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Duke Nukem

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Duke Nukem is a series of platform, first-person shooter and third-person shooter video games created by 3D Realms (AKA Apogee Software).

Balls of Steel

Balls of Steel (1997)
  • "Now I have time to play with myself." (a reference to a similar, but different line from Duke Nukem 3D)

Duke Nukem

  • You're wrong, Proton breath. I'll be done with you and still have time to watch Oprah!

Duke Nukem 2

  • I'm back! (In reference to Terminator - "I'll be back!")

Duke Nukem 3D

Duke Nukem 3D (1996)
  • AAhhh... much better! (after urinating)
  • Bitchin'!
  • Blow it out your ass! (referencing They Live)
  • Boooorn tooo beee wiiiiiiild... [singing (badly) in a karaoke]
  • Come get some! [reference to Ash's quote from Army of Darkness] (says after choosing the hard difficult setting or when picking up a new weapon)
  • Come on! (after the player was not moving for a while)
  • Damn....
  • Damn! (after dying)
  • Dammit! (after killing any of the women in the game)
  • Damn, I'm good! (says after choosing the "Damn, I'm Good" difficult setting or when corpses explode)
  • Damn... I'm looking good! (after looking at himself in a mirror)
  • Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride. (after the aliens destroy his space ship at the very start of the game)
  • Damn, that was annoying! (after shooting the Mickey Mouse-like mascot)
  • Damn, that's the second time those alien bastards shot up my ride! (at the start of the "Movie Set" level in Episode 3 ("Schrapnel City") when Duke falls out of his helicopter as it crashes straight into a block of concrete)
  • Damn, you're ugly. [in reference to Predator]
  • Die, you son of a bitch! (after defeating the Battlelords, in reference to Jaws)
  • Eat shit and die.
  • Get that crap outta here! (after corpses explode mostly by using pipebomb)
  • Get back to work, you slacker! (checking out office computer playing Duke3d)
  • Go ahead, make my day. (reference to the same phrase from Clint Eastwood's character Dirty Harry in the film Sudden Impact)
  • Gonna rip 'em a new one.
  • Groovy! [reference to Ash's quote from Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn after picking up a new weapon]
  • Hail to the king, baby! [reference to Ash's quote from Army of Darkness after picking up a new weapon]
  • Heh, heh, heh... what a mess! [After an enemy dies violently (exploding)]
  • HHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! [Falling to his death](I notice Wikipedia never goes after me when I mess with this fake quote all the time)
  • HHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! [Falling to his death] Seriously, over 8 years these fake edits are never called out, but my other ones making fun of “Northerrrrrn Reginians” are? C’mon.
  • Hmm, don't have time to play with myself. [Duke examines the Duke Nukem II arcade machine on "Hollywood Holocaust" level in Episode 1 ("L.A. Meltdown")]
  • Hmm, that's one "Doomed" Space Marine. [seeing a torn corpse of a Space Marine from Doom]
  • Holy cow!
  • Holy shit!
  • I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck. (when facing the Overlord; he does exactly this after killing it) [reference to Corey Feldman in the movie Stand By Me and/or to Marine 'to be' The Swede in the movie Heartbreak Ridge]
  • I'm Duke Nukem - and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards! (After defeating the Battlelord)
  • I'm gonna get medieval on your asses! (Reference to Pulp Fiction)
  • I'm gonna kick your ass, bitch! (when facing the Alien Queen)
  • I'm gonna put this smack dab on your ass!
  • I ain't afraid of no quake! (in reference to ID Software's Quake PC Game, as well as Ghostbusters tagline)
  • I should have known those alien maggots booby-trapped this sub.
  • It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum. (reference to They Live)
  • It's down to you and me, you one-eyed freak! (when facing the Cycloid Emperor)
  • It's time to abort your whole freaking species! (After defeating the Alien Queen)
  • Let God sort 'em out! (Advice given by Arnaud Amalric during the Albigensian Crusade when asked by a Crusader how to distinguish the Cathars from the Catholics)
  • Let's rock! (Possible reference to Vasquez in Aliens) (says after choosing the medium difficult setting)
  • Looks like cleanup on aisle four. (Possible reference to Ash in Army of Darkness)
  • Lucky son of a bitch.
  • Mess with the best, you will die like the rest (reference to Hackers (1995))
  • My boot, your face; the perfect couple.
  • No way I'm eating this shit!
  • Nobody steals our chicks... and lives!
  • Now this is a force to be reckoned with! (after discovering Luke Skywalker's corpse hanging upside down] (reference to Dark Forces)
  • Oh...your ass is grass and I've got the weed-whacker.
  • Ooh, I needed that! [After gaining health when less than 25%]
  • Ooh, that's gotta hurt. (says sarcastically after blowing up enemy corpses) [Possible reference to Ash in Army of Darkness]
  • Piece of Cake. (says after choosing the "Piece of Cake" difficulty)
  • See you in Hell!
  • Shake it, baby! (after handing a girl money)
  • Shit happens. (after stepping in alien or dog feces, reference to Forrest Gump or Predator 2)
  • Sometimes I even amaze myself. (In reference to Star Wars)
  • Staying alive, staying alive, la. (singing Bee Gees 'Staying Alive')
  • Suck it down!
  • Terminated! (after discovering the hydraulic press with the crushed Terminator skeleton in the secret 'Freeway' level)
  • This really pisses me off!
  • This is KTIT, K-Tit! Playing the breast- uhh, the best tunes in town.
  • That's gonna leave a mark!
  • We meet again, Doctor Jones! (after discovering Indiana Jones corpse hanging)
  • What? There's only one of you?
  • What are you waitin' for? Christmas? (after the player has been away from keyboard for a while) (reference to Christmas)
  • What are you? Some bottom-feeding, scum-sucking algae eater?
  • Where is it?
  • Who wants some? (reference to Ash's quote from Evil Dead 2 after picking up a new weapon)
  • Why so serious, Sam? (encounters Sam's mutilated corpse)
  • Wohoo!
  • Yeah, piece of cake!
  • Yippie ka-yay, motherfucker! (Bleeped out) [reference to Bruce Willis, from the Die Hard Films]
  • You guys suck!
  • You're an inspiration for birth control.
  • Your face, your ass - what's the difference? (reference to an Andrew Dice Clay joke)
  • You wanna dance? (after handing a girl money)

Duke Nukem: Time to Kill

Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (1998)
  • Dying ain't much of a living, boy. (Reference to Clint Eastwood in The Outlaw Josey Wales)
  • Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your chicks. (When Duke travels to the Roman Story)
  • Have you seen my rubber...duckie?
  • Hello? McFly? (Back to the Future reference)
  • Hey! Get your ass out of here and bring me back my chicks! (to a male stripper)
  • I'll blow you a new hole!
  • I'm God's gift to women!
  • I love the smell of bacon in the morning. (Reference to Apocalypse Now and the quote "I love the smell of the napalm in the morning")
  • I make this look good. [Reference to Men in Black]
  • Lara, is that you? [after picking up a pay phone and listening to a moaning babe. Reference to Tomb Raider's Lara Croft]
  • Looks like it's TIME TO KILL! (when you 1st start the game) (Reference to Caleb, character of Blood I game by Monolith Productions)
  • My home away from home! [in reference to a strip club]
  • I prefer a good cigar, and a bad woman! [buying cigarettes from a vending machine]
  • Gimme a Jack and Coke anyday! [buying a soft drink from a vending machine]
  • Suck my boom stick! (After killing an enemy with a shotgun. Reference to the Evil Dead series.)
  • The bigger they are, the more they bleed!
  • …and I thought cigars smelled bad!
  • There's a new sheriff in town. (pronounced in a southern accent when in the western story)
  • You'll make a great belt. (after killing a lizard)
  • Little pig, little pig, let me in. Or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll kick your ass in! [Reference to the "Three Little Pigs"]
  • Rubba-dub-dub. Get out of the tub.
  • It's locked, and I'm an ass kicker not a safe cracker.
  • Mmmm! Who wants bacon and eggs? (after killing Pig Cops)
  • So much for the new boots...Has anyone seen Mr. Hankey? (after jumping down a well in the Western story) [Reference to South Park and the character Mr. Hankey from the episode "The Christmas Poo" ]
  • Is it true that Roman girls have Roman hands?
  • Lizard skin makes great boots.
  • Not in this lifetime! (if you press X while he's standing in front of a male poledancer.)
  • Where's Doc Brown when ya need him? (Referring to the time traveler Doc Brown from the Back to the Future series)
  • Who wants some?
  • Hey... what can I say? [Looking himself in front of a mirror]
  • Come on!
  • All aboard!
  • Let's settle this once and for all!
  • I'll kick you in the "nuts"!
  • Oh Yeah!
  • Ahhhhhhhh!
  • Shake it, baby!
  • I'm an ass kicker not a rock digger.
  • Die, you overgrown winged lizard from Hell!
  • Shut your hole!
  • What are you waiting for, Christmas?
  • "Mmm, it's good to be king!"

Duke Nukem: Zero Hour

Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (1999)
  • Blow it out your ass! (reference to Duke Nukem 3D) (corrected due to being changed in the official game)
  • Your face, Your ass what's the difference?
  • Don't worry about it, saving chicks is what I'm all about!
  • I ain't got time to bleed! (reference to Predator)
  • Who the hell are you? My evil twin? (Talking to future self)
  • Alien boys, there's a new sheriff in town.
  • I don't die that easy boys. Come on time for a jail break.... by balls. (changed to "I don't die that easy boys. Come on time for a jail break" in the final game build for the nintendo 64 console)
  • I'm an ass kicker, not an aviator.
  • It ain't no bike, but it sure beats the hell outta walking. (when leaving the practice/training level when first staring the game)
  • Squeal piggy ! Squeal shove it in here ! [reference to Deliverance] (correction: Squeal Piggy Squeal)
  • Oh boy, it's clobberin' time! [reference to The Thing from Marvel's Fantastic Four]
  • Eh... Just a flesh wound. [reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail]
  • nuts roasting... as I open fire (In reference to the Christmas carol 'Chestnuts roasting ON an open fire')
  • Ahhh, smell those traffic fumes. And no damn aliens! Time for some R & R!
  • Hey kids you remember i'm a professional, don't try this at home!
  • What the *bleep* (f**k) is goin' on here?!
  • This won't buuuudge. (final build: It wont budge)
  • Looks like the crap has hit the fan. (upon arriving at the thrashed Duke Burger)
  • Time for the shit (bleeped when blowing up the fan in the second level) to hit the fan
  • It ain't no bike but it sure beats the hell out of walking (walking out of the first training level)
  • Female Commander: New York is in trouble Duke, the alien scum have taken over of the area around Liberty Island. Without immediate intervention they'll get the whole damn city. Your helicopter is waiting, go kick some ass...
  • Marine: I'm cocked, locked, and ready to rock Duke! [reference to The Rock]

Past Duke: lookin' good, pal!

Present Duke: Who the Hell are you, my evil twin?

Past Duke: I'm you Genius, only back in time. Now hear me... Aliens have traveled into Earth's past to try and change history. I went back and fought them, but my time machine was destroyed, and I can no longer chase them through time. As result of their tampering, your time line will experience temporal disruptions! The military of your future should have time travel technology, but how you get there is your problem. But remember, if you don't go back in time and make things right, Earth's history will forever change, and mankind could be wiped out.

Present Duke: Well, so much for my vacation time. (Practice/training level of the game)

  • Mess with the best, die like the rest ( It's a quote from the movie Hackers)
  • I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? (Reference to "Pulp Fiction")
  • Great, what am I supposed to use, harsh language? (reference to Aliens: Frost: What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Harsh language?)

Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes

Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (2000)
  • Well, enough talk then. Come get some! Oh, Silverback, one more thing. I'm gonna enjoy pissin' on your dead body!
  • Welcome to "Cool's-Ville", Population: Me. [reference to The Iron Giant]
  • I'm your worst nightmare, you uninvited alien scum-sucker! And right now you're all that stands between me and a planet full of babes - so get ready to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye!
  • I'm climbing a ladder........to heaven. [reference to Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven".]
  • Suck my dick you little alien fucks! (Note: "fuck" and "dick" are bleeped out.)
  • That hurt you more than it hurt me.
  • Damn you're ugly!
  • Bug off!
  • You guys suck!
  • The Bigger they are the harder they fall

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project (2002)
  • New York! It's my kind of town. // If I can kill 'em here...I can kill 'em anywhere! / Reference to Frank Sinatra's song "New York" ("If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere...") [just after door kick video sequences and player gets control over Duke Nukem]
  • Aaah, I love the smell of sewers in the morning. I bet Morphix is hiding under a turd somewhere. [when beginning E4L1]
  • Ahh, something smells rotten around here. [just before starting fight with boss at E4L3]
  • Ahh, that’s better! [in toilet just after the beginning of E3L1]
  • All aboard the Midtown Express... to hell! [when reaching trains at lower parts of E3L3]
  • You must be 18 or older to ride. [after rescuing a babe]
  • Babes, bullets, bombs... Damn, I love this job! [after rescuing a babe]
  • Batteries not included! [after killing a robot]
  • Call me now, for your free whipping! [when Duke receives a phone at E3L2]
  • Come on out, Morphix. There's only two ways this can end, and in both of them... you die! [before fight with Morphix's helicopter at E1L3]
  • Confucius say... Die! [before killing a monkey or Chinese enemy with 2 guns]
  • Dance for me, baby! [after rescuing a babe]
  • Death before Disco! [when Duke enters E2L3]
  • Die, bitch! [when duke shoots a female bot]
  • Don't get your panties all in a bunch. [during running into an office tower before door kick video sequence at game start and after rescuing a babe]
  • Don't worry girls, there's plenty of Duke to go around. [after completing the game]
  • [beep, beep, beep] The number you have reached: 9-1-1 has been changed to a non-published number. [when Duke receives a phone at E3L1]
  • End of the line - last stop: Total destruction! [after defeating the boss at E4L3]
  • Gotta find the exit now. [after rescuing the babe first and finding the key]
  • Guns don't kill mutants? I kill mutants! [after killing any mutant].
  • Half man, half animal, all dead! (Reference to Robocop: "Half man, Half machine, all cop") [after killing a mutant]
  • Ooh, careful with those things! [after rescuing a babe]
  • Hey, I know this classy place where you put quarters into the bed and... [after rescuing a babe]
  • Hmm, that stuff doesn’t look bio-degradable [when reaching GLOPP barrels at E1L2 in the interior section, before window cleaning platforms].
  • Hmm, so there is life after death... [after respawning]
  • Hmm, no lights... must be part of Morphix's energy conservation plan. [at E5L1 when following little blue lights]
  • Hmm... the other white meat. [when Duke spots a pig cop]
  • Hmm, wonder what this does. [when attempting to solve light riddle at E5L2]
  • I always said, if there was a way to go, it'd have something to do with women, whips, and oil... Let's rock. [before encountering a fight with a robot babe at E7L3]
  • I am the king of the world, baby! (reference to the 1997 film "Titanic") [after rescuing a babe and after credits - in video sequence with babes and confetti, black screen appears for a moment and Duke says this phrase]
  • Ooh, I better get the hell out of here! [after the first part of the fight with boss at E4L3]
  • I'm an equal opportunity ass kicker! [after killing a female bot]
  • I'm not gonna fight you, I'm gonna kick your ass! [before fighting boss at E2L3]
  • I can do this all day... [after respawning]
  • I could use some new boots. [when Duke encounters a mutant crocodile]
  • I don't do windows. [when encountering window cleaning platforms at E1L2]
  • I go where I please, and I please where I go. [after rescuing a babe]
  • I hate pigs! [after killing a pig cop]
  • I kill bugs... Dead! [after killing a mutant roach or fly, old Raid insect killer slogan]
  • I like big guns, and I cannot lie. [when Duke chooses rocket launcher, reference to Sir Mix-A-Lot's song "Baby Got Back")
  • I love the smell of bird crap in the morning. (reference to the film Apocalypse Now: "I love the smell of napalm in the morning", spoken after entering tanker deck at E6L1)
  • I see dead people. [when he blows multiple enemies up with X3000 gun, reference to the film The Sixth Sense]
  • I want a damn refund! This cruise sucks! [before fighting boss at E6L3]
  • It's a good day to die! (reference to Worf from Star Trek: The Next Generation) [after going through weapon detector at E8L1 and respawning]
  • It's clobbering time! (when double damage is picked, Reference to "The Thing" of the "Fantastic Four")
  • It's my way or... Hell, it's my way! [after blowing a subway car up at E4L2]
  • It's gear stripping time! [when spotting a robot]
  • Let's rock! (before engaging the final fight with Morphix at E1L3 and E8L3, and after respawning)
  • Life is like a box of ammo. (when assault rifle is selected, reference to the film Forrest Gump: "Life is like a box of chocolates...")
  • Looks like I'm on Candid Camera (allusion to a TV show pranking people) [when Duke sees a shooting camera]
  • Looks like Morphix puts workers' safety first... Right after everything else [before switching lights on at early parts of E5L1]
  • Looks like your hardware's gone a little soft, Morphix! [when trashing Morphix's robot after E8L3 and after damaging his helicopter at E1L3]
  • Looks like you've gotten ahead of yourself there. [after boss fight at E4L3]
  • Looks like we're about to reach our final destination. [just before boss fight at E3L3]
  • Makin'... bacon! [after killing a pig cop]
  • Mimic that! [after killing a mutant roach]
  • Morphix and his G.L.O.P.P. rig are going down faster than Enron. Let's rock. (when starting E6L1, reference to the bankrupt Enron Corporation)
  • Mother F-[beep] keycards! [when a keycard is needed to open the door]
  • My gun's bigger than yours. [when pulse cannon is selected]
  • No goin' back now! [when attempting to move back at E1 (all levels), E2L3, E6L1 and E6L2]
  • No token? No ride! [when he kills a mutant on the subway and after a boss fight at E3L3] (reference to Indiana Jones "Zeppelin Scene")
  • No disassembly required. [after killing a robot]
  • Now I'm really pissed off! [after respawning]
  • Oops, I did it again! (when he blows enemies with X3000 gun, reference to the Britney Spears song)
  • Ooh, that's gonna leave a mark. [when Duke Nukem blows enemies up]
  • Pigs will fly before Morphix rules the world on my watch! [right before starting E2L1]
  • Pucker up, buttercup! (when Duke encounters a fembot)
  • Rest in pieces! [when he blows enemies up]
  • Say hello to my little friend! (when pipebomb is selected, reference to "Scarface")
  • Sewer scum! [when Duke encounters a mutant rat]
  • Should've stayed in the swamp! [after killing a mutant crocodile]
  • So many babes, so little time. [after rescuing a babe]
  • So much for the rat pack! [after killing a mutant rat]
  • So, who wants to dance? [after rescuing a babe]
  • Someone's gonna pay for making me find these friggin' key cards! [when a keycard is needed to open the door]
  • Something tells me this won't pass any safety inspections... [when riding a platform leading to exit door at E5L1]
  • Sometimes I even amaze myself. [when passing the light riddle at E5L2]
  • Son of a bitch! (after respawning, throwing & exploding 8 pipebombs, before encountering a mutant at E4L3, and when soda machines run out of energy drinks at E2L1 and E3L1)
  • Sorry, honey; I've got some ass kickin' to do first! [after saving a babe]
  • Squeal like a pig! [when Duke encounters a pig cop] (reference from Deliverence)
  • Stop eyeballin' me! [when Duke encounters a flying shooting camera]
  • Surprise, surprise, I need a keycard. [when a keycard is needed to open the door]
  • Take that, you dirty rat! [after killing a mutant rat]
  • The deeper I go, the worse this city smells! [after reaching farther parts of E4L1]
  • This is why I have games named after me! [after rescuing a babe]
  • Time for mutation-mutilation! [when G.L.O.P.P. ray is selected]
  • Time for a reboot! [when Duke encounters a robot]
  • Time to deliver max pain on the A-Train... now where'd I put that subway token? (A reference to the video games Max Payne and A-Train) [when starting E3L1]
  • Time to de-worm the Big Apple! [after door kick video sequence, player gets control over Duke]
  • This'll be a barrel of laughs! [when shotgun is selected]
  • This room is bugged. [when Duke encounters a mutant roach or fly]
  • This train is going nowhere fast. [when starting a subway ride at last parts of E3L3]
  • The queen must be around here somewhere… That bitch is gonna pay! [in the middle of E4L3]
  • What a pussy! [after killing a fembot]
  • What am I? A frog? [reference to the game Frogger as Duke tries to run between cars at E2L2]
  • What the hell does Morphix need all this G.L.O.P.P. for? [when reaching a big sea of G.L.O.P.P. when bridge is raised at E5L2]
  • Who wants to glow in the dark? [when G.L.O.P.P. ray is selected]
  • You’re beautiful when you're dying. [when killed a fembot]
  • You're goin' down faster than the XFL! (Reference to the short-lived XFL Football League, when fighting boss at E6L3)
  • You are the missing link. Goodbye. [Reference to the game show The Weakest Link - or to the "missing link" species between ape and human in misunderstood evolution theory - when Duke spots any mutant]
  • Your kung-fu is through! [after killing a mutant crocodile]
  • Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of Duke Nukem. My continuing mission: to explore strange new babes, to seek out new aliens and kick their asses.
  • Reference to the TV series Star Trek (Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new world, to seek out new life forms and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before.) [when starting E8L1]
  • Jeez… You’d think Morphix could afford a few light bulbs? [in the early parts of E5L1]
  • I oughta break a broomhandle off in your ass! [when spots any mutant]
  • Quit wasting my time! [after killing any mutant]
  • Oh well; looks like I've broken another woman's heart. [when killing the female bot at E7L3]
  • I'll bet this teleporter is an express delivery to Morphix. Well; I've got a special package and I'm gonna make him sign for it. [when Duke teleports at Morphix's space station]
  • This is it! Let's you and me finish off this bastard once and for all! [before final fight with Morphix at E8L3]
  • Clean up on Aisle Four! [when he blows enemies up]
  • I don't remember buying tickets to Mutants on Ice. [in the middle of tanker freezer at E6L1]
  • Hmm... Babealicious! [after rescuing a babe]
  • Ahh, just in time! [before final fight with roachoid queen at E4L3]
  • Buzz off! [after killing a mutant fly]
  • No more left! [when Duke doesn't have pipebombs]
  • Now you see me, now you're dead! [after killing a robot]
  • Incoming! [when spots a mutant fly]
  • You talking to me [when Duke staying inactive with a pistol all the time]
  • Time to fumigate! [when spots a mutant roach]

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever (2011)
  • Okay, cycloid shithead, happy now? (First battle with Cycloid Emperor) (Reference on Moonwing Warrior)
  • Take your tentacles back to Japan, you freak! (after killing an Octobrain)(This is a reference to tentacle hentai.)
  • Take those tentacles and shove `em up your ass! (after killing an Octabrain)
  • My balls, your face.
  • Have a taste of my ball! (after crushing a condemned building full of enemies with the wrecking ball)
  • All right, time for my reward! (while meeting with the Holsom Twins)
  • Looks like those alien bastards drank all my beer.
  • [slapping alien breasts] Got milk?
  • Hmm... convenient.
  • Holy shit!
  • I'm from Las Vegas, and I say: kill 'em all. (reference to Rico's quote in Starship Troopers)
  • I guess pigs DO fly! (after causing an explosion that makes a pig-cop fly)
  • It's down to you and me!
  • It's good!
  • No! Come on! No! (after grabbing the piece of crap)
  • I'm the Duke, I'm A-number 1. (Reference to The Duke of New York City in Escape From New York)
  • Now what am I doing? (after taking a piece of crap)
  • Oh yeah! I'm bringing sexy back. (A possible reference to Justin Timberlake's song 'SexyBack')
  • A turd in the hand is worth two in the bush. (while holding a piece of crap)
  • Power armor is for pussies! (while looking at a suit of armor resembling that of a Master Chief's from HALO)
  • Size only matters when you're full grown, baby!
  • This is taking forever. Time to stop pissing around and get this big guy back into action. Woah, that water's cold. (while pissing at the beginning of the game, a reference to the protracted and extensive development time of Duke Nukem Forever) A reference to a famous old joke involving John Holmes, the late porn star. I say this as he then adds "And deep too"
  • Tonight, You dine in hell! (reference from the movie 300)
  • A crowbar would come in handy right about now. (While looking at boarded mine. Reference to Gordon Freeman and the use of crowbars in Half-Life series)
  • [after solving a gear puzzle] Duke one, gears none.
  • Bonjour, le hot stuff.
  • Squeal piggy! Squeal [reference to Deliverance. Could be also a reference from the first Unreal Tournament "Squeal boy, squeal!" as DNF is based on Unreal Engine]
  • Dammit Leroy! [reference to a famous line from a World of Warcraft video called Leeeeroy Jenkins]
  • That's one Dead Space marine [reference to Isaac Clarke, Dead Space's main character and is also an allusion to a classic line from Duke Nukem 3D in reference to Doom.]
  • America, fuck yeah [In reference to the movie Team America]
  • Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun! [Reference to Army of Darkness as well as Blood.]
  • Crumble like a shit cookie! [Multiplayer Quote.]
  • I don't dig on swine. [Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction]
  • Douche.
  • I'm going to kill you old style. [Reference to Peggy from the video Ventrilo Harassment - Duke Nukem Forever]
  • I hate valve puzzles! [While solving a puzzle that includes pipes and valves. Reference to Half-Life ]
  • [barrels rolling down a long stairway] Where's a hammer when you need one? (Reference to Donkey Kong)
  • [after killing the foe throwing barrels] Huh, I was expecting a monkey. (Also a reference to Donkey Kong)
  • You've got a lot of guts. Let's see what they look like. (Reference to Small Soldiers)
  • I'd buy this for a dollar. (Reference to Robocop)
  • If I promised to kill you last, I lied. (Reference to Commando)
  • Duke wins.... Fatality! [Reference to the 1992 arcade fighting game by Midway, Mortal Kombat)
  • If it bleeds, I can kill it (Reference to Predator)
  • What am I, a Chimpanzee? (after grabbing the piece of crap)
  • What's new, pussycat? (Reference from Tom Jones "What's new pussycat")
  • What kind of sick motherfucker picks up wet feces? (after grabbing the piece of crap)
  • What the hell?
  • Yeah, this should help.
  • Yeehaw, motherfucker! (During the "Highway" levels)
  • Vroom vroom, motherfucker! (During the "Highway" levels)
  • You wanna touch it, don't you? (while admiring himself in the mirror)
  • [meeting the first Battlelord] You're one ugly motherfucker. (Reference to Predator)
  • I got balls of steel!
  • Who wants white meat? Who wants it? [after killing a pig cop]
  • Dear diary... Jackpot! [Reference to a Quagmire scene in Family Guy)
  • Seriously, a nut-less monkey can do your job (Reference to Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder.)
  • This is gonna fuck up my hair!
  • I've got balls of fail![after losing the at the "Balls of Steel" pinball machine]
  • Time to redecorate, in brain matter grey.
  • Dick!
  • Quit bleeding, pussy!
  • Another day, another disembowelment.
  • Just call me "Frankenstein." (After running down an enemy with the monster truck: Reference to Deathrace movie masked driver: Frankenstein)
  • Aww, and it got such good gas mileage! (After the monster truck sinks)
  • Time to paint the town red (possible Reference to Clint Eastwood's Movie High Plains Drifter - where the town was painted red and renamed to "hell")
  • Pork chop sandwiches! (After exploding a Pig Cop) Reference to one of Fenslerfilm's G.I. Joe PSA parodies.

From the Doctor who Cloned me

  • "Die you metal motherfucker."
  • "I've got balls balls balls balls of Steel" a reference to the Duke Nukem Ventrilo Harassment youtube video.
  • "Looks like you're last years model."
  • "One more for the scrapyard."
  • "Nothin' but scrap metal."
  • "Freakin' impostor."
  • "I hate to kick my own ass but it's gotta be done."
  • "I don't dig on mines."
  • "You can't beat the real thing baby."
  • Often imitated never duplicated." (Possible Disney's Aladdin reference)
  • "Damn, I wouldn't want to lose to me either."
  • Why so serious?" (From the Dark Knight.)

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