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Another Belated Hello

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Guest deleted156886133

Well, like the user MuteSignals, I come belatedly to the forum to make an introduction and simultaneously bump my post count. So, I'm not entirely without an agenda. Is anyone?

As a modder of Morrowind, I am less accomplished than the aforementioned user, considering myself a hack at best. I found this forum shortly after becoming obsessed with Morrowind via OpenMW a few years ago. After playing through the first time on a lightly modded set-up, I began to delve deeper into the mod section, diversifying my content lists with body, companion, player home and quest mods. It wasn't until I became really annoyed with the typo and grammatical errors in one quest mod, don't remember exactly which one, that I decided it was time to open the Construction Set to correct the annoyances. From that point until now, I've dabbled in scripting (most of it being of the copy/paste variety but I have written a few modest ones), interior/exterior creation, dialogue creation, PC inventory icon creation. Speaking of images or more specifically, graphics, I've used Nifskope to assign/reassign asset textures only. I'd like to ultimately have the ability to create .nif files via Nifskope but am currently having issues getting it running on my Linux OS without the need for Wine. If you have any experience compiling software, head to my post in the Hardware and Software advice section and dive in. I could use a little help.

At present, I'm hung up a bit on modding due to the lack of Nifskope as I have a few incomplete mods that could really benefit from that nifty piece of software. But look at me, right? Started out correcting typographical/grammatical errors in the OpenMW Construction Set to attempting a tutorial guided software compiling? compilation?

I have completed and uploaded two mods here on Nexus of which I am somewhat proud of, the first of which was an update to an old companion mod that had went stale and seemed to be without anyone current to claim it so I adopted it and gave it new life as Special Slave Companions 3.0. While working on that mod, I learned a lot about dialogue structure in the CS and just a bit about scripting and if it wasn't for the Unofficial Elder Scrolls pages, with it's comprehensive wealth of information, I wouldn't even have a fraction of the modder's knowledge as I now do.

I also utilize GIMP for my basic image editing needs and have become amateurishly proficient with it over the past decade or so. My profile picture was created in GIMP, by the way. With this experience in my tool belt, I figured that editing Morrowind inventory icon .dds files would be easy, which they were. I modified OAAB Data's ring icons. I call the modification Full OAAB Ring Icons. Catchy name? Sure is, thanks.

And that's my meager offering to the modding community. Aside from sitting in front of my screen all day drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes, I do other stuff too. Like showering, but only when needed and I usually need it. Haha, I'm kidding... a little. What else? Oh yeah, I get up to get more coffee yet I have a minion who is on-call to shove food in my mouth when I'm either hungry or have the munchies from smoking weed. The minion can't seem to get the sugar/creme ratio right when fetching coffee, so I begrudgingly get my own damned bean brew.

So, that's me in a slightly informative nutshell. This post became a bit of a shameless self-promotion, but I assure you, that was unintended. It is what it is. I am admittedly a narcissist, so there's that. 

Lastly, something off the top of my head, three of my personal heroes: Larry Flynt, George Carlin and Robert G. Ingersoll.

That's it. I'll be around...

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Guest deleted156886133
2 minutes ago, AaronOfMpls said:


Thank you kindly. It's been a blast so far. The sheer amount of content here is... astounding, to say the least. I'm having fun.

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Just now, UsernameWithA9 said:

Thank you kindly. It's been a blast so far. The sheer amount of content here is... astounding, to say the least. I'm having fun.


I saw you mentioned Morrowind and Linux.  I'm more active with Skyrim myself, but I've certainly played through a bit of Morrowind.  I'm also on Linux, and running OpenMW to play Morrowind.  Though I haven't messed with Nifskope or compiling it, else I would've said something in your thread about it.

1 hour ago, UsernameWithA9 said:

I also utilize GIMP for my basic image editing needs and have become amateurishly proficient with it over the past decade or so. My profile picture was created in GIMP, by the way.

Your GIMP-fu is probably stronger than mine, then -- I've only been using it since I moved to Linux in 2020.  I've done basic image editing, some mild effects, and the occasional clone tool.

Before that, I had a very old copy of Paint Shop Pro 7 that suited my image-editing needs well enough -- and I still have it (runs as Wine as well as it did in Win98) for a few niche tasks, like saving .gif's that Civilization II will actually load for its graphics assets.

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Guest deleted156886133

I began using GIMP back when I was still on Windows, like I said, decades ago with version 2.06? It was a few versions ago. I'm now on v2.10 and there's even a newer version available but I'm cool with what I have. Like you, I came from a simpler image editor executing resize and cropping functions to wanting/needing something with some muscle... and boy did I find it! I love my GIMP! Although I don't use it to it's full functionality, I would never even consider using Photoshop or any other program, for that matter, for my needs. Adobe who?

I've pulled off a few animated .gifs in GIMP that are either somewhere out there on the interwebs or otherwise lost to some sort of digital malady, which is a euphemism for your girlfriend throwing the computer off a second story balcony for spending too much time online. Good times, I tell ya.

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On 3/10/2024 at 4:13 AM, UsernameWithA9 said:

I'm having fun

Good! Fun is good. You're extremely welcome. 😀

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