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Skyrim Mod Request: Mephala player home/cult lair


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I have a mephala worshipping arachnomancer build. But I don't have a player home that compliments the theme.
Can someone create a Mephala spider theme player home? I haven't found anyone make not one yet for Mephala spider users.


I have some ideas for the the home:

- A secret location inside of a cavern away from society since a Mephala follower is secretive.

- preferably a dark evil cultist style lair full of spiderwebs all over the walls and ceiling. similar to cronvagr cave. It could also house a frostbite spider nest with a frostbite queen inside.

- navmesh walls and ceiling for spiders to crawl on walls and ceilings. 

- Different sized frostbite spiders in the lair crawling about, from tiny, small, and regular sized. and you can recruit any of them to be an expendable follower. They respawn at the lair.

- a couple of recruitable dark elf followers living there. wearing generic black hooded robes, or a custom black or purple robes with the Mephala spider symbol on them.

- the cult robes could be craftable too. 

- a room chamber for living quarters for the player, and a room chamber for followers. all of the furnishings ex the alchemy lab with poisons etc.

- and of coarse a Mephala shrine from the daedric statues mod.
-items in the lair: 
1. A frostbite spider conjuring staff so that I can build a spider army and swarm my enemies. They have no time limit. They shouldn't be apart of my follower limit.

2. A mephala amulet that changes the disposition to a favorable one when placed on an npc. (For betrayal purposes.)

3. An not necessarily for me, but if someone happens to play as an assassin, a spider dagger that poisons people with the venom of a frostbite spider.

and finally
- and as far as any spells, I'll leave up to the modder's choice.
but If possible, create a spell where I transform into a tiny frostbite spider long enough to avoid detection from enemies when sneaking by them, or to sneak inside of a room without anyone noticing.

- and anything else the modder can think of that makes the mod great. It will be much appreciated.

Edited by clowdhed9
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