Secret Source

Secret Source

Desarrollo de software

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands 5149 seguidores

A tech team you'll love working with.

Sobre nosotros

Secret Source is a technology outsourcing agency based in Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. We've had the privilege of working with some of the biggest brands in the world from Barclays to GSK and Centrica. What we do is we build amazing IT teams of Developers, Scrum Masters, Data Analysts and Designers. Teams that that feel psychologically safe with very high levels of ownership. Teams that you'll love working with. Why do we do what we do? We're here to make people happy, our developers and our clients. Yes, we do TDD, measure velocity and work with all the latest tools; but we also measure success by how happy our team is and how happy our clients are. Because ultimately that’s what matters.

Desarrollo de software
Tamaño de la empresa
De 11 a 50 empleados
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
De financiación privada
PHP, Wordpress, React JS, Java, Software, Websites, Laravel, React Native, NodeJS, scrum, Dev teams, Developer as a Service, off-shore development, software development, agile software development, happiness at work, scrum masters, data analysts, psychologically safety, Dev Team as a Service, UI/UX Design, UX Design, Product Owners, off-shore developers y near-shore developers


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    Calle Bravo Murillo

    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, ES

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Empleados en Secret Source


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    Thinking of outsourcing your IT project? It is important to know that your definition of a senior developer is the same as your outsourcer’s. In this webinar clip Sarah Ward-Web, Account Development Manager here at Secret Source, discusses how to assess and define a senior developer, ensuring you get the right people working on your team. 🎬 Question 1: How do you assess your developers? Seniority is not just about the number of years of experience but also about the level of expertise and problem-solving skills. A senior developer understands the bigger picture and can design scalable solutions to complex problems. They bring a wealth of knowledge to the table and can mentor and guide junior developers to help them grow. At Secret Source, we implement a professional ladder process that evaluates our team based on their technical and soft skills. This approach provides our clients with clear insights into each developer's experience and capabilities. ➡️ Keen to learn more? Watch the video clip to continue the conversation! #OutsourcingIT #Developer #ITSkills

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    ⚖️ "Work-Life Harmony" and how it impacts employee happiness and retention. "Work-life harmony" is an essential aspect of workplace wellbeing. When employees have the freedom to work in the manner, time, and location that suits them best, it enhances their wellbeing and leads to greater job satisfaction. This ultimately results in improved employee retention rates. Research indicates that in order for workers to be happy, they need to be able to balance work and personal responsibilities, which aligns with our need for autonomy and flexibility. In our blog post, we explore four key actions that companies can take to meet this requirement. If you are struggling with employee retention in your IT team and want to share your experiences and get some practical advice, feel free to get in touch. #Wellbeing #EmployeeRetention #Happiness #Productivity

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    If you're considering outsourcing your IT project, you might want to consider the qualifications and expertise of your outsourcer's project manager too. We all know that project management is essential to ensuring that a project runs smoothly and successfully. However, do you have an outsourcer who can provide a reliable project manager and see the bigger picture of your project needs? At Secret Source, we always consider the project as a whole, not only who will develop the project but also who will manage it and all the additional skills that are often required for your project. Sarah Ward-Web, our Account Development Manager, explored this topic in a recent webinar. 🎬 Watch back the clip here >>  #ProjectManagement #Developers #Team

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    Empathy is now considered by some as the most important characteristic of a leader. Being more empathetic though can be really difficult. Here are a couple of tips to help: 🎯 1. Be curious, not judgemental - If you've watched Ted Lasso, you'll know what we mean; if you haven't, it means approaching conflict from a place of curiosity. You don't want to win the argument; you want to understand what the other person thinks, and then you work out the best solution for both of you.  💭 2. "Help me understand" - Are you still struggling to be curious? A great phrase to use is "help me understand". Instead of banging on with your point of view or asking the other person to repeat again, ask them "help me understand what you're telling me". It shows humility and that you are genuinely interested in their point of view. You then have to listen!  At Secret Source, we get the best results when our teams work together. Being empathetic is a crucial trait of high performing, collaborative teams. #Empathy #Leadership #CompanyCulture

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    At Secret Source, we’ve experienced firsthand how building a sense of purpose within our team has helped us create better software for our clients. It's about creating a space where motivation grows, relationships strengthen, and successes are celebrated in a way that inspires everyone. In this LinkedIn newsletter, we share tips on how you can create a happier workplace by building a strong sense of purpose within your team: #WorkplaceHappiness #HappyTeams #TeamBuilding

    How to Build a Sense of Purpose Within Your Team

    How to Build a Sense of Purpose Within Your Team

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    🌟 What truly brings happiness at work? It's a complex topic with various elements. If you google "factors that make you happy at work," you'll find lists ranging from 5 to 25 essential elements. Today, let's simplify it to five key factors that align with our fundamental human needs. These are taken from the US Surgeon General's guidelines for wellbeing in the workplace. 💥 Safety: This is the most important one. You need to feel you are safe at work. Safe against bullying or discrimination and that your job is secure. It also means you feel safe to speak up - you feel psychological safety. 💥 Connection and Community: You need to feel you are included and part of a team, and that you have the support you need around you. 💥 Autonomy: Empowerment to control your work, trusted to take charge, and not unfairly blamed fosters a sense of ownership and flexibility, resonating with our need for autonomy. 💥 Purpose: Feeling that you have control over your work and that you are trusted and won’t be blamed if anything goes wrong. You need to feel some sense of ownership. 💥 Opportunities for Growth: Finally you need to feel that there is a future in your job, that you are going to grow. This is based on the human needs for learning and a sense of accomplishment. But where do salary and benefits fit into this equation? They're intertwined with security and recognition. You need a big enough salary to feel safe and recognised for your work. While there's no one-size-fits-all formula for team happiness, focusing intentionally on these five pillars is a good start. Remember, happiness is subjective and ever-evolving. While we can't guarantee happiness, we can create nurturing environments that maximise its likelihood. Just as a skilled gardener tends to their plants, providing optimal conditions for growth, we can cultivate the seeds of happiness within our teams. 🌱 #WorkplaceHappiness #TeamCulture #LeadershipGoals

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    When it comes to IT outsourcing, fun might not be the first word that comes to mind, but it's an essential ingredient for a successful and productive team. Why? Because fun translates to better communication, collaboration, and team building, which all lead to happier, more productive employees and lower turnover rates. So, how do you make outsourcing fun?  ➡️ Building personal relationships: research shows that teams who have a personal connection with one another work better together and are more likely to achieve shared goals. ➡️ Embrace technology: with the right tools and platforms, remote work can be just as engaging and collaborative as working in a shared physical environment.  Follow our blog link to read more: #Outsourcing #CompanyCulture #EmployeeRetention

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    Here at Secret Source, we once believed micromanagement was the key to delivering exceptional client results. However, we soon realised that this approach stifled creativity and hindered our team's ability to thrive.  By shifting to a collaborative model and empowering our team with autonomy and ownership, we transformed our company and the quality of our client work. Autonomy in the workplace is crucial—it's about giving your team the freedom to innovate and make decisions. Yet, finding the right balance between support and autonomy is essential. Keen to learn more about how to manage your team without micromanaging? Check out our blog post below 👇 #WorkCulture #Outsourcing #CompanyCulture #Micromanagement

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    Work should be more than just a place you go to earn a paycheck—it should be an environment where you thrive, make lifelong connections, and find fulfilment. At Secret Source, we firmly believe in this ethos and are committed to helping others achieve it. Happiness at work is within your reach, whether you're a manager or an employee. Material rewards alone don't equate to true happiness. Reflecting on what truly matters beyond bonuses and titles is key. The US Surgeon General say there are 5 essentials for workplace happiness: 1️⃣ Safety: Feeling secure physically and emotionally. 2️⃣ Community: Being part of a supportive team. 3️⃣ Autonomy: Having control over your work life. 4️⃣ Purpose: Finding meaning in your work. 5️⃣ Opportunity for Growth: Feeling challenged and developing professionally. Understanding your unique needs is important. While some thrive on autonomy and community, others prioritise purpose and growth. If you're seeking happiness at work, start by assessing your needs and exploring small changes to fulfil them. #WorkplaceHappiness #EmployeeEngagement #Leadership

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    How do you ensure your team feels like they're truly part of something bigger? It’s about more than just showing up; it's about feeling valued and integral to the mission that drives us all forward. In this blog post we share practical ways leaders can encourage this sense of belonging, from recognising contributions to involving team members in meaningful decisions. At Secret Source, we've seen firsthand the impact of these practices on employee satisfaction and retention. Regularly measuring happiness and facilitating open communication channels is important to ensure every team member feels valued and heard. For those committed to building a culture where every employee feels they matter, read on below: #EmployeeWellbeing #Leadership #EmployeeEngagement

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