Wikiloc Outdoor Navigation

Wikiloc Outdoor Navigation

Tecnología, información e internet

Girona, Girona 2756 seguidores

Trails of the World

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Wikiloc is a web and app to discover and share the best outdoor trails for hiking, cycling and many other activities. Millions of outdoor trails around the World. Our values: - Inclusivity. We advocate inclusiveness above elitism. We make clear, simple and useful tools for anyone who wants to enjoy nature. - Trust. Wikiloc's essence is every person involved, from the community to the team. We aim to honor trust. - Authenticity. Since 2006 we have remained loyal to our identity: an independent and thriving community made up of real people sharing authentic outdoor trails. The adventures of outdoor enthusiasts just like you. - Nature Preservation. We focus our business success towards a healthy planet by inspiring good practices and implementing actions for nature conservation. Interested in joining us? Go to page or to our recently posted jobs on LinkedIn.

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Tecnología, información e internet
Tamaño de la empresa
De 11 a 50 empleados
Girona, Girona
De financiación privada
outdoor navigation, mobile apps for outdoor navigation y mapping trails for hiking cycling and up to 50 activities


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    Parc Cientific i Tecnologic de la Universitat de Girona

    Suite A1-02

    Girona, Girona 17000, ES

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    2756 seguidores

    🤝 Montjuïc-Tibidabo & Wikiloc [CA] Wikiloc s’uneix a la Montjuïc-Tibidabo La Montjuïc-Tibidabo, una de les proves més singulars de Barcelona, comptarà amb Wikiloc com a espònsor. Relleu de la Cursa de l’Amistat, la distància clàssica (21 km) uneix la muntanya de Montjuïc i la de Tibidabo amb un recorregut que combina asfalt i trail a parts iguals. Se celebrarà el pròxim 1 de novembre i, com a novetat, incorporarà una distància de 10 km. A més, el dissabte anterior (26 d'octubre) es farà una plogging run. Aquesta iniciativa, promoguda pels organitzadors i Wikiloc, combinarà el running i la recollida d'escombraries, promovent l'activitat a l'aire lliure alhora que contribueix a protegir el medi ambient. Per a consultes de premsa: Per a consultes sobre partnerships: ——— [ES] Wikiloc se une a la Montjuïc-Tibidabo La Montjuïc-Tibidabo, una de las pruebas más singulares de Barcelona, contará con Wikiloc como patrocinador. Relevo de la Cursa de l’Amistat, la distancia clásica (21 km) une la montaña de Montjuic con la de Tibidabo con un recorrido que combina asfalto y trail a partes iguales. Se celebrará el próximo 1 de noviembre y, como novedad, incorporará una distancia de 10 km. Además, el sábado anterior (26 de octubre) se realizará una plogging run. Esta iniciativa, promovida por los organizadores y Wikiloc, combinará el running y la recogida de basura, promoviendo la actividad al aire libre a la vez que contribuye a proteger el medio ambiente. Para consultas de prensa: Para consultas de partnerships: ——— [EN] Wikiloc joins the Montjuïc-Tibidabo The Montjuïc-Tibidabo race, one of Barcelona's most distinctive races, will have Wikiloc as a sponsor. Taking over from the Cursa de l’Amistat, the classic distance (21 km) connects the Montjuïc and Tibidabo mountains with a route that combines asphalt and trail. It will be held on November 1st, and as a novelty, a 10 km distance will be added. Additionally, on the previous Saturday (October 26th), a plogging run will take place. This initiative will combine running and trash collection, promoting outdoor activity while helping to protect the environment. For press inquiries: For partnerships inquiries: SevenMila

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    2756 seguidores

    🤝 Gorbeia Suzien & Wikiloc [ES] Wikiloc, nuevo sponsor de la Gorbeia Suzien 2024 El valle vasco de Arratia, situado a los pies del majestuoso monte Gorbea, se prepara para recibir una vez más a corredores de la élite internacional y aficionados al trail running. La Gorbeia Suzien, parte del calendario de las Skyrunner® World Series (International Skyrunning Federation), tendrá lugar en Zeanuri el próximo sábado 28 de setiembre con la participación de 600 corredores provenientes de todo el mundo en la prueba reina. Que Wikiloc sea colaborador de la Gorbeia Suzien permite a los participantes y aficionados acceder, a través de la cuenta de Gorbeia Suzien en Wikiloc, a los recorridos oficiales de la competición y a otras rutas relacionadas (como recorridos para los espectadores para llegar a puntos estratégicos durante el evento para animar a los corredores). Para consultas de prensa: Para consultas de partnerships: ——— [EN] Wikiloc, new sponsor of the Gorbeia Suzien 2024 The Basque valley of Arratia, located at the foot of the majestic Mount Gorbea, is preparing once again to welcome elite international runners and trail running enthusiasts. The Gorbeia Suzien, part of the Skyrunner World Series calendar (by International Skyrunning Federation), will take place in Zeanuri on Saturday, September 28th, with the participation of 600 runners from all over the world in the main race. As a partner of Gorbeia Suzien, Wikiloc allows participants and spectactors to access, through the Gorbeia Suzien account on Wikiloc, the official trails of the competition and other related trails (such as trails for spectators to reach strategic points during the event to cheer on the runners). For press inquiries: For partnerships inquiries:

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    2756 seguidores

    We are 15 million members! 🌍 From the very beginning, our mission has been to inspire people to explore and share outdoor trails in an easy and safe way. We celebrate that together we have become a diverse and fascinating community of hikers, cyclists, runners, travellers, and nature lovers from all corners of the planet. Thank you for being part of this incredible adventure!

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    2756 seguidores

    🥳 Exciting news: new Garmin models compatible with Wikiloc! The Garmin Venu and vívoactive devices are now compatible with Wikiloc. We have added these and other models to the extensive list of already compatible Garmin devices. With the Wikiloc app for Garmin, sending trails to your device is just a few clicks away. Open them on your Garmin and start navigating. It's that easy and fast! 🧭

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    2756 seguidores

    🤝 Grandvalira & Wikiloc [CA] Wikiloc, nou partner tecnològic de Grandvalira GRANDVALIRA RESORTS s'uneix a Wikiloc amb un compte ORG per potenciar les rutes a les seves estacions durant la temporada d'estiu: una proposta d'aventura formada per quilòmetres i quilòmetres de circuits de MTB, eBike, enduro, trail i senderisme per algunes de les muntanyes més sorprenents d'Andorra. ⛰️ Les rutes també es podran consultar des de la web de Grandvalira i a través de l'aplicació Grandvalira Resorts. Per a consultes de premsa: Per a consultes sobre partnerships: ——— [ES] Wikiloc, nuevo partner tecnológico de Grandvalira Grandvalira se une a Wikiloc con una cuenta ORG para potenciar las rutas en sus estaciones durante la temporada de verano: una propuesta de aventura formada por kilómetros y kilómetros de circuitos de MTB, eBike, enduro, trail y senderismo por algunas de las montañas más asombrosas de Andorra. ⛰️ Las rutas podrán consultarse también desde la web de Grandvalira y a través de la aplicación Grandvalira Resorts. Para consultas de prensa: Para consultas de partnerships: ——— [EN] Wikiloc, Grandvalira’s new technology partner Grandvalira opens a Wikiloc ORG account to enhance the trails in its resorts during the summer season: a proposal for adventure consisting of kilometers and kilometers of MTB, eBike, enduro, trail, and hiking circuits through some of the most amazing mountains of Andorra. ⛰️ The trails can also be consulted on the Grandvalira website and via the Grandvalira Resorts application. For press inquiries: For partnerships inquiries:

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    2756 seguidores

    📢 New feature: 3D Maps 3D maps have arrived to Wikiloc. This new feature enables viewing each trail from all perspectives, observing the terrain’s relief, and assessing elevation changes. These maps are now available on both the app and the website. The maps are interactive, allowing you to explore different viewpoints of the inclines. And for an even more dynamic experience, trails can be viewed as an animation on a 3D map; a virtual tour for the trails, useful both for better planning and for reliving adventures.

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    2756 seguidores

    📢 New feature: Route Planner We have incorporated a route planner to create custom routes with just a few clicks. The Route Planner, available from the website, creates routes by prioritizing the most popular stretches of trails from other community members. Using it is very simple: you just have to select a starting place and the activity for which you want to plan the route (hiking, mountain biking, or road biking), and then start designing the itinerary directly on the map by selecting the desired waypoints.

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    2756 seguidores

    🤝 Zegama - Aizkorri & Wikiloc [ES] La Zegama - Aizkorri incorpora a Wikiloc como “Official Mapping” Wikiloc se incorpora como nuevo sponsor de la Zegama - Aizkorri, la prestigiosa carrera vasca de trail running que se celebrará entre este viernes 24 y domingo 26 de mayo. Los recorridos de las distintas pruebas se encuentran compartidos en la cuenta oficial de Zegama - Aizkorri de Wikiloc. Además, la organización ofrece en su cuenta rutas para los aficionados para llegar hasta Sancti Spiritu, donde miles de personas se aglutinaran para animar a los corredores el domingo durante la maratón. Para consultas de prensa: Para consultas de partnerships: ——— [EN] Zegama - Aizkorri incorporates Wikiloc as “Official Mapping” Wikiloc is joining as a new sponsor of the prestigious Basque trail running race, Zegama - Aizkorri, which will take place between this Friday, May 24, and Sunday, May 26. The trails for the various races are shared on the official Zegama - Aizkorri Wikiloc account. Additionally, the organization offers trails on its account for spectators to reach Sancti Spiritu, where thousands of people will gather to cheer on the runners during the mountain marathon on Sunday. For press inquiries: For partnerships inquiries:

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    2756 seguidores

    🤝 Transpyr Coast to Coast & Wikiloc [ES] La Transpyr Coast to Coast suma fuerzas con Wikiloc Wikiloc pasa a ser el “Official Mapping” de la Deporvillage Transpyr Coast to Coast, una aventura por etapas en la que los participantes cruzaran los Pirineos de mar a mar, ya sea en modalidad MTB (llamada “Gran Raid MTB”), road bike (“Backroads”) o eBike (“E-Transpyr C2C”). Esto significa que la Transpyr Coast to Coast utilizará la tecnología de Wikiloc para presentar los recorridos y que los participantes podrán consultar, seguir, descargar o enviar a un GPS los tracks de cada una de las etapas que tendrán que recorrer.  Para consultas de prensa: Para consultas de partnerships: ——— [EN] The Transpyr Coast to Coast joins forces with Wikiloc Wikiloc becomes the “Official Mapping” of the Deporvillage Transpyr Coast to Coast, a multi-stage adventure where participants will cross the Pyrenees from sea to sea, whether in MTB mode (called “Gran Raid MTB”), road bike (“Backroads”), or eBike (“E-Transpyr C2C”). This means that the Transpyr Coast to Coast will use Wikiloc's technology to present the trails, and participants will be able to consult, follow, download, or send the tracks to a GPS of each stage they have to cover. For press inquiries: For partnerships inquiries:

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