Publicación de Casilla Empresa Solidaria

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🎉 ¡Gracias Nektium Pharma por sumaros a las #EmpresasExtraordinarias al haber marcado la #CasillaEmpresaSolidaria del Impuesto de Sociedades este año y decidir destinar el 0,7% de vuestra tributación a financiar proyectos sociales del #TercerSector! La distinción del #SelloEmpresaSolidaria otorgada por la Plataforma del Tercer Sector se puede conseguir directamente a través de la web:

Ver la página de empresa de Nektium Pharma, gráfico

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We are proud to announce that Nektium has received the #SolidarityCompanySeal, awarded by Plataforma del Tercer Sector an organization that protects the rights and social interest of people in situations of poverty or risk of exclusion. This seal recognizes our commitment to allocate 0.7% of corporate tax to meaningful projects, aiming to directly impact in a social transformation for a more fair, equal and inclusive society. We are now an official part of the #ExtraordinaryCompanies, which highlights our engagement with sustainability and positive social impact. Thank you, Plataforma del Tercer Sector, for this distinction! Casilla Empresa Solidaria #CompaniesWithImpact #Sustainability #ThirdSector

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