One week after the end of the successful last edition of #MWC25, we would like to recall our participation as vCity and Data Analytics & Visualization Group, BSC-CNS 🙌 We would like to highlight the interactive display of the UDT of the Ajuntament de Barcelona at the Mobile World Capital Barcelona stand, the conversation between Mateo Valero (BSC), Francesc Fajula de Quintana (MWCapital) and Fernando Cucchietti (BSC & vCity) and the excellent presence of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center at the 4YFN, where we were able to share the progress of the project and present the beta version of the Mobility app 🚀 We were very happy with the results presented on our project and those of other BSC researchers, the various conversations we had with interested attendees, and the contacts we made during the congress, with whom we hope to establish collaborations soon to continue contributing to the construction of more sustainable, human-centered cities 🏡 🔗 Check the details here Thanks to our team for making this possible! CASE Department Sol Bucalo Raquel Barrachina Laura Roldan Vilardell Miriam Herrero Valea Paula Fernández Vergara Paula Méndez Gordillo Serena Mombelli Paula Benito Luca Liebscht Roger González March Patricio Reyes David García Povedano Marc Heras Tomas Andrade Weber Alex Gil Carlos Garcia Calatrava Renata Gimenez Binder 🤝 #MWC25 #vCity #BSC #BSCDataVizGroup #Marenostrum5 #AI #HPC #UrbanDigitalTwins #Mobility #Humancentric