Insight Foresight Institute (IFI) ha compartido esto
As part of the EIT Food #ConsumerObservatory, we organised this week two very lively online scenario workshops. The observatory has been identifying general and food-related trends to explore future developments of the food consumption and agrifood ecosystem. Our scenario work builds on these advances and explores how the trends could interact and mould the future. In more specifically, our foresight work focuses on ‘Futures of food consumption and the agrifood ecosystem in 2035 in Europe’, specifically with regards to emerging technological opportunities for new products and retail experiences as well as to sustainable and healthy consumer choices. Two dichotomic dimensions were defined to provide a starting point for the scenario work (see the figure with some tentative titles) for exploring interconnections of trends and wild cards etc. and co-creating alternative futures. Massive thank you to all the participants for your contributions. The work continues now with crafting the narratives. Their implications to different stakeholder will be discussed in the next workshop, which is planned for September 19. In case, you are interested to hear more about our project or even participate, please, get in touch. #ConsumerObservatory #ImprovingFoodTogether Elena Santa Cruz Sonia Riesco Granja Durk Bosma Sam Mehmet Fabienne Ruault