
  • lúnbān 轮班 to shift, be on duty by turns
  • Luómǎhuà 罗马化 --> See Romahuà
  • lùxiàng 录像 video
  • lǚxíngshè 旅行社 travel agency
  • lǚyóu 旅游 tour
  • lǚyóulún 旅游轮 cruise ship
  • mā 妈 mother
  • -ma? 吗? a modal particle (calling for agreement or disagreement)
  • mǎi 买 to buy
  • máicáng 埋藏 to bury
  • máifu 埋伏 v. to ambush; n. ambush
  • māma 妈妈 mother
  • mǎn 满 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. entirely, wholly; v. to fill; to reach the limit
  • màn 慢 v. to postpone, to defer; adj. --> See ~ d
  • mǎn d 满的 full, complete
  • màn d 慢的 slow
  • Màngǔ 曼谷 --> See Bangkok
  • mànmàn 慢慢 adv. --> See ~ dy
  • mànmàn dy 慢慢地 slowly, gradually
  • mǎnzài 满载 be loaded to capacity; laden, fully loaded
  • màoyì 贸易 trade
  • Máo Zédōng 毛泽东 Mao Zedong
  • Máo Zédōngzhǔyìzhě 毛泽东主义者 Maoist
  • màozhe 冒着 at the risk of
  • Máozhǔyì 毛主义 Maoism
  • Máozhǔyìzhě 毛主义者 Maoist
  • méi 没 not
  • měi- 每 each, every
  • Měiguó 美国 the US, the USA
  • Měijūn 美军 US army, US troop, US forces, US soldier
  • méitǐ 媒体 media
  • měitiān 每天 daily, every day
  • méiyǒu 没有 not have
  • Měi-Zhōng 美中 US-China
  • mén 门 door
  • -men 们 indicating plural
  • -mén 门 a measure word for courses, branches of science, etc.
  • měngliè 猛烈 fierce
  • měngzēng 猛增 to increase sharply
  • měngzhuàng 猛撞 to ram, to crash heavily
  • meter - meter - meter, metre
  • mǐ 米 rice; ---> See meter
  • -miàn 面 a measure word (for mirrors/flags/etc.)
  • Miǎndiàn 缅甸 --> See Myanmar
  • miànduì 面对 to face
  • Miánlánlǎo Dǎo 棉兰老岛 --> See Mindanao
  • miànlín 面临 to face
  • miànqián 面前 n. in the face of, in front of, before
  • miǎománg 渺茫 distant and indistinct, vague
  • miáoshù 描述 description
  • miàoyǔ 庙宇 temple
  • microblog 微波 microblog, a blog on which one posts brief updates
  • mínbīng 民兵 militia, militaman
  • Mindanao - Mindanao - Mindanao
  • mǐngǎn 敏感 sensitive
  • míngchēng 名称 name
  • mìnglìng 命令 to order, to command; a order, a command
  • míngtiān jiàn 明天见 see you tomorrow
  • míngzì 名字 name
  • mínzhǔ 民主 democracy; democratic
  • mínzú 民族 ethnic group
  • mìqiè 密切 close, intimate; carefully, intently, closely
  • Moscow - Moscow --> Moskva
  • Mòsīkē 莫斯科 --> Moskva
  • Moskva - Moskva - Moskva, Moscow
  • mótuōchē 摩托车 motorbike, motorcycle
  • Muammar Gaddafi - Muammar Gaddafi - Muammar Gaddafi was the official ruler of the Libyan Arab Republic from 1969 to 1977 and then the "Brother Leader" of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from 1977 to 2011
  • mùqián 目前 at present
  • Musayyib - Musayyib - Musayyib is a city in the Babil Province, Iraq.
  • Muslim - Muslim - Muslim
  • Myanmar - Myanmar - Myanmar, Burma
  • ná 拿 to hold, to take
  • nà 那 that
  • nǎifěn 奶粉 milk powder
  • nàlǐ 那里 there
  • nàme 那么 like that
  • nán 南 south
  • nán- 男 male
  • nánbù 南部 the south, southern part
  • nánfāng 南方 south
  • Nán Hǎi 南海 Nan Hai, Nanhai, South China Sea
  • nánrén 男人 man
  • nántí 难题 problem, hitch
  • Nán Yà 南亚 South Asia
  • nǎo 脑 brain
  • nàshuìrén 纳税人 taxpayer
  • Nato - Nato - Nato, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • Nasiriyah - Nasiriyah - Nasiriyah/Nasiriya, a city in Iraq
  • ne 呢 a particle indicating continued state or action; a particle marking questions about subject already mentioned
  • nèi 内 inside
  • nèilù 内陆 inland
  • nèizhàn 内战 civil war
  • nèizhèngbù 内政部 interior ministry
  • néng 能 can
  • nénggòu 能够 can, be able to
  • nénglì 能力 ability
  • néngyuán 能源 energy resources
  • New Zealand - New Zealand - New Zealand
  • nǐ 你 you
  • nián 年 year
  • niándǐ 年底 year-end, end of a year
  • niándù 年度 year (period)
  • niàngjiǔ 酿酒 make wine
  • niàngzhì 酿制 to brew
  • Nigeria - Nigeria - Nigeria
  • nǐhǎo / nǐ hǎo 你好 hi, hello
  • nǐ hǎo ma? 你好吗? how are you?
  • nǐmen 你们 you (plural)
  • nín 您 <courteous> you (polite singular)
  • Níngxià 宁夏 Ningxia
  • nín hǎo 您好 hi, hello (polite form)
  • nín hǎo ma? 您好吗? how are you? (polite form)
  • Nírìlìyà 尼日利亚 --> See Nigeria
  • niúnǎi 牛奶 cow's milk
  • nǐ zěnmeyàng? 你怎么样? what's up?, how are you doing?
  • nóngcūn 农村 village
  • nónglì 农历 lunar calendar
  • Nónglì Xīnnián 农历新年 Chinese New Year; Lunar New Year
  • nǚ- 女 female
  • nǚrén 女人 woman
  • Obama - Obama - Obama
  • OK - OK - OK, okey
  • Olympics - Olympics - Olympics, Olympic Games
  • Olympics Yùndònghuì - Olympics运动会 - Olympics, Olympic Games | 2012 nián d ~ zài London jǔxíng. The Olympics Games of 2012 is held in London.
  • Ōubāmǎ 欧巴马 --> See Obama
  • Ōuluó 欧罗 --> See Euro
  • Ōuméng 欧盟 short form for Ōuzhōu Liánméng, EU
  • Ōuyuán 欧元 --> See Euro
  • Ōuyuánqū 欧元区 --> See Euro-qū
  • Ōuzhōu 欧洲 Europe
  • Ōuzhōu Liánméng 欧洲联盟 European Union
  • pà 怕 to fear, be afraid of
  • pài 派 group, school, faction, party
  • pàibié 派别 group; school; faction; clique
  • pǎijīpào 迫击炮 mortar
  • páiliàn 排练 to rehearsal
  • pàixì 派系 factions, groups of factions; sectarian
  • Pàjīnsēnbìng 帕金森病 --> Parkinson-bìng
  • Pakistan - Pakistan - Pakistan
  • pànbiàn 叛变 to defect
  • pángdà 庞大 adj. --> See ~ d
  • pángdà d 庞大的 huge, immense
  • pànjué 判决 to judge, adjudge
  • pànjūn 叛军 rebel forces, rebel army
  • pànluàn 叛乱 armed rebellion
  • pǎo 跑 to run
  • Parkinson-bìng - Parkinson病 - Parkinson disease, Parkinsonism
  • péishěntuán 陪审团 jury
  • pèngdào 碰到 to meet somebody unexpectedly; to touch something
  • pēngjī 抨击 to attack (in speech/writing)
  • pēngrèn 烹饪 cooking
  • pēnqìjī 喷气机 jet aircraft, jet plane
  • pēnshèjī 喷射机 jet aircraft
  • Persian Gulf - Persian Gulf - Persian Gulf
  • Philippines - Philippines - Philippines
  • pi - pi - pi, π, the numerical value of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (approximately 3.1416)
  • piàn 片 a slice; to slice
  • piànduàn 片段 segment; footage
  • piānyuǎn 偏远 remote
  • píngdìng 平定 to calm down; to suppress, to put down
  • píngmín 平民 n. civilian; adj. --> See ~ d
  • píngmín d 平民的 adj. civilian
  • Píngrǎng 平壤 --> See Pyongyang
  • píngxī 平息 to calm, to quite down, to subside
  • pīnmìng 拼命 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • pīnmìng d 拼命的 desperate
  • pīnmìng dy 拼命地 desperately
  • pīnyīn 拼音 to spell, to phoneticize; pinyin, phonetic script, spelling
  • Pīnyīn 拼音 Pinyin, Hanyu Pinyin, Romanized Chinese, the official Chinese alphabetic system
  • pínyú 频于 next to, next
  • pīpíng 批评 to criticize
  • píruò 疲弱 tired and weak
  • pīsà 披萨/批萨 --> See pizza
  • pǐsà 匹萨 --> See pizza
  • písà 皮萨 --> See pizza
  • pīsàbǐng 披萨饼 --> See pizza
  • pīzhǔn 批准 to approve, to ratify
  • pizza - pizza - pizza
  • pò 破 to break
  • pòchǎn 破产 bankruptcy
  • pòhuài 破坏 to destroy, to damage
  • pǔchá 普查 general investigation/survey; reconnaissance survey (geography)
  • pǔtōng 普通 adj. --> See ~ d
  • pǔtōng d 普通的 common
  • Pǔtōnghuà 普通话 Putonghua, Mandarin Chinese
  • Pyongyang - Pyongyang - Pyongyang
  • qī 七 seven, 7
  • qí 骑 to ride/sit astride
  • qǐ 起 to rise, get up; to raise, to build
  • qì 气 air, gas
  • qiān 千 thousand
  • qián 钱 money
  • qián 前 former; before
  • qiāngjī 枪击 shooting
  • qiángjiā 强加 to impose
  • qiángliè 强烈 strong
  • qiángpò 强迫 to force, to enforce
  • qiāngshā 枪杀 shoot to death
  • qiāngshǒu 枪手 gunman
  • qiángzhì 强制 to compel
  • qiángzhuàng 强壮 strong
  • qiánjǐng 前景 outlook, future, foreground, prospect
  • qiānshǔ 签署 to sign
  • qiántiān 前天 day before yesterday
  • qiánwǎng 前往 go to, leave for
  • qiānyí 迁移 to migrate, to move
  • qiǎnzé 谴责 to condemn, to accuse
  • qìchē 汽车 car, automobile
  • qìchē-zhàdàn 汽车炸弹 car bomb
  • qǐfēi 起飞 take-off
  • qījiān 期间 period
  • qǐlái 起来 get up, to rise, to arise
  • qǐng 请 to request
  • qíngkuàng 情况 condition, situation, circumstances
  • qínglǎng 晴朗 sunny
  • qīngzhēnsì 清真寺 mosque
  • qìngzhù 庆祝 to celebrate
  • qìngzhùhuì 庆祝会 celebration
  • qínliúgǎn 禽流感 bird flu
  • qīnshǔ 亲属 kinsfolk, relatives; kinship
  • qīshí'èr 七十二 seventy-two, 72
  • qítā 其他/其它 other
  • qīxiàn 期限 time limit, deadline
  • qǐyì 起义 uprising
  • qízhōng 其中 in/among (it/them/which/etc.)
  • qū 区 district, area, zone
  • qù 去 to go, go to
  • quán 全 whole
  • quánbù 全部 all
  • quàngào 劝告 to advise
  • quánlì 权力 power, authority
  • quánlì 权利 right, rights
  • quánmiàn 全面 overall, comprehensive
  • quánqiú 全球 the whole world
  • quánqiú dìngwèi xìtǒng 全球定位系统 global position system, GPS
  • quántǐ 全体 all, entire
  • qǔdé 取得 to acquire, to gain, to obtain
  • què 却 but
  • quèbǎo 确保 to ensure
  • quèdìng 确定 v. to confirm, to define; adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • quèdìng d 确定的 confirmed, assured
  • quèding dy 确定地 determinately, definitely
  • quēshǎo 缺少 to lack
  • quēshuǐ 缺水 run out of water
  • qúndǎo 群岛 islands, archipelago
  • qúnzhòng 群众 the mass, the people
  • qǔxiāo 取消 to cancel
  • qūzhú 驱逐 to expel, to oust
  • ràng 让 to yield; to allow
  • ràngbù 让步 concession, compromise
  • ránhòu 然后 then
  • ránliào 燃料 fuel
  • ránméi-fādiànchǎng 燃煤发电厂 coal-fired power plant
  • rèdài-fēngbào 热带风暴 tropical storm
  • rén 人 person, people; human
  • rēngjìn 扔进 throw into
  • rèngòu 认购 subscribe to buy
  • réngrán 仍然 still
  • rénkǒu 人口 population
  • rénlèi 人类 human
  • rénmen 人们 people
  • rénmín 人民 the people
  • Rénmínbì 人民币 Renminbi (RMB, sign: ¥; code: CNY; also CN¥, 元 and CN元)
  • rènmìng 任命 to appoint
  • rénquán 人权 human rights
  • rénqún 人群 crowd
  • rénshì 人士 personage, people
  • rénshù 人数 number of people
  • rènwéi 认为 to deem, to think that
  • rénwù 人物 personage, character
  • rényuán 人员 personnel
  • rénzhì 人质 hostage
  • réqìqiú 热气球 hot-air balloon
  • -rì 日 measure word: day
  • rìbào 日报 daily newspaper
  • Rìběn 日本 Japan
  • rìhòu 日后 in the future
  • rìzi 日子 day, days
  • Romahuà - Roma化 - Romanization; to Romanize; Romanized
  • rú 如 be like; according to; such as; if
  • rúguǒ 如果 if
  • Ruìshì 瑞士 --> See Switzerland
  • rùqīn 入侵 to invade
  • Russia - Russia - Russia
  • rùyuàn 入院 be in hospital
  • sān 三 three, 3
  • Sànà 萨那 --> See Sana'a
  • Sana'a - Sana'a - Sana'a, the capital of Yemen
  • sànbō 散播 to disseminate, to spread
  • sànbù 散步 stroll
  • sānglǐ 丧礼 funeral
  • Sān Xiá 三峡 the Three Gorges
  • Sānyuè 三月 March
  • Sānyuèfèn 三月份 March period
  • shāfā 沙发 --> See sofa
  • shài 晒 to shine
  • shāmò 沙漠 desert
  • shān 山 hill, mountain
  • shānbēng 山崩 landslide
  • shāndòng 煽动 stir up, to provoke
  • -shang 上 on
  • shàng 上 go up; go to; to submit, to send in; to enter
  • shāngbiāo 商标 brand, trademark
  • shāngcán 伤残 disability; disabled
  • Shàngdì 上帝 God
  • shànggeyuè 上个月 last month
  • shàngmiàn 上面 upper side
  • shàngshēng 上升 to rise, go up; to increase
  • shāngwáng 伤亡 casualty, injury and death
  • shāngyè 商业 business
  • shāngyèqū 商业区 business district
  • shānhóngbàofā 山洪暴发 flash flood
  • shānqū 山区 mountainous region
  • shǎo 少 few, little
  • shāohuǐ 烧毁 to burn down, to burn up
  • shàozhàn 哨站 outpost
  • shāsǐ 杀死 to kill
  • shèfǎ 设法 try to
  • shèhuì 社会 society; social
  • shèhuìdǎng 社会党 socialist party
  • shèhuìzhǔyì 社会主义 socialism
  • shēn 深 deep
  • shēn 身 a measure word for suits of clothing
  • -shēng 声 a measure word for sound
  • shěng 省 province
  • shēngchǎn 生产 to produce, to manufacture
  • shēngchēng 声称 to profess, to claim
  • Shèngdànjié 圣诞节 Christmas
  • Shèngdàn Lǎorén 圣诞老人 Santa Claus
  • Shèngdànrì 圣诞日 Christmas Day
  • shèngdì 圣地 shrine, sacred land
  • Shèngdì 圣地 the Holy Land
  • shěngfèn 省份 province
  • shēnghuán 生还 to survive
  • shēnghuánzhě 生还者 survivor
  • shēnghuó 生活 life; to live
  • shènghuǒ 圣火 holy flame
  • shēnghuó-fāngshì 生活方式 lifestyle
  • shēngjí 升级 to upgrade; to escalate
  • shēngkōng 升空 rise to the sky
  • shènglì 胜利 to win victory; successfully; victory
  • shēngsǐ 生死 life and death, life or death
  • shēngsǐ-yōuguāng 生死攸关 do-or-die
  • shéngyīn 声音 sound, voice
  • shēnhuà 深化 to deepen
  • shénme 什么 what?
  • shēnqiè 深切 deep, heartfelt, profound
  • shēntǐ 身体 body
  • shèshā 射杀 to kill by shooting
  • shèshā-le 射杀了 killed by shooting, shot dead
  • shèshāng 射伤 bullet wound
  • shèshī 设施 installation, facilities
  • shèsǐ 射死 shoot dead
  • shèsǐle 射死了 shot dead
  • shí 十 ten, 10
  • shí 时 time (when)
  • shǐ 使 to make, to cause, to enable
  • shì 是 be, is, am, are
  • shì 事 matter, thing, affair, event
  • -shì 式 style
  • -Shì 市 city
  • Shiah-pài - Shiah派 - Shiah Islam, Shia, Shi'ah, Shiah
  • shìbīng 士兵 soldier
  • shìchǎng 市场 market
  • shìdàng 适当 proper, appropriate, suitable
  • shǐdào 使到 to make, to cause
  • shìde 是的 yes
  • -shìde 似的 as if, seem
  • shí'èr 十二 twelve, 12
  • shìfàng 释放 to release
  • shíhòu 时候 (duration of) time; (a point in) time, moment
  • shíjì 实际 practice; practical
  • shìjì 世纪 century
  • shíjiān 时间 time
  • shìjiàn 事件 incident, event
  • shìjiè 世界 world
  • shìjiè shang 世界上 in the world
  • shíjìshang 实际上 practically
  • shìlì 视力 sight, eyesight
  • shǐmìng 使命 mission
  • shīqù 失去 to lose
  • shísān 十三 thirteen, 13
  • shìshè 试射 test-fire; trial fire
  • shìshè-le 试射了 test-fired
  • shìshì 逝世 to die, to pass away
  • shíshìqiúshì 实事求是 seek the truth from facts, be practical and realistic
  • shītǐ 尸体 body, corpse
  • shītiáo 失调 maladjustment
  • shìtú 试图 to try, to attempt
  • shìwēi 示威 to demonstrate; demonstration
  • shíwù 食物 food
  • shìyán 誓言 oath, pledge; to pledge, to vow
  • shìyàn 试验 to test; trial, experiment
  • shìyànqū 试验区 trial zone, test region
  • shíyànshì 实验室 lab, laboratory
  • shīyè 失业 be out of job; unemployment; jobless
  • shīyèlǜ 失业率 jobless rate
  • Shíyèpài 什叶派 --> See Shi'a
  • shíyī 十一 eleven, 11
  • shīyì 失忆 memory loss
  • shǐyòng 使用 to use
  • shíyóu 石油 petroleum, oil
  • shìzhèn 市镇 town
  • shīzōng 失踪 be missing
  • shǒu 手 hand
  • shòu 受 be given, to receive, to accept
  • shǒucì 首次 n. first time; adj. --> See ~ d; adv. first, for the first time
  • shǒucì d 首次的 first-time, of first time
  • shòudào 受到 be given
  • shǒudòng 手动 manual, manual operation
  • shǒudū 首都 capital (of a country)
  • shōugòu 收购 to buy, to purchase
  • shòuhàizhě 受害者 victim
  • shǒuliúdàn 手榴弹 hand grenade
  • shòumìng 寿命 life, life-span
  • Shòunànjié 受难节 Good Friday
  • shòushāng 受伤 be injured, be wounded
  • shōusuō 收缩 to shrink
  • shǒuxiàng 首相 prime minister
  • shǒuzhōng 手中 in the hand
  • shū 书 book
  • shù 树 tree
  • shuāituì 衰退 to decline; a decline, recession
  • shuāngfāng 双方 both sides
  • shùbǎiwàn 数百万 millions
  • shūcài 蔬菜 vegetable, veg
  • shūguǒ 蔬果 vegetables and fruits
  • shūhuǎn 纾缓 to ease, to relieve, to slacken
  • shuí 谁 who
  • shuǐ 水 water
  • shuǐbà 水坝 dam
  • shuǐguǒ 水果 fruit
  • shuǐkù 水库 reservoir
  • shuìmián 睡眠 sleep
  • shuǐpíng 水平 level
  • shuìwù 税务 taxation
  • shuǐzīyuán 水资源 water resource
  • shùmù 数目 number
  • shuō 说 to speak, to say
  • shūxiě 书写 to write; writing
  • shùzì 数字 figure, number
  • sǐ 死 to die
  • sì 四 four, 4
  • sìhū 似乎 it seems, seemingly
  • sīlìng 司令 commander
  • sìshíwǔ 四十五 forty-five, 45
  • sǐwáng 死亡 to die; death
  • sǐwáng-rénshù 死亡人数 death toll
  • sīxiǎng 思想 thought, thinking
  • Sìyuè 四月 April
  • Sìyuèfèn 四月份 April period
  • sǐzhě 死者 the dead
  • sofa - sofa - sofa
  • Somalia - Somalia - Somalia is a country in Africa
  • sòng 送 to deliver, to send
  • sòngsāng 送丧 take part in a funeral procession
  • sòngsāngzhě 送丧者 mourner
  • -sōu 艘 a measure word for vessels
  • sōusuǒ 搜索 to search
  • Spain - Spain - Spain
  • sùdù 速度 speed
  • suì 岁 year of age
  • suìdào 隧道 tunnel
  • suīrán 虽然 although, though
  • suízhe 随着 following, along with
  • Sūlián 苏联 Soviet Union, USSR
  • sǔnhài 损害 harm, damage
  • suǒ- 所 that, those
  • -suǒ 所 place; office, bureau, institute; a measure word for houses
  • suōduǎn 缩短 to shorten
  • Suǒmǎlǐ 索马里 --> See Somalia
  • suǒwèi 所谓 so-called
  • suǒyǐ 所以 therefore
  • suǒyǒu 所有 all, every
  • sùshè 宿舍 accommodation, dormitory, hostel, living quarters
  • Switzerland - Switzerland - Switzerland
  • Syria - Syria - Syria
  • tā 他/她/它 he, him; she, her; it
  • tā d 他的/她的/它的 his; her; its
  • tāfāng 塌方 landslide
  • tài 太 too, excessively
  • Tàiguó 泰国 Thailand
  • tàikōng 太空 space
  • tàikōngcāng 太空舱 space capsule, space module
  • tàikōngchuán 太空船 spacecraft
  • tàikōngrén 太空人 astronaut, cosmonaut, taikonaut
  • tàikōngzhàn 太空站 space station
  • Tàiwùsì Hé 泰晤士河 --> See Thames Hé
  • tàiyáng 太阳 sun; sunshine
  • Takhar - Takhar - Takhar, a city of north-eastern Afghanistan
  • Taliban - Taliban - Taliban
  • Tǎlìbān 塔利班 --> Taliban
  • tāmen 他们/她们/它们 they, them
  • tāmen d 他们的/她们的/它们的 their, theirs
  • táng 糖 sugar
  • tángniàobìng 糖尿病 diabetes
  • tánpàn 谈判 negotiations, talks
  • -tào 套 a measure word for sets/series/suites/etc.
  • tǎolùn 讨论 to discuss
  • táoqì 陶器 pottery
  • táoqù 逃去 to escape, run away
  • táoyù 逃狱 to escape from jail
  • Tarin Kowt, a city in Afghanistan
  • tāzìjǐ 他自己/她自己/它自己 himself/herself/itself
  • tèbié 特别 special
  • tèbié xíngzhèngqū 特别行政区 special administrative region
  • tèshè 特设 amnesty
  • Texas - Texas - Texas
  • Thames Hé - Thames河 Thames River
  • tí 提 to carry, to take
  • tiān 天 sky
  • -tiān 天 measure word: day
  • Tiān'ānmén 天安门 Tian'anmen, Tian'anmen
  • tiāngōng 天宫 heavenly palace
  • tiānránqì 天然气 natural gas
  • Tiānzhǔ 天主 God (in Catholicism)
  • Tianzhǔjiàotáng 天主教堂 Catholic church
  • -tiáo 条 a measure word for long/narrow things
  • tiáojiàn 条件 condition
  • tiǎoxìn 挑衅 to provoke, to provocate; provocation
  • tiáoyuē 条约 treaty
  • tíchū 提出 to put foward, to post, to raise, to offer
  • tígōng 提供 to offer, to provide, to supply
  • tīng 听 to listen, to hear
  • tíngzhǐ 停止 to stop
  • tíyì 提议 proposal, offer
  • tǐyù 体育 sport, sports
  • tǐzhòng 体重 body weight
  • tóng 同 be the samd as; with
  • tóng 铜 copper
  • tōngdào 通道 passage
  • tōngguò 通过 to adopt, to pass
  • tóngshì 同事 colleague
  • tōngxùnshè 通讯社 news agency
  • tóngyì 同意 to agree
  • tǒngyī 统一 to unite; unity
  • tóngzhì 同志 comrade; <Taiwan> a homosexual
  • tǒngzhì 统治 to rule, to dominate
  • tóu 头 head
  • tóupiào 投票 to vote; a vote
  • tóuzī 投资 to invest; investment
  • Tripoli - Tripoli - Tripoli
  • tuánjié 团结 to unite, to rally
  • tuántǐ 团体 group, organization, team
  • tǔdì-suǒyǒu 土地所有 landownership
  • tuīchū 推出 present to the public
  • tuīdòng 推动 to push forward, to promote
  • tuìhuà 退化 to degenerate, to deteriorate, to atrophy; a atrophy
  • tuījìn 推进 move forward, push on, to urge
  • túzhōng 途中 on passage, en route
  • T-zìchǐ - T字尺 - T-square
  • vitamin - vitamin - vitamin
  • wàiguó 外国 foreign country; foreign
  • wàijiāo 外交 diplomacy, foreign affair
  • wàijiāo-bùzhǎng 外交部长 foreign minister
  • Wàijiāo Dàchén 外交大臣 Foreign Secretary
  • wàijiāoguān 外交官 diplomat
  • wàimian 外面 outside
  • wǎlì 瓦砾 rubble
  • wán 完 finish
  • wàn 万 ten thousand
  • wǎn'ān 晚安 Good evening!; Good night!
  • wánchéng 完成 to accomplish, to complete
  • wǎng 往 to go toward
  • wàng 望 to gaze into the distance, to observe
  • wángchǔ 王储 crown prince
  • wǎngluò 网络 network
  • wǎngshàng 网上 online, on-line
  • wǎngzhàn 网站 website
  • wǎnjiù 挽救 to save
  • wǎnnián 晚年 old age, one's later years
  • wánquán 完全 complete, whole; completely, wholly
  • wǎnshàng hǎo 晚上好 Good evening!
  • wéi 为 to do, to accomplish; to act as, to serve as; be, become
  • wèi 为 for
  • -wèi 位 measure word <courteous> (for persons)
  • wéichí 维持 to keep, to maintain
  • wěidà 伟大 great, mighty
  • wēihài 危害 to harm, to injure, to endanger
  • wéihé 维和 peacekeeping
  • wēijī 危机 crisis
  • wéikùn 围困 to besiege; siege
  • wèile 为了 for
  • wéiqī 为期 for a period of
  • wéirào 围绕 move around
  • wèishēng 卫生 hygiene
  • wéishēngsù 维生素 --> See vitamin
  • wèishénme 为什么 why?
  • wěisuō 萎缩 to wither, to shrivel; to shrink, to sag; atrophy (medicine)
  • wéitāmìng 维他命 --> See vitamin
  • wěituō 委托 to entrust, to trust, to commission
  • wēixiǎn 危险 danger, crises, risk; dangerous
  • wēixiǎnxìng 危险性 danger, risk
  • wēixié 威胁 to threaten
  • wèixīng 卫星 satellite
  • wéiyī 唯一 only, sole
  • wèiyú 位于 be located/situated at/in
  • wěiyuánhuì 委员会 committee, council, commission
  • -wéizhǐ 为止 up to, till; no further
  • wèn 问 to ask
  • wěndìng 稳定 stability; to stabilize; stable
  • wénhuà 文化 culture; cultural
  • wénhuà-gǔjì 文化古迹 cultural site
  • wénhuà-yíchǎn 文化遗产 cultural heritage
  • Wēn Jiābǎo 温家宝 Wen Jiabao
  • wénrén-tǒngzhì 文人统治 civilian rule
  • wèntí 问题 problem, issue, question
  • West Bengal Bāng - West Bengal邦 - the state of West Bengal
  • wǒ 我 I, me
  • wǒmen 我们 we, us
  • WTO - WTO - short form for World Trade Organization, WTO
  • wú 无 not have
  • wǔ 五 five, 5
  • wǔ'ān 午安 Good afternoon!
  • wúchǎnjiējí 无产阶级 proletariat
  • wūmiè 污蔑 smear
  • wǔ-nián jìhuà 五年计划 five-year plan
  • wūrǎn 污染 to pollute, to contaminate; pollution, contamination
  • wúrén 无人 unmanned; depopulated; self-service
  • wúrén-jiàshǐ 无人驾驶 unmanned, operated by an autopilot, pilotless
  • wúrén-jiàshǐ fēijī 无人驾驶飞机 pilotless aircraft, drone aircraft
  • wǔshā 误杀 to kill by mistake; manslaughter
  • wúxiàn 无限 infinite, unlimited
  • wúxiàn- 无线 wireless
  • wǔzhuāng 武装 arms, military equipment/uniform; armed forces; armed
  • wǔzhuāng-fènzǐ 武装分子 militant
  • wǔzhuāng-pàipié 武装派别 militants, armed group
  • xià 下 to go downward
  • -xià 下 downward, down
  • xiàdú 下毒 put poison, empoison
  • xiàge 下个 next
  • xiàjiàng 下降 to descend, go down, to fall
  • xiàlái 下来 come down;
  • xiàmiàn 下面 lower level
  • xiān 先 before
  • xiǎng 想 to think; want to, would like to
  • xiàng 向 to face, turn toward; side with, be partial to; to, towards
  • xiàng 像 be like, resemble, look as if, seem
  • xiàng 象 elephant
  • xiǎngfǎ 想法 idea, thought
  • xiāngfǎn 相反 opposite; contrary; reverse
  • Xiānggǎng 香港 Xianggang, Hong Kong, Hongkong | ~ shì Zhōngguó nánbù d tèbié xíngzhèngqū. Hong Kong is a special administrative region in the south of China.
  • xiàngmù 项目 item, project
  • xiǎngnián 享年 <courteous> die at the age of
  • xiàngpítǐng 橡皮艇 inflatable boat
  • xiángqíng 详情 detail, details
  • xiāngxìn 相信 to believe
  • xiǎngyǒu 享有 to enjoy, to take
  • xiāngzhuàng 相撞 to collide
  • xiānjìn 先进 advanced
  • xiànlìtǐbìng 线粒体病 mitochondrial disease
  • xiānnǎi 鲜奶 fresh milk
  • xiǎnrán 显然 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • xiǎnrán d 显然的 apparent, obvious, evident, clear
  • xiǎnrán dy 显然地 apparently, obviously, evidently, clearly
  • xiànrèn 现任 incumbent
  • xiānsheng 先生 teacher; Mr, sir; <courteous> Ms.
  • xiǎnshì 显示 to show, to indicate
  • xiànzài 现在 now
  • xiànzhì 限制 to restrict
  • xiǎo 小 small, little
  • xiào 笑 smile, laugh
  • xiàoguǒ 效果 effect, result
  • xiǎonǎo 小脑 cerebella
  • xiǎonǎo shītiáo 小脑失调 cerebella ataxia
  • xiāoshī 消失 to disappear
  • xiǎoshí 小时 hour
  • xiāoshī-le 消失了 disappeared
  • xiāoshī-zhōng 消失中 disappearing
  • xiàozhǎng 校长 headmaster, principal
  • xiàozhōng-yú 效忠于 be loyal to
  • xiǎozǔ 小组 group
  • xiàqu 下去 go down, to descend; go on, to continue
  • xiàwǔ hǎo 下午好 Good afternoon!
  • xiàyī 下一 next
  • xiàyīge 下一个 next
  • Xībānyá 西班牙 --> See Spain
  • xìbāo 细胞 cell
  • xīběi 西北 north-west
  • xīběibù 西北部 the northwest
  • xībù 西部 the west
  • -xiē 些 a measure word for small amount
  • xiě 写 to write
  • xiéhuì 协会 association
  • xiétóng 协同 v. to work in coordination with, to cooperate with; n. coordination, teamwork, synergism; adj. --> See ~ d
  • xiétóng d 协同的 co-ordinated
  • xiéyì 协议 deal, agreement, compact, treaty
  • xīfāng 西方 the west
  • Xīfāng 西方 the West; the Occident
  • xíguàn 习惯 habit, custom
  • xíjī 袭击 make a surprise attack on, raid
  • xīmiàn 西面 west side
  • xīn 新 new
  • xīn 心 heart
  • xìn 信 letter, mail; to believe
  • xīnánbù 西南部 the southwest
  • xìndài 信贷 credit
  • xíng 行 all right
  • -xìng 性 -ty; -ness; -ism; -ity
  • xíngdòng 行动 action
  • xìnggé 性格 nature, character, personality
  • xìnghuì 幸会 very pleased to meet you
  • xīngjiàn 兴建 to build
  • xīngqī 星期 week
  • Xīngqīliù 星期六 Saturday
  • Xīngqīrì 星期日 Sunday
  • Xīngqīsān 星期三 Wednesday
  • Xīngqītiān 星期天 Sunday
  • Xīngqīwǔ 星期五 Friday
  • xīngxing 猩猩 orangutan
  • xíngzhèng 行政 administration
  • xíngzhèngqū 行政区 administrative area, administrative zone, administrative region
  • xìnhào 信号 signal
  • Xīnjiāng 新疆 Xinjiang
  • Xīnnián 新年 New Year
  • Xīnniánkuàilè 新年快乐 Happy New Year | Zhù nǐ ~. Wish you have a Happy New Year.
  • xìnrèn 信任 to trust
  • xīnwén 新闻 news
  • xìnxī 信息 message, information
  • xìnxīn 信心 confidence
  • xīnzàng 心脏 heart
  • xīnzàngbìng 心脏病 heart disease
  • xiōngdìhuì 兄弟会 frat, fraternity, brotherhood
  • Xī Ōu 西欧 the Western Europe
  • Xīshā Qúndǎo 西沙群岛 Xisha Islands
  • xīshí 吸食 to suck, to take in
  • xìtǒng 系统 system
  • xīwàng 希望 hope
  • xíwèi 席位 seat (at an assembly)
  • xīyān 吸烟 smoking
  • xuānbù 宣布 to declare, to announce
  • xuǎnchū 选出 to select, to elect; to vote in
  • xuānchuán 宣传 to propagate; propaganda
  • xuāngào 宣告 to declare
  • xuǎnjǔ 选举 election; to elect
  • xuānyán 宣言 announcement
  • xuǎnzé 选择 choice; to choose
  • xǔduō 许多 many
  • xué 学 to study, to learn
  • xuěbēng 雪崩 avalanche, snowslide, snowslip
  • xuěguì 雪柜 refrigerator
  • xuējiǎn 削减 to cut down, to reduce
  • xuēruò 削弱 to weaken
  • xuéshēng 学生 student
  • xuètáng 血糖 blood sugar
  • xuéwèi 学位 academic degree; degree
  • xuéxí 学习 to study, to learn
  • xuéxiào 学校 school
  • xuèxīng 血腥 bloody
  • Xùlìyà 叙利亚 --> See Syria
  • xùnhào 讯号 signal
  • xúnluó 巡逻 to patrol
  • xúnqiú 寻求 to seek
  • xùnsù 迅速 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • xùnsù d 迅速的 rapid, speedy, prompt, quick
  • xùnsù dy 迅速地 rapidly, speedy, quickly
  • xūqiú 需求 requirement, demand, needs
  • xūyào 需要 need; necessary
  • yǎn 眼 small hole; measure word (for wells/caves/etc.)
  • yáncháng 延长 to extend
  • yáncí 言辞 words, expression
  • -yáng 洋 ocean
  • yángé 严格 tough, rigorous, strict
  • yángguāng 阳光 sunshine
  • yàngpǐn 样品 sample
  • yǎnjiǎng 演讲 speech, lecture
  • yǎnjīng 眼睛 eye
  • yánjiū 研究 to study, to research; research, study
  • yánjiū-bàogào 研究报告 research report
  • yánjiūzhě 研究者 researcher
  • yánlì 严厉 severe
  • yǎnshuō 演说 speaking, speech; to make speech, to speak
  • yānwù 烟雾 fume, smoke, smog, mist
  • yánwù 延误 to delay
  • yǎnxí 演习 military exercise
  • yánzhòng 严重 severe
  • yào 要 want to
  • yáochuán 谣传 to rumor; a rumor
  • yāoqiú 要求 to request, to call for, to demand; a request
  • yāowéi 腰围 waistline, waist circumference
  • yàowù 药物 drugs, medicines, pharmaceuticals
  • yáoyuǎn 遥远 remote, distant
  • Yàzhōu 亚洲 Asia
  • yě 也 also
  • Yēhéhuá 耶和华 --> See Jehovah
  • Yemen - Yemen - Yemen
  • Yěmén 也门 --> See Yemen
  • yěshì 也是 also is
  • yèzǒnghuì 夜总会 nightclub
  • yī 一 one, 1; a, an
  • yǐ 以 using, taking; to, in order to
  • yì 亿 hundred million
  • yībàn 一半 half
  • yībùfèn 一部分 part; a part of
  • yìchéng 议程 agenda
  • yíchuán 遗传 to bequeath, pass on to the next generation; heredity
  • Yìdàlì 意大利 --> See Italy
  • Yìdàlì-báobǐng 意大利薄饼 --> See pizza
  • Yìdàlì-xiànbǐng 意大利馅饼 --> See pizza
  • yīdàn 一旦 once
  • yídǎosù 胰岛素 insulin
  • yīdiǎn 一点 point; a little; one o'clock
  • yīdìng 一定 fixed, definite, regular; certainly, surely
  • yīge 一个 a, an
  • yīgerén 一个人 someone, anyone
  • yǐhòu 以后 after, afterwards, later, hereafter
  • yīhuì 一会 a little while
  • yīhuìr 一会儿 --> See yīhuì
  • yìjiànzhě 异见者 dissident
  • yíjiāo 移交 to handover
  • yǐjīng 已经 already
  • -yǐlái 以来 since, till now
  • Yīlākè 伊拉克 --> See Iraq
  • Yīlǎng 伊朗 --> Iran
  • yīliáo 医疗 medical treatment
  • yímín 移民 to migrate; migrant
  • yǐncáng 隐藏 to hide
  • Yìndù 印度 --> See India
  • yǐnfā 引发 to ignite; to trigger
  • yíngdé 赢得 to win
  • yīng'ér 婴儿 baby, infant
  • yìngfù 应付 to tackle
  • yīnggāi 应该 should, ought to
  • Yīngguó 英国 the UK, Britain
  • Yīngguó Guǎngbō Gōngsī 英国广播公司 --> See BBC
  • Yīngguórén 英国人 UK person, UK people, Briton
  • Yīngjūn 英军 British troop, British soldier
  • yǐngxiǎng 影响 to affect
  • yíngyǎng 营养 nutrition
  • Yīngyǔ 英语 English language
  • yínháng 银行 bank
  • yǐnpǐn 饮品 a drink, drinks
  • yǐnqǐ 引起 to cause, lead to, give rise to
  • yǐnshí 饮食 food and drink, diet
  • yǐnshí-bùdàng 饮食不当 eating the wrong things
  • Yīntèwǎng 因特网 --> See Internet
  • yīnwèi 因为 because
  • yǐnyòng 饮用 to drink
  • yǐnyòngshuǐ 饮用水 water for drinking
  • yǐnzhì 引致 to cause
  • yǐqián 以前 ago, before
  • yīqiè 一切 all
  • yīrán 依然 still
  • yīshēng 医生 physician, doctor
  • yíshì 仪式 ceremony, rite
  • Yīsīlán 伊斯兰 --> See Islam
  • yī-tiān 一天 one day; whole sky of; a day; the whole day
  • yītǐhuà 一体化 to unify, to integrate; integration
  • yīxiē 一些 some
  • yīxìliè 一系列 a series of
  • yīxué 医学 medicine, medical science
  • yīxuéyuàn 医学院 medical school
  • yīyàng 一样 the same
  • yìyuán 议员 member of a legislative body; Member of Parliament, MP
  • yìyuánmen 议员们 members of a legislative body; Members of Parliament, MPs
  • yìyùzhèng 抑郁症 <medicine> depression
  • yízhǐ 遗址 ruins, relics; site (archeology)
  • yǐzhī 已知 known
  • yòng 用 to use
  • yònghù 用户 user
  • yònglái 用来 be used for
  • yōngyǒu 拥有 to possess, have, to own
  • yòngyú 用于 use in, use on
  • yóu 由 from; because of; by
  • yǒu 有 to have, to possess
  • yòu 又 again
  • yōuguān 有关 be related to
  • yóujīduì 游击队 guerrilla
  • yǒule 有了 had
  • yǒulì-yú 有利于 be beneficial to
  • yōulǜ 忧虑 worry; to concern, to worry
  • yǒuqián 有钱 rich
  • yóushuō 游说 to persuade
  • yóutián 油田 oil field
  • yǒu-wèntí 有问题 have problem, faulty
  • yǒuxiàn 有限 finite, limited
  • yǒuxiàn- 有线 wired
  • yǒuxiǎo 有效 effective
  • yóuxíng 游行 to parade, to march, to demonstrate
  • yóuyú 由于 because of, due to
  • yǒu-zhēngyì 有争议 v. be controversial/contested; adj. --> See ~ d
  • yǒu-zhēngyì d 有争议的 controversial
  • yǒu-zǔzhī 有组织 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • yǒu-zǔzhī d 有组织的 organized
  • * yǒu-zǔzhī dy 有组织地 in an organized way, systematically
  • yú 鱼 fish
  • -yú 于 in, at, to, from, out of, by; than
  • yǔ 与 and, with, together with
  • Yuán 元 Yuan (sign: ¥; code: CNY), Chinese Yuan
  • -yuán 员 -er, -ist, member
  • yuǎn 远 far
  • yuánlái 原来 original
  • yuányóu 原油 crude oil
  • yuánzhù 援助 to aid; assistance, aid, help
  • yùcè 预测 to forecast, to predict; a forecast
  • yúcūn 渔村 fishing village
  • yùdào 遇到 to meet, to encounter
  • yuè 月 month
  • yuèchū 月初 beginning of a month, earlier month
  • yuèláiyuè 越来越 more and more
  • Yuènán 越南 Viet Nam, Vietnam
  • yùjì 预计 to predict
  • yúlèi 鱼类 fish (as a general category)
  • yúmín 渔民 fisherman
  • yùndòng 运动 to move; sports; to exercise
  • yùnfù 孕妇 pregnant woman
  • yùnsòng 运送 to deliver, to transport, to convey
  • yǔnxǔ 允许 to allow
  • yùnzài 运载 to carry, to convey
  • yùnzuǒ 运作 to operate
  • yùqī 预期 to expect
  • yùshàng 遇上 to encounter, run into
  • yùsuàn 预算 budget
  • yùwàng 欲望 desire, passion
  • yǔyán 语言 language
  • yǔyán-shíyànshì 语言实验室 language laboratory
  • zài 在 be at/in/on
  • zài 载 to carry
  • zài- 再 re-, again
  • zàicì 再次 again
  • zàihuì 再会 Good-bye., See you again.
  • zàijiàn 再见 bye-bye, goodbye
  • zāinànxìng 灾难性 disastrous
  • zài-pínghéng 再平衡 to rebalance
  • zàirén 载人 manned
  • zàizhe 载着 carrying
  • zànchéng 赞成 to agree
  • zànglǐ 葬礼 funeral
  • zánmen 咱们 we, you and I, all together of us
  • zànshí 暂时 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • zànshí d 暂时的 temporary
  • zànshí dy 暂时地 temporarily
  • zàntíng 暂停 to suspend
  • zǎo 早 early; Good morning!
  • zǎo'ān 早安 Good morning!
  • zǎocān 早餐 breakfast
  • zǎochǎn 早产 early birth, premature birth
  • zàochéng 造成 to create, to cause
  • zàofǎnzhě 造反者 rebel
  • zàokuàngzhèng 躁狂症 mania
  • zǎoshàng hǎo 早上好 Good morning!
  • zǎo zài 早在 as early as, as far back as
  • zázhì 杂志 magazine, journal, periodical
  • zēngjiā 增加 to increase, to add
  • zēngzhǎng 增长 to grow, to increase; growth
  • zēngzhǎnglǜ 增长率 growth rate
  • zěnme 怎么 how?
  • zěnmeyàng 怎么样 how?
  • zhàdàn 炸弹 bomb
  • zhàiquàn 债券 bond, debenture
  • zhàiwù 债务 debt
  • zhàiwù-wēijī 债务危机 debt crisis
  • zhàn 站 to stand; station, stop
  • zhàndòu 战斗 fighting; to fight
  • zhàndòujī 战斗机 fighter plane
  • -zhāng 张 a measure word for flat objects
  • zhǎng 长 to grow; older, elder
  • zhǎngguān 长官 senior officer
  • zhànlǐng 占领 to occupy
  • zhànlüè 战略 strategy
  • zhànshì 战士 fighter, soldier
  • zàntíng 暂停 to suspend
  • zhànzhēng 战争 war
  • zhǎo 找 to look for, to seek
  • zháohuǒ 着火 to catch fire, be on fire
  • zhàshāng 炸伤 to injure by explosion
  • zhàsǐ 炸死 to kill by explosion
  • zhàyào 炸药 explosives
  • -zhe 着 -ing
  • -zhě 者 -er
  • zhè 这 this
  • zhège 这个 this
  • zhèi 这 this
  • zhèlǐ 这里 here
  • zhēn 真 true, real
  • zhēnduì 针对 be aim at, be directed against
  • zhēnchájī 侦察机 reconnaissance plane, surveillance plane, scout, spy plane
  • zhēnduì 针对 to aim at, to target
  • zhèng 正 straight, upright
  • zhèngbiàn 政变 coup
  • zhèngcè 政策 policy
  • zhèngfǔ 政府 government
  • zhèngfǔ-cáizhèng 政府财政 fiscal
  • zhèngfǔjūn 政府军 government army/soldier
  • zhěngge 整个 whole
  • zhèngjiàn 政见 political view
  • zhèngkè 政客 politician
  • zhèngshí 证实 to confirm
  • zhèngshì 正式 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • zhèngshì d 正式的 formal; official
  • zhèngshì dy 正式地 formally; officially
  • zhèngshì-huìyuán 正式会员 full member
  • zhěngyè 整夜 whole night
  • zhēngyì 争议 a dispute; to dispute
  • zhěngyuè 整月 whole month
  • zhèngzài 正在 be in the process of
  • zhèngzhì 政治 politics, political affairs
  • zhèngzhìfàn 政治犯 political prisoner
  • zhèngzhìjiā 政治家 politician
  • zhèngzhuàng 症状 symptom
  • zhènhàn 震撼 to shake, to rock
  • zhènjīng 震惊 to stun; stunned
  • zhēnshí 真实 real
  • zhènyā 镇压 to suppress, to repress; suppression, repression
  • zhèxiē 这些 these
  • zhèyàng 这样 such, like this
  • -zhī 只 measure word (for animals, vessels, some utensils, one of a pair of things)
  • -zhī 支 a measure word for slender objects, military contingents, etc.
  • -zhī 之 indicating subordination
  • zhǐ 只 only
  • zhì 至 to
  • zhìcái 制裁 sanction
  • zhīchí 支持 to support; a support
  • zhīchízhě 支持者 supporter
  • zhǐchū 指出 to point out
  • zhīdào 知道 to know
  • zhìfú 制服 uniform
  • -zhīhòu 之后 after
  • zhǐhuīguān 指挥官 commander
  • -zhījiān 之间 between, among
  • zhíjiē 直接 direct; directly
  • zhìliáo 治疗 to treat, to cure
  • zhìmìng 致命 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • zhìmìng d 致命 deadly, fatal, mortal
  • zhìmìng dy 致命地 fatally, mortally
  • -zhīnèi 之内 within
  • -zhīqián 之前 before, prior to, ago
  • zhíquán 职权 official powers
  • zhìshǎo 至少 at least
  • zhíshéngjī 直升机 helicopter
  • zhǐ-shì 只是 merely/only/just/simply be
  • zhìsǐ 致死 to cause death
  • -zhīwài 之外 beyond; apart from; excluding; in addition
  • zhíwèi 职位 job; position
  • zhíxíng 执行 to enforce, to carry out, to execute
  • -zhīyī 之一 one of
  • zhìyí 质疑 to challenge, to query
  • zhǐyǒu 只有 only
  • zhíyuán 职员 staff
  • zhìzào 制造 to make
  • zhìzàoyè 制造业 manufacturing industry
  • zhízhì 直至 until
  • -zhīzhōng 之中 inside, within
  • -zhōng 中 -ing; inside, within, during
  • zhǒng 种 species
  • -zhǒng 种 a measure word for kinds/sorts/types
  • zhōngbù 中部 central section; middle, mid
  • zhōngchéng-dǎodàn 中程导弹 medium-range missile
  • zhōngchéng-dìduìkōng-dǎodàn 中程地对空导弹 medium-range surface-to-air missile
  • zhōngchéng-fènzǐ 忠诚分子 loyalist
  • Zhōngdōng 中东 the Middle East, Mideast
  • Zhōngguó 中国 China; adj. --> See ~ d
  • Zhōngguó d 中国的 Chinese, of China
  • Zhōngguórén 中国人 Chinese people, Chinese person
  • Zhōngguóyǔ 中国语 Chinese language
  • Zhōng-Měi 中美 China-US
  • zhòngshāng 重伤 serious wound, severe injury
  • Zhōngwén 中文 Chinese language
  • zhōngxīn 中心 center
  • zhōngyāng 中央 center; central
  • zhòngyào 重要 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • zhòngyào d 重要的 important
  • zhòngyào dy 重要地 weightily
  • zhōngyú 终于 finally, eventually
  • zhǒngzú 种族 race, ethnic group
  • zhōu 州 state, (autonomous) prefecture
  • zhōuwéi 周围 around
  • zhù 祝 to wish
  • zhù 住 to live, to reside
  • zhuànghuǐ 撞毁 to crash
  • zhuàngtài 状态 state, status, condition
  • zhuǎnhuàn 转换 to convert
  • zhuānjiā 专家 expert
  • zhùcè 注册 to register
  • zhuìhuǐ 坠毁 to prang, to crash, to fall and disintegrate
  • zhùmíng 著名 adj. --> See ~ d; adv. --> See ~ dy
  • zhùmíng d 著名的 prominent, famous
  • zhùmíng dy 著名地 famously
  • zhǔnbèi 准备 to prepare; preparation
  • zhuólù 着陆 to land
  • zhǔxí 主席 chairman
  • zhǔyào 主要 main, chief, principal, major, fundamental
  • zhǔyì 主义 doctrine
  • -zhǔyì 主义 -ism
  • -zhǔyìzhě 主义者 -ist
  • zhùzhái 住宅 residence, dwelling, home
  • zhùzháiqū 住宅区 residential area
  • zīběn 资本 <economics> capital
  • zìcóng 自从 since, from
  • zīgé 资格 qualification
  • zìjǐ 自己 oneself
  • zījīn 资金 fund
  • zīliào 资料 data, material, information
  • zìmǔ 字母 letter, alphabet
  • zìshā 自杀 suicide
  • zìshā-shì 自杀式 suicide-style
  • zīxùn 资讯 information
  • zìyóu-mínzhǔdǎng 自由民主党 liberal democratic party
  • zīyuán 资源 resources
  • zǒngbù 总部 headquarters
  • zǒngcái 总裁 president, director of a business, CEO
  • zǒnggòng 总共 total
  • zōngjiào 宗教 religion
  • zǒnglǐ 总理 prime minister, premier, chancellor
  • zǒngtǒng 总统 president
  • zǒngzhàn 总站 main station, terminal
  • zǒu 走 to walk, to go
  • zǒulù 走路 to walk; walking
  • zǒuxiàng 走向 move toward; head for; run, trend; alignment
  • zǔchéng 组成 to form, make up, to compose
  • zúgòu 足够 enough
  • zuì- 最 most
  • zuìdà 最大 biggest
  • zuìdī 最低 lowest, minimum
  • zuìgāo 最高 highest, supreme
  • zuìhòu 最后 last, final
  • zuìhòu-tōngdié 最后通牒 ultimatum
  • zuìjìn 最近 lately, newly
  • zuìmíng 罪名 accusation, a charge
  • zuìshǎo 最少 at least
  • zuìxīn 最新 the newest, the latest
  • zuò 坐 to sit
  • zuò 做 to make
  • zuò 作 to do, to make
  • zuǒpài 左派 the left, the left wing, left-winger; leftist
  • zuòwéi 作为 to regard as, to look on as, to treat as
  • zuòxia 坐下 sit down
  • zuòzhe 坐着 sitting
  • zúqiú 足球 football, soccer
  • zǔyán 阻延 to delay
  • zǔzhī 组织 to organize; organization
  • zǔzhīzhě 组织者 organizer
  • 1/yī 一 1, one
  • 10/shí 十 10, ten
  • 100/yībǎi 一百 100, one hundred
  • 11/shíyī 十一 11, eleven
  • 12/shí'èr 十二 12, twelve
  • 1/2 / èr fēnzhī yī 二分之一 1/2, a half
  • 13/shísān 十三 13, thirteen
  • 2/èr 二 2, two
  • 20/èrshí 二十 20, twenty
  • 2011 nián / èr-líng-yī-yī nián - 2011年 - year 2011
  • 2012 nián / èr-líng-yī-èr nián - 2012年 - year 2012
  • 24/èrshísì 二十四 24, twenty-four
  • 24/7 - 24/7 - 24/7, uptime is 24 hours a day 7 days a week
  • 3/sān 三 3, three
  • 4/sì 四 4, four
  • 45/sìshíwǔ 四十五 45, forty-five
  • 5/wǔ 五 5, five
  • 6/liù 六 6, six
  • 7/qī 七 7, seven
  • 72/qīshí'èr 七十二 72, seventy-two
  • 8/bā 八 8, eight
  • 9/jiǔ 九 9, nine
  • -/zhì 至 -, to
  • α-shèxiàn / alpha shèxiàn - α射线/alpha射线 - α-ray, alpha ray
  • π - π - π, pi, the numerical value of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (approximately 3.1416)


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