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Creation Kit "Armor Addon" not working...?


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Ok, so I have been trying to make a certain piece of armor available to a custom race via Creation Kit for the past hour to no avail. I am using the standard method as pictured below to try to make the "Mystic Tails" mod's khajiit's tails equip-able for the Ashen race.


The problem is that when I highlight the Oraeze/Ashen Race under the "Additional Races" tab, it simply wont remain highlighted/shaded/effective after I click the "ok" button to exit. Every other race in the list seems to remain highlighted/shaded as I please. I used the Sprigan race as a test & it worked fine. The Ashen race simply won't. It remains highlighted until I exit the window, and when I re-open, the highlighting is gone. Is there a step I am missing here or anything I appear to be doing wrong? Do I need to click something else before clicking "ok"?


Any & all help DIRELY appreciated :D


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  • 1 month later...

Had this same problem and was very irritating. Where it has the race drop down put it on defaultrace instead of Argonian or Breton...etc. That should allow you to highlight the race you want and save then go into the body/armor and it should be there if not add that armor addon. At least that worked for me. Hopefully this isn't too late to help you. :blush:

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  • 2 years later...
  • 7 years later...

If anyone else comes across this issue as I did just now and can't find an answer I think I figured it out, go to the race you can't add, and then find "Armor Race" in the "General Data" tab, switch it to None and then try to highlight the armor addon again with said desired race.

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