Main conclusions of the October-December 2024 results: · Revenue of €305.7 million in 4Q24, an increase of 2.1% compared to the previous year, driven by growth in casings volumes. In the full year, revenue of €1,204.0 million (-1.8% vs. 2023). · EBITDA of €78.9 million in 4Q24, a growth of +4.2% compared to the previous year and with an improvement of 0.5 p.p. in the EBITDA margin to 25.8%, driving EBITDA in the full year to €285.3 million (+6.3% vs. 2023). · Net profit of €50.7 million in 4Q24, an increase of +26.2% compared to the previous year, with a net result in the full year of €157.0 million (+11.4% vs. 2023). · Net bank debt at December 2024 was €146.9 million as compared with €138.0 million at December 2023. Higher cash generation has allowed to continue increasing ordinary shareholder remuneration, and even to distribute an additional euro of extraordinary dividend without weakening the balance sheet structure. · An estimated shareholder remuneration is proposed for approval at the Shareholders' Meeting charged to the 2024 results of €3.10 per share, of which, €2.10 are ordinary and €1.00 of an extraordinary nature. · In February 2025, Viscofan do Brasil Sociedade Comercial e Industrial Ltda. has acquired 51% of Pet Mania Comércio Internacional Ltda, a Brazilian company dedicated to the production and marketing of animal-based treats for pets, by a cash value of 34 million of Brazilian Real. · José Antonio Canales, CEO of the Viscofan Group: “These quarterly results set new all-time highs for EBITDA and net profit thanks to the combination of volume growth and productivity improvements carried out in recent years. In a year that has gone from less to more due to the inventory adjustment process, the market has resumed the path of historical growth in volumes. Our commercial discipline, our wide product portfolio, and our geographical proximity has allowed us to recover the growth path and the profitability, which, in this last quarter of the year, stood above our expectations of 25% set in our strategic plan Beyond 25. In parallel, we have made progress on the projects established in the Beyond25 Plan, highlighting the inauguration of the converting plant in Thailand and the acquisition of Brasfibra and Master Couros in Brazil. A group that continues to grow and does so with higher cash generation than that forecast in the strategic plan. Thus, the Board of Directors is proposing again for approval at the General Shareholders' Meeting another extraordinary dividend of €1.00 per share, that together with €0.653 of Final dividend in June 2025, and €1.437 of Interim Dividend distributed in December 2024 drive total remuneration to €3.10. 📈All the information about results is available on Viscofan website:
Alimentación y bebidas
Tajonar , Navarra 28.877 seguidores
Líder mundial en producción y distribución de envolturas para la industria alimentaria.
Sobre nosotros
El Grupo Viscofan es el líder mundial en la producción, distribución y comercialización de envolturas para la industria alimentaria con una propuesta tecnológica y comercial única en su mercado. Es la única empresa del mundo que cuenta con tecnología en las principales familias de envolturas: celulósica, fibrosa, colágeno, vegetal, plásticos y soluciones funcionales. Viscofan tiene centros productivos en España, Alemania, Australia, Brasil, Bélgica, Canadá, China, Estados Unidos, México, República Checa, Serbia y Uruguay, desde donde distribuye productos a más de 100 países de todo el mundo.
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- Alimentación y bebidas
- Tamaño de la empresa
- De 1.001 a 5.000 empleados
- Sede
- Tajonar , Navarra
- Tipo
- De financiación privada
- Fundación
- 1975
- Especialidades
- Meat & Vegetables Industries
Empleados en Viscofan
UNLOOC Chips JU Project is a 3-year project which develops Organ-on-Chips technologies to mitigate the challenges posed by use of animals in drug development and testing. With a total budget of 68M euros, 50 partners (companies, research institutions and SMEs) from 10 different countries are working together to bring the Organ on a Chip technology to the next level in Europe. This project is supported by the Chips Joint Undertaking (Grant Agreement No. 101140192) and its members including the top-up funding of Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Spain. This work has also received funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). We are proud that Viscofan is a crucial part of this ambitious project, providing our Fibercoll-Flex bioinks in order to achieve the design and development of artificial skin. #3Dbiorpinting #Collagen #OrganonaChip #skin
Viscofan has inaugurated a new casing production plant in Rayong (Thailand) in the presence of representatives of Thailand's Board of Investments, the mayor of the Jompoljaopraya subdistrict, the Director of WHA Eastern Seabord, Mr. Songsak Chuenta, the Spanish ambassador Mr. Felipe de la Morena Casado, the Chairman of Viscofan, Mr. José Domingo de Ampuero y Osma, and the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. José Antonio Canales García. Viscofan Group has invested nearly 22 million euros to start-up of the facilities that located in an area of 30,000 m2, of which 8,630 m2 are built. This production plant, which is dedicated to the converting phase of cellulose and collagen casings, has the most advanced technology, and incorporates the most advanced digitalisation solutions from the outset. From this new production center, Viscofan will serve not only the Thai market, but also support the expansion of the rest of the markets in Southeast Asia. For Mr. José Domingo de Ampuero y Osma, Chairman of the Viscofan Group, "Today Viscofan marks a milestone in its trajectory, which not only reinforces the position of Thailand and Viscofan in the food market, but also highlights the importance of international collaboration and shared growth". For his part, Mr. José Antonio Canales, CEO of the Viscofan Group, said: "One of the main reasons for establishing this plant in Thailand is to get closer to our customers in the region. Proximity is important, and being here allows us to better understand their needs, respond faster, and provide more personalized solutions. In addition, this land offers us additional potential for expansion. If our customers' needs evolve, we are ready to adapt, with the ability to add new production processes in the future. It is not just a facility for today, but a foundation for years to come." #ViscofanThailand #Expansion #Innovation #ViscofanAPAC #ViscofanAsia
Main conclusions of the July-September 2024 results: · Revenue of €305.1 million, an increase of 2.5% compared to the previous year, driven by growth in casings volumes. · EBITDA of €74.8 million, a growth of +18.3% compared to the previous year and with an improvement of 3.2 p.p. in the EBITDA margin to 24.5%. · Net profit of €37.5 million, a decrease of -1.2% compared to the previous year, affected by negative exchange rate differences and a higher tax rate. Thus, Net profit in 9M24 amounted to €106.3 million, a growth of 5.5% versus the same period of the last year. · The acquisition of 60% of the companies Brasfibra y Master Couros in Brazil for a cash consideration of BRL 88 million reinforces our product portfolio in New Business with high quality collagen products. · Reduction in net bank debt at September 2024 with €147.7 million compared to €197.3 million in June 2024 thanks to the strong cash generation and the focus on working capital reduction. · José Antonio Canales, CEO of Viscofan Group: "The growth observed in the volumes of the main casings families reflects that the inventory adjustment process initiated in 2023 has already been completed. The dynamism of this recovery is slightly lower than expected, however, production improvements, cost savings, lower raw material and energy prices led us to reach quarterly margins close to 25%, even higher than initially estimated. The profitability achieved and the Group's operational strength allow us to set our expectations for the year at 6% to 8% growth in EBITDA and at 8% to 10% growth in Net profit despite lower-than-expected co-generation revenue and a worse currency environment. In addition, this quarter saw two significant milestones in our Beyond25 strategic plan. On the one hand, the construction of the factory in Thailand has been completed, which will improve our positioning in view of the growth in Southeast Asia; and, on the other hand, the acquisition of Brasfibra and Master Couros has been completed, which expands our production portfolio in the New Business. In short, the third quarter results place us on the growth path to achieve record results in 2024, and to continue with our strategy of profitable and sustainable growth for the future." 📈 More information:
El proyecto “Desarrollo de Tecnologías Avanzadas y herramientas de gestión de activos para la Producción Eficiente de Hidrógeno Verde para su uso en la descarbonización de Procesos Industriales”, conocido por su acrónimo H2OP, ha sido lanzado con el objetivo de impulsar la producción eficiente de hidrógeno verde y su aplicación en la descarbonización de procesos industriales. Este ambicioso proyecto busca posicionar a la industria navarra a la vanguardia de la transición energética. Nordex Electrolyzers, líder del proyecto, en consorcio con Viscofan, AIN - Asociación de la Industria Navarra y URAPHEX van a llevar a cabo esta iniciativa consistente en la instalación del mayor electrolizador diseñado, fabricado y ensamblado íntegramente en España por Nordex, en las instalaciones de Viscofan en Cáseda (Navarra). Juntos, estos socios aunarán sus conocimientos y recursos para desarrollar tecnologías avanzadas y herramientas de gestión de activos que optimicen la producción de hidrógeno verde. El prototipo de 500 kW puede producir más de 10 Kg/h de hidrógeno que servirán para sustituir al gas natural en la generación de vapor en las instalaciones ya adaptadas de Viscofan en Cáseda, contribuyendo al proceso de descarbonización de esta planta. El proyecto H2OP se enmarca en la convocatoria 2024-2027 de ayudas para la realización de proyectos estratégicos de I+D del departamento de Industria y Transición Ecológica y Digital Empresarial del Gobierno de Navarra. El proyecto se enmarca en el Reto 2 AERO VIII de esta convocatoria centrado en la industria de la energía verde, y busca fomentar la innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico en este sector crucial para la sostenibilidad. El proyecto H2OP ha recibido una ayuda total concedida de 838.428,98 €, financiada por el Gobierno de Navarra y por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Esta financiación es fundamental para llevar a cabo las investigaciones y desarrollos necesarios para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos. 👉 Proyecto financiado por el Gobierno de Navarra a través de la convocatoria de proyectos estratégicos de I+D 2024-2027; dentro de la cual el proyecto se incluye en el Reto 2: AERO VIII: Industria de Energía Verde. 👉Más información: #H2OP #GobiernodeNavarra #Nordex #NordexElectrolyzers #Viscofan #URTECH #AIN
En Viscofan estamos orgullosos de apoyar momentos únicos como el Festival dalecandELA org Fest III contra la ELA, que se celebra este fin de semana en el Puerto Viejo de Getxo. Un festival cargado de buena vibra y de un montón de actividades organizadas con el objetivo de dar visibilidad a la enfermedad y recaudar fondos para su investigación. Gracias a DalecandELA, organizadora del evento, por dejarnos formar parte de esta experiencia tan chula y aportar nuestro granito de arena en la lucha contra la ELA.
The Viscofan Group has acquired 60% of the companies Brasfibra Industria e Comercio de Derivados do Couro Ltda. and Master Couros Industria e Comercio de Derivados do Couro Ltda. in Brazil for a cash consideration of BRL 88 million. Payment of 50% of this price has been made upon signing of the contract, with the 30% payment to be made on 31 March 2025 and the remaining 20% on 31 March 2026. Brasfibra is a family-owned company based in Sao Sebastiao do Paraiso (Brazil) that produces high quality collagen products, such as collagen fibre, hydrolysed collagen and collagen for animal feed. The operation also included the acquisition of Master Couros, a company specialising in the treatment of bovine hides, which has another production centre located in the same locality and belongs to the same family group. The pro-forma revenue of both companies in 2023 amounted to BRL 55 million, with an EBITDA of BRL 20 million. This deal represents an enterprise value equivalent to BRL 146 million. For José Antonio Canales, CEO of Viscofan, ‘This acquisition is a boost to our New Business activity. We expand our commercial range of collagen, reinforcing our proposal in hydrolysate, the use of collagen as a food ingredient, and the development of collagen products in animal feed, while allowing us to improve our access to raw materials and to have new production centres in Brazil, one of the main collagen markets from which to expand our activity.’ For Claudomir Guardia, managing partner of Brasfibra and Master Couros, ‘Joining the project of a world leader like Viscofan will allow us to expand our value proposition both to our customers and to new markets, and to continue developing products and technological improvements combining our knowledge of collagen.’ 👉 More info:
Viscofan would like to thank ACCIONA Energía for its support in the future installation of a photovoltaic self-consumption system at our facilities in Cáseda (Spain), which will boost our decarbonisation project. The photovoltaic self-consumption system, which has been declared by the Government of Navarra as a project of regional interest, will cover around 30% of the electricity needs of the Viscofan Group's facilities in Navarra with 100% renewable energy for the next 30 years. Viscofan currently has electric boilers that will consume the energy generated by the photovoltaic plant, reducing CO2 emissions by 50,306 Tn per year, taking into account the emissions avoided by replacing gas boilers and by renewable electricity generation with respect to the previous energy mix from gas combustion in the cogeneration engines. The agreement provides for a PPA equation on-site on an ‘energy as a service’ basis, where Viscofan contracts for the long-term supply of clean electricity. In addition, Viscofan will be able to monitor in real time and in detail the energy consumption of the plant through an energy management platform of ACCIONA Energía that will communicate 24/7 through a digital panel with its control centre. The Cáseda park will be one of the largest industrial self-consumption photovoltaic park in Spain, with a capacity of 40.1 MWn at the connection point, 45.045 MW in inverters and 48.114 MWp, to which must be added the development of the infrastructures necessary for its connection to the internal grid at its facilities in Cáseda. This model enables decarbonisation and cost savings from the outset, digitalisation and flexibility in energy consumption. Íñigo Martínez, General Manager of Viscofan Spain, says: ‘This self-consumption project will reduce CO2 emissions at the plant in Cáseda by more than 20%. It will be the largest initiative within the Viscofan Group's Sustainability Action Plan, which includes, among others, its commitment to energy efficiency and renewable energies, as well as the development of sustainable products that also have a direct impact on its value chain.’ 👉More Info:
Viscofan, a world leader in the production and sale of casings for the food industry, and ENGIE España, a global leader in low-carbon energy and services, have signed an agreement for the installation of an innovative biomass boiler at Viscofan's facilities in Cáseda, Navarra (Spain) that combines forest-based biomass and cellulose meat casing as fuels to generate thermal energy. This project led by Viscofan is part of its Sustainability Action Plan on which the Group has been working since 2018. The aim is to find pioneering solutions that, from the perspective of circularity, optimise the thermal use of products and lefts over from the production process. It is the first boiler in the world to be installed that combines forest biomass and cellulosic casing as fuels. Cellulosic casing is a type of casing made from cellulose used in the production of meat products. This collaboration reinforces the commitment of both companies to sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions, aligning with the principles of circular economy and efficient use of resources. With an installed capacity of 7.5 tonnes of steam per hour, equivalent to 5 MWt, the new boiler will come on stream in December 2025. It will be built under the BOOT (Build, Own, Operate and Transfer) modality for a period of 15 years. Therefore, ENGIE will be in charge of the management, operation and maintenance of this facility located at the Viscofan plant until 2040. Iñigo Martínez, General Manager of Viscofan Spain, says: ‘This project is the result of many years of work looking for technical and regulatory alternatives to implement circular and sustainable business models. We are delighted to have the collaboration of a leading company like ENGIE with whom we have worked in a very participative way to carry out this pioneering solution in the world that will also help us in our commitment to reduce our carbon footprint’. Janis Rey, General Manager of ENGIE Solutions in Spain, says: ‘This initiative is a clear example of our commitment to sustainable and innovative energy solutions that not only reduce carbon emissions, but also valorise industrial products that are not destined for sale, thus contributing to a circular economy model. We are proud to collaborate with a leading company like Viscofan on this project, which will have a significant positive impact on both the environment and the local community. 👉More information:
Main conclusions of the January-June 2024 results: • Revenue of €593.1 million, -5.6% vs. 1H23, with energy revenue down -38.1% as compared with -2.2% in the Traditional Business and -10.7% in New Business. • EBITDA1 of €131.6 million, a growth of +1.7% versus last year and of +3.0% in like-for-like2 terms with a +1.6 p.p. improvement in reported EBITDA margin to 22.2%. • New all-time high in Net Profit in the first half at €68.8 million, +9.5% up on the previous year. • Net bank debt3 of €197.3 million in June 2024 including the payment of €33.2 million in June to shareholders who have chosen to receive the Final dividend in cash, and the cash outflow of €60.5 million from the share buybacks carried out within the flexible remuneration program. 📈 Viscofan 2T24 Results: José Antonio Canales, Viscofan Group CEO: “These results confirm our business model strength and our ability to improve profitability. We have combined a more favourable cost environment with commercial discipline and greater efficiencies in our plants. The inventory adjustment process in the market is coming to an end with volume growth in collagen and fibrous technologies, tough volume growth is still negative in cellulose. With this context we are in a privileged position to capture the expected growth in the second half of the year with higher margins and operating leverage, while we reinforce our presence in Asia Pacific in the long-term with the start-up of a new converting plant in Thailand in the fourth quarter”.