Su cliente no está satisfecho con las soluciones propuestas. ¿Cómo puede abordar su insatisfacción de manera efectiva?
¿Alguna vez te has enfrentado a un reto difícil con un cliente? Comparte tus estrategias para convertir la insatisfacción en éxito.
Su cliente no está satisfecho con las soluciones propuestas. ¿Cómo puede abordar su insatisfacción de manera efectiva?
¿Alguna vez te has enfrentado a un reto difícil con un cliente? Comparte tus estrategias para convertir la insatisfacción en éxito.
To address a client's dissatisfaction with proposed solutions, actively listen to their concerns and clarify the specific issues. Demonstrate empathy, acknowledge their feedback, and work collaboratively to refine the solutions based on their input. Provide revised proposals, clearly communicating how the changes address their concerns, and set clear expectations regarding timelines and deliverables. Follow up to review the effectiveness of the adjustments and ensure ongoing client satisfaction. #ahmedalaali11
If a customer is unhappy with your proposal, you've failed to properly understand their needs and explain your solution's ability to address those needs. Remember, a proposal should never contain surprises—it’s meant to memorialize what’s already been discussed, not introduce new ideas or unclear solutions. The being said, when and if you get here, the first step is to acknowledge that a mistake has been made. Next, go back into discovery. Ask probing questions. Listen actively and take detailed notes to ensure you’re capturing their needs accurately. Once you’ve gathered more information, reiterate their pain points and how your solution will specifically address them. Verify that you're both on the same page before proceeding.
Use SLUSA S : Stop L : Listen U : Understand (repeat what you could understand) S : Sooth A : Answer in a way so that his ego is unhurt
Effectively communicating with the client goes a long way. When a client is not happy with a proposed solution hear them out and find a common ground in what you and they are proposing. Often the clients just want us to acknowledge our faults.
First and foremost, you need to be a good listener. As I often say, it's important to put yourself in the client’s shoes to truly understand their concerns with empathy. Next, ensure you and the client are aligned by reviewing the goals and scope of work together. After that, engage in clear and impactful communication to address any issues. If the proposed solutions are satisfactory, then everything is fine. However, if changes are needed, make sure to inform the client about the implications, such as adjustments to the timeline or budget. Finally, obtain the client’s confirmation before implementing any changes.
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