

Fabricación de productos farmacéuticos

Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona 236.396 seguidores

Innovamos para los pacientes y la Sociedad

Sobre nosotros

Grifols es una compañía global del sector de la salud fundada en 1909, comprometida con mejorar la salud y el bienestar de las personas en todo el mundo. Somos líderes en medicamentos hemoderivados y medicina transfusional y desarrollamos, producimos y proporcionamos servicios y soluciones sanitarias innovadoras en más de 110 países. Las necesidades de los pacientes y nuestro creciente conocimiento de muchas enfermedades crónicas, raras y prevalentes, a veces muy graves, impulsan nuestra innovación para desarrollar medicamentos derivados del plasma y otros productos biofarmacéuticos que mejoren la calidad de vida de las personas. Los tratamientos que ofrece Grifols son para patologías de una amplia gama de áreas terapéuticas: inmunología, hepatología, cuidados intensivos, neumología, hematología, neurología y enfermedades infecciosas. Grifols, con una plantilla de más de 27.000 personas en más de 30 países y regiones, apuesta por un modelo de negocio sostenible, referente de innovación continua, calidad, seguridad y liderazgo ético. Nuestro trabajo diario genera impacto social y económico positivo en las comunidades en las que estamos presentes, a través de la creación de puestos de trabajo y valor social. Las personas están en el centro de todo lo que hacemos y nos esforzamos por crear una sociedad inclusiva, diversa, justa e igualitaria. Mantener y promover una plantilla que refleje esta realidad conduce a mejorar las relaciones profesionales y nos ayuda a dar lo mejor de nosotros mismos a pacientes, donantes y clientes. En 2022, Forbes reconoció a Grifols como una de las mejores compañías para mujeres trabajadoras (Best Employers for Women), una de las mejores empresas grandes en las que trabajar en EE.UU (America’s Best Large Employers) y una de las 75 mejores empresas para trabajar en España.

Sitio web
Fabricación de productos farmacéuticos
Tamaño de la empresa
Más de 10.001 empleados
Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
Empresa pública
Plasmapheresis, Plasma derived therapies, Diagnostics, Intravenous therapies, Clinical nutrition, Automate drug compounding , Drug inventory control y Healthcare


  • Principal

    Parc Empresarial Can Sant Joan

    Av. de la Generalitat, 152-158

    Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona 08174, ES

    Cómo llegar
  • Carrer de Palou, 6

    Parets del Valles, Catalonia 08150, ES

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Empleados en Grifols


  • Ver la página de empresa de Grifols, gráfico

    236.396 seguidores

    For the sixth consecutive year, our manufacturing site in Clayton, N.C. has been validated by Underwriters Laboratory UL Solutions as a “Zero Waste to Landfill” site. We are excited to maintain Gold-level validation for diverting from landfills 97% of the site’s waste, with 6% processing with Energy Recovery, by using recycling, composting, anaerobic digestion and other recovery techniques. ♻️ Effective waste management is part of our circular economy strategy, which includes seeking ways to reduce waste and pollution, as well as prolonging the useful life of materials. #environment #zerowastetolandfill #sustainability

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Grifols, gráfico

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    As we continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our Clayton facility, today we bring you a story of family and commitment. This fifty-year success story would never have been possible without each and every person who has contributed with passion and determination, and who has brought the best of themselves to our facility. Our Clayton biopharma campus is one of the largest plasma fractionation plants in the world. Its 24/7/365 operation requires a dedicated, committed and exceptional team of employees, like the Medlin family. Their story started 35 years ago, when an 18-year-old Johnston Community College student entered the pooling area. #Biopharma #GrifolsClayton #WeAreHealthcare

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    Product safety for patients, donor safety and employee safety are our priorities. Our vertically integrated production process guarantees the highest standards of quality and safety, from donation to delivery of plasma-derived medicines to patients. We are very proud of our dedicated quality control team that oversees more than 390 plasma donation centers worldwide. Our rigorous standards are why healthcare professionals trust Grifols products and services. #GrifolsPlasma #GrifolsTeam

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    Diving into Grifols legacy, we're proud to share a remarkable chapter from our history that continues to inspire us. The pioneering work of Dr. Josep Antoni Grífols i Lucas in 1951 on plasmapheresis marked a turning point in medical science and the plasma industry. His dedication and innovative approach led to a landmark study involving over 350 donors, proving the safety ofthe procedure on donors. The findings presented at an international congress of transfusion medicine and published in the British Medical Journal the next year have been instrumental. It enabled the collection of plasma on a larger scale, offering the scientific community a technique that continues to be the most widespread method for obtaining plasma for the industrial fractionation process to the present day. His legacy continues to inspire us at Grifols as we forge ahead, innovating for patients. Learn more about our history of innovation 👉

  • Ver la página de empresa de Grifols, gráfico

    236.396 seguidores

    On World Humanitarian Day, we honor the dedication of healthcare workers, volunteers, and aid workers worldwide. Their tireless efforts in the face of adversity inspire us at Grifols. We're proud to support global humanitarian initiatives through partnerships with Direct Relief, and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, bringing aid this year to communities from Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul to the Israel/Gaza region. In times of crisis, the continuity of medical treatments is critical. We are committed to ensuring that those in need receive our essential medicines. Through Direct Relief, our donations have reached patients in Gaza, Ukraine and Cuba. Join us in celebrating these heroes and supporting our shared mission of humanitarian aid. #ActForHumanity #WorldHumanitarianDay #GrifolsSocialImpact

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Grifols, gráfico

    236.396 seguidores

    Today, we take you behind the scenes of our factory in Parets del Vallès, Spain, where we manufacture essential plasma-derived medicines. Taking us on this journey is Paula Segura, a manufacturing operator, who started at Grifols as a trainee and earned her first contract in the industry. Our people change lives while growing and developing into a forward-looking international company. #GrifolsTeam

  • Ver la página de empresa de Grifols, gráfico

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    Safety and quality are our priorities. Our vertically integrated production process guarantees the highest standards, from donation to delivery of the plasma-derived medicine to the patient. Grifols plasma centers are licensed and regulated by the U.S. FDA and other international agencies, and they are routinely inspected and certified by the International Quality Plasma Program (IQPP). In addition, we have one of the most innovative traceability systems, PediGri®, which enables healthcare professionals to see extensive manufacturing information at any time on the specific medicines they are administering to patients. It all starts at our donation centers. 👇 #GrifolsPlasma #PlasmaSourceOfLife

  • Ver la página de empresa de Grifols, gráfico

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    This month we celebrate 10 years of business activity in Honk Kong, a decade of dedication, growth, and excellence in supporting our Diagnostics division . Our Hong Kong team has been instrumental in establishing the APAC Financial Shared Service (APAC FSS) and fortifying compliance within the region. Their unwavering commitment has not only enhanced our operations but also solidified our presence in APAC. 🎉 祝賀香港團隊在過去十年所取得的成就,未來必將繼續成功! #GrifolsHongKong #WeAreHealthcare

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Grifols, gráfico

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    We are pleased to announce that GigaGen, a Grifols company, has received FDA approval to begin a Phase 1 trial to evaluate its recombinant polyclonal drug to treat and potentially clear hepatitis B virus infection (HBV). The therapeutic, containing more than 1,000 fully human recombinant anti-HBV antibodies that reproduce the human body’s natural immune response, marks a significant milestone for Grifols as part of its commitment to develop transformative antibody drugs for infectious diseases. For more information, see the press release 👉 #biotechnology #antibodies #WeAreInnovation 

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Grifols, gráfico

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    We are proud to announce that the 2024 GATRA Award winner is Dr. Luis Muñoz Becerra, Senior Research Investigator Group Leader at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg for his research project titled ¨Inhibition of serine proteases in tumor associated neutrophil extracellular traps (taNETs) by antithrombin¨. Founded in 2015, the GATRA Program is an annual international award to foster a scientific network and also the knowledge in the use of Antithrombin as a therapeutic product. More information here 👉 #hematology #clinicalresearch #GrifolsScientificAwards

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326.451.020,00 US$

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