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Importing a blender model into geck

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If you want things to actually work, use Blender 2.49b. There's a package under the Oblivion part of the Nexus that has all of the right versions of Blender and the tools and everything you need all in one.

The last time I played with the nif tools for newer versions of Blender there were still a lot of things that didn't work correctly. You can make simple statics, but things involving rigging didn't work properly and there were other bugs as well. I've never seen anyone make anything other than simple statics with the newer versions.

2.49b has a few issues as well, but at least most things work. When you import animations the nif tools tend to rotate everything by 90 degrees, but you can fix that easily enough. Rigging works. Statics work. Clutter items work properly. All I ever see on the forums here for later versions are things that people can't get to work, and most of those discussions end up unresolved.

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The only thing in your model data is a mesh called "Tower Collision". A collision mesh shouldn't appear there since it shouldn't be a textured mesh. Did you somehow set the collision mesh to be a normal mesh and the actual mesh to be a collision mesh?

Did you select all before exporting? Blender only exports the meshes that you have selected.

What does your nif look like in NifSkope?

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3 hours ago, madmongo said:

The only thing in your model data is a mesh called "Tower Collision". A collision mesh shouldn't appear there since it shouldn't be a textured mesh. Did you somehow set the collision mesh to be a normal mesh and the actual mesh to be a collision mesh?

Did you select all before exporting? Blender only exports the meshes that you have selected.

What does your nif look like in NifSkope?

I think that might be the problem, yes, I'll check when I get home.

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Are you still using the newer version of Blender and nif tools?

The root of your mesh should be BSFadeNodeRoot not SceneRoot. Clothes/armor/creature skins (all the same thing as far as the game engine is concerned) use SceneRoot. Most other things (statics, clutter objects, weapons) use BSFadeNodeRoot.

Your nif is missing BSXFlags.

Your collision mesh is a regular TriShapes mesh not a bhkCollisionObject.

Your tower mesh is missing NiMaterialProperty and BSShaderPPLightingProperty. Since you don't have the lighting property you definitely don't have the shader type and shader flags set properly.

Your nif wasn't exported from Blender properly.

In Blender 2.49b, Use BSFadeNodeRoot is a toggle button. Starting with the default options for Fallout 3, select Static under Collision Options (top center) and select the collision type under that (Stone, Wood, etc). Then select Use BSFadeNodeRoot on the top right under Shader Options. For statics,  Blender usually exports the rest if it correctly.

If you insist on using the newer version of Blender to create your static, export it as a .OBJ file. Then open up Blender 2.49b and import the OBJ and export it as a nif. Do not attempt to import the newer .BLEND directly into 2.49b. That won't work properly.

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2.49 install must be borked, there's no user preferences menu under file and no edit menu at all (think this is normal though?).  I can't install the addon.  Is the github folder just added into scripts or does it need a subdirectory?


Are we talking about export options or menu options?  I have zero understanding of the 2.49 menu, and I don't have the .nif exporter functioning in 2.49 either.  So I can't follow anything you tell me to do until I get the .nif export plugin to work.


Good to know that .obj works, I was planning on trying different import/export file types.  But 2.49->.nif is the difficulty.

Edited by UndeadMartyr
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