

Transporte marítimo

Pasaia, Gipuzkoa 982 seguidores

Foilchemy, hydrofoil engineering

Sobre nosotros

Foilchemy aims to support the decarbonization of maritime transport by developing new hydrofoil technology and engineering services to catalyze its implementation. Above take-off speed, hydrofoils lift the hulls of vessels above the water surface, considerably reducing drag. A drag reduction means a lower thrust requirement and lower emissions. It also enables the use of clean propulsion for a wider range of vessels. Two are the challenges for the expansion of hydrofoils, safe & efficient foilborne in rough sea conditions and its life cycle cost vs express cargo & light passenger displacement vessels. Foilchemy has developed a new hydrofoil technology and design tools to improve safety, efficiency, and life cycle costs. Foilchemy may strongly reduce the R&D costs which companies are assuming today to implement foils, by sharing our experience in developing an autopiloted sailing hydrofoil boat from scratch. We offer our clients to become part of their engineering teams for a given time, to transfer our design know-how, engineering tools and technology

Transporte marítimo
Tamaño de la empresa
De 2 a 10 empleados
Pasaia, Gipuzkoa
De financiación privada
hydrofoil, R&D y naval engineering


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    Calle Naval Aldea


    Pasaia, Gipuzkoa 20110, ES

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    982 seguidores

    The Louis Vuitton Preliminary Regatta has ended, raising an important issue: electronics reliability.   Several teams had complete system reboots or electrical failures that caused them to lose several races. Now that electronics are a key factor for the boat performance, they are being pushed to the limit to gain any possible advantage. But, as we have seen, this often comes with the cost of reliability.   All #hydrofoil and electric boats are also reliant in #electronics but the needs are very different. Make sure to take into account the #reliability, availability, maintenance and safety (#RAMS) of your boat's electronics. In Foilchemy, we have developed our autopilot systems with an industrial use in mind: focusing on having minimal downtime and ensuring the best overall experience.  Hydrodynamic design, structural and mechanical analysis, electric system, and electronics: all are taken care of by our team. Get in touch if you want to know more.   Do you think that teams will solve their reliability issues? Let us know!

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Foilchemy, gráfico

    982 seguidores

    The Louis Vuitton Preliminary Regatta has ended, raising an important issue: electronics reliability.   Several teams had complete system reboots or electrical failures that caused them to lose several races. Now that electronics are a key factor for the boat performance, they are being pushed to the limit to gain any possible advantage. But, as we have seen, this often comes with the cost of reliability.   All #hydrofoil and electric boats are also reliant in #electronics but the needs are very different. Make sure to take into account the #reliability, availability, maintenance and safety (#RAMS) of your boat's electronics. In Foilchemy, we have developed our autopilot systems with an industrial use in mind: focusing on having minimal downtime and ensuring the best overall experience.  Hydrodynamic design, structural and mechanical analysis, electric system, and electronics: all are taken care of by our team. Get in touch if you want to know more.   Do you think that teams will solve their reliability issues? Let us know!

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Foilchemy, gráfico

    982 seguidores

    🇪🇸 Desde Foilchemy no nos gustaría dejar pasar la oportunidad de felicitar al equipo de CES Uvigo por sus recientes éxitos en la #MonacoEnergyBoatChallenge. En una competición internacional y con rivales experimentados con varias ediciones en su haber, han conseguido una meritoria sexta posición en su primera participación. Y todo esto, a pesar de problemas técnicos de última hora y un calendario muy ambicioso para llegar a la competición. Esperamos volver a veros competir en las próximas ediciones (en la que también esperamos ver a los amigos de GFS - Green Foiling Spain) y os deseamos la mejor de las suertes. ¡Ánimo rapaces! #foil #barcoelectrico #haycantera 🇬🇧 From Foilchemy, we do not want to miss the opportunity to congratulate the CES Uvigo team for their recent successful results in the #MonacoEnergyBoatChallenge. They got a well-deserved sixth position in their first attendance in this international challenge, facing other teams with several editions of experience. They have achieved all this, despite last minute technical problems and a very tight schedule. We hope to see you participate again in the coming years (and we hope to see our friends of GFS - Green Foiling Spain) and we wish you the best of luck. ¡Keep on going guys! #foiling #electricboat

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Foilchemy, gráfico

    982 seguidores

    Our first time in Southampton was so exciting! We were really surprised by the amount of #boats in the water. Furthermore, we could enjoy the stunning scenery with the #ferries carrying people to the Isle of Wight and the big container ships entering the port. #Foiling technology is not super common in the #workboat sector yet, but its presence is growing continuously. Indeed, it is very valuable to attend this kind of events and to have an on-site feeling of what the industry is looking for. Seawork 2025, we will be there!

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    982 seguidores

    Want to feel like an experienced Americans Cup sailor but you have no idea how to fly a #hydrofoil? We have got you covered! ⛵  Naia was our first ever hydrofoil #sailboat, back in 2021. The aim was to create a beginner-friendly hydrofoil sailboat at the lowest possible cost. The boat has full control of heave, pitch and roll. The sailor only has to worry about the rudder and the sails, just like in a normal sailboat.   The boat uses only 3 inexpensive pressure sensors, electric actuators and a very simple autopilot computer. No ultrasonics, no expensive IMU, no complex mechanical systems. Thanks to our patented #control system, it calculates the boat's speed, attitude and the water angle of attack to ensure the easiest and smoothest sailing possible for everyone. Take a look at the video to se how Manolo Ruiz de Elvira was flying after just 5 minutes!   Have you tried any other sailboat hydrofoils? What was your experience?

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    982 seguidores

    🇬🇧2024 was our first time in Navalia Exhibition but it won't be the last one. We met new people, from potential clients to potential suppliers, we caught up with university professors and former students, and we encountered old friends that we had never thought to find in those places. We should also mention the incredible organization for such an amazing event! We also hope #foils will have more and more space in this kind of events in each edition. We will keep on going 💪 🇪🇸2024 fue nuestra primera vez en Navalia Exhibition, pero seguro que no la última. Conocimos a gente nueva, desde potenciales clientes a potenciales proveedores, nos reencontramos con antiguos profesores y compañeros de universidad y hasta coincidimos con viejos amigos a los cuales no esperábamos encontrar por allí. No sería justo acabar sin destacar la impecable organización de un gran evento. Esperamos también que los #foils tengan cada vez mayor cabida en este tipo de ferias. Desde Foilchemy seguiremos peleando por ello 💪

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Foilchemy, gráfico

    982 seguidores

    🇬🇧 It is time to attend another naval event! Next week, both Tuesday and Wednesday Manuel Fraga Seoane will go back to his land and will be attending Navalia Exhibition. As the first time there, we are really looking forward to the event. If you fancy a little chat, contact or look for him, he will be around. 🇪🇸 ¡A por el próximo evento naval! La próxima semana, martes y miércoles, Manuel Fraga Seoane vuelve a su tierra para asistir a Navalia Exhibition. Estamos con muchas ganas, ya que será nuestra primera vez por allí. Si quieres hablar con él, contacta o búscalo, lo encotraréis por allí.

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Foilchemy, gráfico

    982 seguidores

    Looking for #electronics for your new boat? #Hydrofoil #autopilots, automatic trim control, sensors and data storage... then read on!   At Foilchemy we have worked with ALOR-tech to develop our own autopilot system and #control software. But we have also developed data acquisition boxes, automatic trim control systems, electrical circuits for hybrid and fully electric boats and much, much more.   There are a number of services we can offer:  - Understand your requirements and design the whole system accordingly - Create customised #electronic circuits - Develop the necessary SW for your application - Install and tune everything in your boat   Thanks to Juan Aguarón de Blas and Arrate García Mendizabal for all the hard work!  

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