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House Always Wins Part IV Autofail?


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I had completed the quest How Little We Know a long time before I got around to Mr House's The House Always Wins Part IV quest. I went with Cachino and got Nero and Big Sal to kill each other. Cachino survived the shootout and now he's boss. I got the Pip-Boy 3 Billion and The Omertas aren't hostile to me, got Strip fame. All seemed good to me.


So then, many many game hours later I had finished the quest Volare! and returned to the Strip to talk to Mr House about it, completing House Always Wins Part III. But then immediately after turning in that quest, House berates me for messing up his plans for the Omertas or something? And so I automatically fail part IV and it goes straight to part V.


I only talked to Big Sal to free Troike from his contract. I didn't bother going thru any other dialogue options with Sal. Prior to that I blackmailed the receptionist for a key to Cachino's room or something. I convinced Troike to destroy the weapons cache. He got caught and ratted me out. Me and Cachino go meet Big Sal and Nero, and with my high speech check I trick the two bosses into fighting each other. My memory is a little hazy but I'm pretty sure Nero killed Big Sal and then I killed Nero as fast as I could before Nero had a chance to kill Cachino.


So maybe since I killed Nero that's why the quest House Always Wins Part IV auto failed for me. I'm thinking it's either because of that or because I didn't get Big Sal to disclose his plans. Or maybe both.


It's strange because before talking to Mr House I talked to his girlfriend robot to sell her a snowglobe and she said "Mr House is just DELIGHTED with what you did with the Omertas, sugar!"


I got like 180 mods installed too, but only one of them affects the Omertas as far as I know, and then it's only a building overhaul mod for the Gommorah Casino. I don't think the mod affects quest scripts.


Anyone here bursting with knowledge on this subject? Luckily I saved right before I talked to Mr House about all this. I'm being very careful trying to progress thru each major faction's questline before committing to a side. This handy guide has helped me, although they failed to mention anything about completing How Little We Know before part IV can potentially autofail part IV:




Any insight or even console commands would be appreciated.

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