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Converting an existing (and non-crashing) ESP worldspace to a version control ESM

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Are you getting any errors? If you get permission errors then you'll need to start the GECK with Run As Administrator.

Are you using the regular GECK or are you using the GECK powerup or the GECK extender? Just use the regular GECK.

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Posted (edited)

So- do I need to hit select all before checking in?  Got an esm copied over to merging (about twice the size of the original esp) and also a crash, which is a different problem than before.  Might just scrap, revert, and start over.

I'm using the GECK Extender.

Edited by UndeadMartyr
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Don't use the GECK extender. I think technically you can use it, but you have to basically disable everything that makes it the GECK extender, which kinda defeats the purpose of using it.

Yes, you have to select all before checking in.

In my experience, if things don't check in properly, your best bet is to scrap it all, revert to your original files, and start over.

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I don't use the GECK extender so I can't help you there. If I remember correctly there are instructions that come with it for how to use it with Version Control. You basically have to disable most of it, if I remember correctly. I can't remember if the extender replaces the .exe or not.

For the blank master, just copy it to your Merging\Data directory, then run the GECK in networked mode, click on Details and hit CTRL-SHIFT-B to generate the .fid, .fud, and .fvd files. Then just check your changes into that file.

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I'll look into the GECK Extender instructions if and when the worldspace starts crashing.  For now I'd prefer to keep working, there's a lot I need to do still.  The extender does replace the exe, so I think I'd need to verify (but maybe not, depending on what changed).

Everything works until I try to check in, which causes the GECK to crash every time.  The generated .esm is both larger than my worldspace .esp and does not contain the worldspace itself.

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You have different options. If you can set up a real network share somewhere then you can use that for your network repository, then each of you can check files into it. Whenever you load up the GECK it will check to see that your local esm matches the network esm. If they don't match, it will give you the option of grabbing the latest esm off of the network share and copying it to your local files. This is the whole point behind networked mode in the GECK. Multiple developers can work on things and check in their changes. You don't need the other developer's esp files, you just need to make sure that your local esm is up to date before you check in your changes.

Alternately, if you can't manage a real network share that you both can access, one of you can keep the "official" esm and the other can just give you esp files to check in to it. Then you have to give the modified esm back to them. They'll have to copy it to their fake network share and generate new .fid .fud and .fvd files. Theoretically I guess they could also use the GECK in normal single user mode. Since their esp wasn't created in networked mode, once they give you their esp you'll need to select all and check out before it will let you check those changes in, but other than that extra step it's no biggie.

Did you finally get networked mode figured out with the GECK extender?

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Not yet, though I may make another attempt soon.  I am pouring most of my effort into exterior cells since there is a lot of work to do still, but I think I can get them done by the end of summer.

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