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Do All Bethesda Titles Have Rendering Issues?


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Maybe this is a dumb thing to complain about, but I've always been a stickler for smooth gameplay with at least 90+ min FPS. But I decided to play Oblivion again for the first time in years, installed some mods (I'll list the mods I have installed at the bottom), and the game runs perfectly smooth with high FPS, but I still notice some small hiccups when the game needs to render larger loads. For instance going through more clustered cities can have tiny hiccups when it needs to render another section. Going through a dense forest or when loading a new cluster with a lot of elements.


I've also been slowly finishing Starfield and notice that I get an constant 165 FPS in most areas, but in higher dense places it hiccups on rendering large chunks.


My current hardware on my newly built PC is a 4090 and a 13900K with 32GB ram, very few other games have I come across, especially games as old as Oblivion, have these issues. I don't get these issues with RDR2, which is another very large open world game with few loading screens.


Is there a mod that can help with this or simply an edit in the .ini files (I also ran the 4GB patcher).


Mods I have installed:


Unofficial Patches for base + expeansions

4GB Patcher

Stutter Remover






High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC

Natural Environments (I assume this mod could have an affect on high density woodland areas.)


Hopefully this is the correct forum to post this in, since I know this forum is suppose to be about Oblivion and not the mods.



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