In many industries, prototypes are often made in different locations than where mass production is planned, even when it can slow down production ramp-up and impact long-term product development. We like to take a different approach, and here's why ✍️ In our latest blog, our Business Development Director, Mikko Kangas, talks about how close collaboration between product development and production has helped us avoid common pitfalls during both the development phase and the transition to production. He discusses iterations and compliance, cost control, and resource optimization, among other prototyping-relevant topics. Read the full blog here ➡️ #prototyping #productdevelopment #massproduction
Innokas Medical
Medical Equipment Manufacturing
We realize meaningful technology innovations with our customers to improve the quality of people’s lives together.
About us
Innokas is one of the industry leaders in the Nordics, specializing in contract development and manufacturing of smart, safety-critical, and sustainable devices, software solutions, and healthcare digitalization. We are a full-service house with 30 years of experience in a wide range of demanding products. We offer design, development, SW development, contract manufacturing, quality and regulatory services for demanding electromechanical devices and solutions with unmatched know-how in medical and IVD devices, regulated software, and healthcare digitalization. We focus on implementing solutions that benefit our customers throughout the product life cycle. Innokas has offices in the Oulu and Helsinki regions of Finland and Tallinn, Estonia. We are part of Paree Group, a Finnish family-owned company with a strong focus on international operations and continuous development. Are you looking for a partner to create, build and bring your highly demanding, intelligent devices and solutions into the market? We’re here for you!
- Sivusto
External link for Innokas Medical
- Toimiala
- Medical Equipment Manufacturing
- Yrityksen koko
- 201–500 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Kempele
- Tyyppi
- Privately Held
- Perustettu
- 1994
- Erityisosaaminen
Vihikari 10
Kempele, FI-90440, FI
Metsänneidonkuja 8
Espoo, Uusimaa 02130, FI
Elimäenkatu 9
Helsinki, Uusimaa 00510, FI
Paneeli 2
Lasnamäe, Harju 11415, EE
Työntekijät Innokas Medical
Innokas has a new Director of Design Services! We are pleased to announce that Tomi Hugg has joined Innokas as the new Director of Design Services. With over 20 years of experience in design engineering, Tomi brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team. Tomi was drawn to Innokas for our deep technological expertise across various industries, particularly our strong history in Healthtech. He is eager to explore the unique opportunity of having both production and development under one roof and to gain hands-on experience in challenging product development. Tomi looks forward to connecting with our customers and using his expertise to help make Innokas an even better version of itself through continuous development. To learn more about Tomi's journey and his vision for the future at Innokas, read the full blog on our website ➡️ Welcome aboard, Tomi! We look forward to your contributions. #Innokasteam #productdevelopment #designdevelopment
Tomi Hugg is the new Director of Design Services at Innokas
This Friday we got a guest of honour here at Kempele location who was more than happy to join us! Sökö, a friend of our Head of Marketing and Communications, decided to tag along for the day. Her unique skillset is inspiring profound feelings of motivation with her specially crafted Soulful Stare and contagious just-happy-to-be-here energy. We could all use a little bit of Sökö in our lives today. Happy Friday to all our followers. Thank you for tagging along with us this hectic week! See you next week for more 👋 #officedog
🎥 How can we successfully navigate the intersection of AI and medical devices? The integration of AI into medical devices offers potential that should be explored, but with innovation comes unique challenges. Preparation and informed decision-making are key! In this video, our QA&RA specialist Sandra Hänninen gives us a head start on the critical hurdles in designing AI-incorporating medical devices and what regulators prioritize during the approval process. Thank you Mari Huusko for additional support on these tips! #AI #medicaldevices #regulatorycompliance
Tekoälyllä on valtava potentiaali parantaa terveydenhuoltoa, mutta sen laaja käyttöönotto vaatii vastuullisuutta. DigiFinland julkaisi keväällä 2024 listauksen AI:n mahdollisista käyttötapauksista SoTe-toimijoille. Microsoftin järjestämässä Hackathonissa, jossa Innokas sijoittui voittajakolmikkoon, osoitettiin tekoälyn valmius tehostaa työprosesseja, kerätä tietoa ja parantaa potilaskohtaamisia. Kiinnostusta ja kokeiluja on, mutta entä käytäntö? Antti Kaltiainen Innokkaalta antoi asiantuntemuksensa lyhyeen blogiin, jossa hän esittelee vastuullisen tekoälyn mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita ja vastaa muunmuassa siihen, miten EU:n tekoälysäädös vaikuttaa korkeariskisiin sovelluksiin. Lue blogi täältä ➡️ Jos olette ilmoittautunueet ReguVa-hankkeen tarjoamaan seminaariin ”HealthTech & Pharma – Opportunities and challenges of Regulations, AI and Sustainability”, Antilla on siellä puheenvuoro juurikin tästä aiheesta. Paikalla on myös Visa Poikela. Tulkaa kyselemään ja keskustelemaan! 📅 27.1.2025 📍Kuopio #Tekoäly #Terveydenhuolto #ReguVa
Mitä vastuullinen tekoäly tarkoittaa käytännössä?
Näittekö tämän? Terveysteknologia ry - Healthtech Finland MD-työryhmän uusi puheenjohtaja on meidän oma Satu Päiväläinen, Ph.D ja meillä on Innokkaan Kempeleen toimipisteellä satelliittikokous lääkinnällisten laittaiden sääntelyrintaman ajankohtaisuuksista tiistaina 28.1. klo 13 alkaen. Jos satut olemaan Oulun alueella, ilmoittauduthan Mari Huuskolle. Luvassa on hyvät tarjoilut ja vielä paremmat keskustelut 🗣️💬 Nähdään siellä! #MD #sääntely #terveysteknologia
Hei tulepa pullakahveille Innokas Medical Kempeleen toimistolle kuulemaan ajankohtaiset asiat lääkintälaitteiden sääntelyrintamalla tiistaina 28.1. klo 13 alkaen. Innokkaan Satu Päiväläinen, Ph.D on Terveysteknologia ry - Healthtech Finland MD-työryhmän uusi puheenjohtaja ja järjestämme työryhmän satelliittikokouksen Innokkaan toimistolla Kempeleessä. Itse kokous on klo 13.30-16.00 mutta aloitetaan jutustelu ja kahvit ennen kokouksen alkua. Ilmoittaudu minulle maililla (osoite muotoa etunimi.sukunimi at innokasmedical. fi) tai vaikka suoraan linkkarissa viimeistään maanantaina 27.1. Nähdään!
Front page
Meet us at the upcoming Framtiden's hälsö- och sjukvård – event in Stockholm! 🇸🇪 Innokas is a trusted partner in manufacturing and product development across the Nordics and serves a steady customer base in Sweden. We are committed to showing how collaboration drives innovation and creates new opportunities in health technology with concrete examples when you speak with our experts at the event 💬 As part of the Paree Group with a strong presence in Sweden and close ties to our Swedish sister company Cubist we look forward to contributing to the ongoing dialogue about the future of Healthtech. Supporting our Swedish customers in bringing life-changing technologies to market continues to inspire us to innovate and develop smarter, more efficient devices and software. Challenge us to demonstrate how we can elevate your manufacturing and product development efforts, turning your ideas into impactful solutions. We look forward to seeing you at the event! #contractmanufacturing #productdevelopment #collaboration #events
Solutions that operate in sensitive environments such as hospitals and health centers naturally require the highest standards of data security to guard against potential cyber threats. That’s where an experienced partner can make a world of difference. Rigorous penetration testing for common vulnerabilities, combined with well-justified improvement suggestions, establishes a strong foundation for continuous improvement. We are happy to have been able to have productive and rewarding collaboration with DentView Oy a dental health technology startup based near us in Oulu, Finland. It’s been a pleasure partnering with them on their mission to improve preventive dental care. Their intuitive virtual kiosk in dental clinic waiting areas provides patients with interactive oral health guidance and raises awareness of their own oral condition. Additionally, it provides dental professionals with valuable insights into regional dental health behaviors through anonymized data captured via a secure portal. We’re pleased to have contributed our expertise to help make this innovative solution secure and reliable. #cybersecurity #digitalhealthcare #preventivecare #penetrationtesting #casestory
We’re excited to announce our participation at Arab Health Exhibition 2025! We’ll be enthusiastic to engage in discussions on key industry topics and answer any questions you may have. Here’s a sneak peek at what we have in store: 🌍Manufacturing in Europe – Innokas is an experienced contract manufacturer with a robust foundation in medical technology and a broad range of industry references. Join the conversation to explore the advantages of European manufacturing with an experienced partner, as well as managing reliable supply chains and sustainability. 👩🏼💻Software & Regulations – With AI-driven solutions transforming the landscape, regulations are evolving fast. We’ll share how we stay ahead of the curve with MDR and software that incorporates AI. ♻️Circular Design – Learn how to incorporate circular principles into your product development and manufacturing processes to better align with investor and end-user expectations. The key challenge is shifting away from traditional thinking patterns. Interested? We’d love to connect and explore how we can support your business. See you at Arab Health! #arabhealth #MDR #sustainabledesign #contractmanufacturing
Monilla teollisuudenaloilla on yleistä teetättää prototyypit muualla kuin tuleva massavalmistus, vaikka se voi hidastaa tuotannon ylösajoa ja vaikuttaa haitallisesti tuotteen kehitykseen pitkällä aikavälillä. Kun prototyyppien valmistus ja massatuotanto toteutetaan saman katon alla pitkän tähtäimen onnistuminen mielessä pitäen, se tuo todetusti mukanaan nopeampia innovaatiosyklejä, resurssien optimaalista hyödyntämistä ja merkittäviä kustannussäästöjä. Innokkaan kokenut Business Development Director Mikko Kangas kertoo blogissamme, kuinka meillä prototyyppien ja massatuotannon tiivis yhteistyö on tuonut mukanaan kustannustehokkaammat ratkaisut, nopeammat aikataulut ja sujuvamman kommunikaation. Lue, kuinka vältämme kehitys- ja tuotantovaiheen yleiset sudenkuopat. 🔗 Lue koko blogi tästä! #tuotekehitys #prototyypit #massatuotanto
Miksi prototyypit kannattaa teetättää samassa paikassa kuin massatuotanto?