Music Finlandin toimintaan kohdistuvat leikkaukset aiheuttavat uudelleenjärjestelyjä ja muutoksia organisaatioon. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön ja työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön tekemien leikkausten vuoksi rahoituspudotusten vaikutus järjestön yleistoimintaan vuonna 2025 on noin 35 prosenttia. Lue lisää alta.
Music Finland
Your connection to Finnish music around the world. Listen to our weekly updated playlists at
About us
Music Finland is an organisation dedicated to promoting awareness and the success of Finnish music at home and abroad. Music Finland creates and manages a wide variety of services, marketing programmes, events, networking opportunities, training, consultancy, support, research, information, and funding programmes. These activities aim to maximize success for Finnish music and music companies, and increase Finnish music export revenue. The founding members of Music Finland are the Copyright Society of Performing Artists and Phonogram Producers in Finland (Gramex), IFPI Finland, Finnish Music Publishers’ Association, Finnish Musicians' Union, Finnish Independent Labels Association (IndieCo), Finnish Society of Popular Music Composers and Authors (Elvis), Finnish Composers’ Copyright Society (Teosto), and the Society of Finnish Composers.
- Sivusto
External link for Music Finland
- Toimiala
- Musicians
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- 11–50 työntekijää
- Päätoimipaikka
- Helsinki
- Tyyppi
- Voittoa tavoittelematon
- Perustettu
- 2011
- Erityisosaaminen
Urho Kekkosen katu 2 C
Helsinki, 00100, FI
Työntekijät Music Finland
Finnish band KAJ has been voted to represent Sweden in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. But who are these three funny guys singing in Swedish about sauna, unfamiliar to many people even in their home country? And more importantly, how on earth did we get to this final result? Read more about KAJ and ESC25 from the article linked below!
Lue uusimmasta Music Finlandin Musiikkivienti-uutiskirjeestä ajankohtaiset vientihankkeet ja -mahdollisuudet. Linkki alla – tämän kertaisen koosteen aiheina: Ehdota kansainvälisiä ammattilaisvieraita Music Finlandin vientitukien saajat syksyllä 2024 Kansainvälistymisen ABC – artistivienti Trade Mission Spain 2025: Sonar Barcelona Nordic Folk Alliance Tallinn Music Week Jazzahead! Music Biz & Nordic Trade Mission to Atlanta and Nashville Lentoon-kansainvälistymisvalmennus Musiikkialan yhdenvertaisuuskysely Classical:Next Tutustu uudistuneisiin FMQ- ja Core-sivuihin Avoimet showcase-haut
Today, on the 28th of February, we celebrate the 190th anniversary of the Finnish National epic Kalevala! Kalevala Day and the Day of Finnish Culture are revered in honour of the day the Old Kalevala’s foreword was dated by Elias Lönnrot (February 28, 1835). To celebrate the occasion, listen to and follow our updated Kalevala-inspired playlist!
Grande Mahogany’s album "As Grande As", released last year, has become a slowly growing cult favourite. For a 2020s record, As Grande As is a dizzying combination of stream-of-consciousness elements from pop history, reinvented guitar-driven 1970s sounds, crushingly psychedelic funk and the playful upending of sample culture. Read our feature interview with Grande Mahogany from the link!
Last weekend, the Finnish audiences as well as the seven international juries made their vote on this year's Finnish Eurovision Song Contest representative: National pop star Erika Vikman will go to Basel, Switzerland in May with her song "ICH KOMME". Click on the link below and get to know a little bit more about Erika Vikman!
Buori sámiid álbmotbeaivvi! February 6th is Sámi National Day, in honor of which, we showcase the diversity of the contemporary Sámi music scene with our freshly updated Sámi National Day playlist. The 20-track selection includes artists ranging from established figures to new and up-and-coming acts from the Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish regions of Sápmi.