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FONV/TTW - Vault-Boy Sneak Skill Icon on HUD in place of Sneak meter when crouched


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I use StewieTweaks' "remove sneak label" setting to increase immersion/realism, but mainly play in first person, so some indication that i am sneaking such as the official Vault-Boy Sneak Skill icon on the HUD, would be nice. I am aware that movement speed is slower when sneaking as well as obviously your height, but sometimes you can forget and it would just be a nice addition. I know other games have this indicator to show crouched and prone position, so i figured it would be nice, however i lack the knowledge to do it myself. 

Ive attempted to change the sneak parameters in GECK (sSneakCaution etc) to all say "crouched", but i dont know how to keep if from changing to red/blinking when in "caution/danger" states, so it ultimately does no good except when i am detected by friendlies. if i could figure that out, it would be acceptable, but i thought the Vault-Boy Icon would be a nicer look.


Edited by shadowruin
unaware this was a general mod forum and not NV specific
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