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What is the appeal in games with heavy RNG?

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I tried to play Blood Bowl Chaos Edition, another game I despise, because I'm sick of playing nothing but Skyrim all the time. An infamous problem with that game though is the shitty rng algothrm. Its just unfuriating having to make at least 5 or 6 attempts to beat a 50% chance, when the AI can do so over 90% of the time, seriously. To give you an idea, I was playing a game as Amazons against some team that had no dodge (Norse I think). The AI was literally making 9 or 10 dodge checks every turn despite having only a 50% chance of success. I however could only do 2 or 3 before failing, despite having a 75% chance on all my characters due to them having the dodge skill. This all culminated in me just uninstalling the game and setting it to hidden.

When I first tried out these games years and years ago, I thought it was a strategy board game with a fantasy theme. No its not, in fact strategy from what I've heard doesn't mean shut. You're better off just letting the dice win for you than trying to do so yourself. Still, I keep coming back to it, because I like the idea, and besides I have nothing else to play anyway.

Why would anyone enjoy this? I don't get it. Who the hell enjoys getting f*#@ed over due to no fault of their own? If I'm going to be punished for something, I would at least prefer it to be my own f*#@ing fault.

From what I've read, smarter people normally don't enjoy rng-heavy games. They prefer strategy games, with rng-heavy games being preferred by people who suck at strategy. Now, I'm not hating on less intelligent people here, please don't misinterpret what I'm saying, I'm just saying my experience isn't unique. I like strategy and puzzle games, so perhaps this thing isn't actually for me? RNG seems to be preferred by people who are bad at strategy and puzzle solving because it keeps games from being repetitive.

Of course, seemingly every video game has rng elements in it. What, am I supposed to just play chess and checkers? Also, you could argue even pure strategy games are rng too BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE BORN SMART ENOUGH TO BE GOOD AT THEM, WHICH IS DOWN TO SHEER DUMB LUCK.

I've long thought that if I am to continue gaming, I need to somehow get used to this. I guess I looked past it when I was younger because I never really bothered to think about it much. I quit Civilization after I realized it was far more rng than I had initially thought. Of course, most of my games that I've lost was due to them being forcibly torn away from me, either due to a computer frying or forced updates vandalism on part of the original developers. Seriously, wtf?

Anyway, is there anyway I can learn to actually enjoy games like Blood Bowl? Yes, I've had people told me I shouldn't be tyring to make games I hate fun, but what choice do I have? Either I play stupid programs like these or I do nothing with my freetime. I have tried to find other hobbies, but there are none it seems. What, am I supposed to just collect stamps? I don't have music to listen to anymore either, which would to long of a discussion to bring up here. I also did ask a question here on how to find games, because steam has made it so I have no idea how to find games outside of its weird service. f*#@ steam, NEVER EVER USE STEAM YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE EVEN LONG AFTER YOU'VE QUIT ITS SERVICE. So, I either learn to enjoy what I have, or I enjoy nothing at all.

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3 hours ago, InDarkestNight said:

I also did ask a question here on how to find games, because steam has made it so I have no idea how to find games outside of its weird service.

Well, GOG is another option -- much like Steam, but DRM-free, so your games are yours as long as you back up the install files somewhere.

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Irrelevant to this post, and besides that's not what I was asking. I don't even know what I want anymore. What should I even type in? How do I figure out what I want? As I said, I hate rng, grinding, and games where you put a mammoth effort into something only to fail. I like a fantasy theme, would like halloween-themed games, but that's about it. As for platform, I have been looking at itch.io, though I'm having a problem that I can't get most of the stuff I download from there to run. There's things on there that require flash, which you can't even get anymore, and things made with godot apparently won't run unless you're running the version of godot the author used to make the program! Also, you don't have the ability to block certain tags, so it makes filtering through everything even harder. Fml.

Clearly I need to learn to enjoy what I actually have. Besides, what I hate would block me from using 99.999999% of games out there. What do I even play? Chess? Fez? Either way there is still the question as to why anyone would like rng-heavy games. I can't imagine why, so why are there people that do?

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