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druid sub class Scaled master

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I have a Yuan-ti druid and was picking a sub class and couldn't find one that fit or very few even made, so came up after i looked around with this. Also some real snake heads and such would be cool doubt the lower half snake body can be done but i have seen some awe-inspiring stuff. 


The scaled Master

Your order fights back with the poisonous fangs of the scaley kind you worship a snake goddess or god that draws power from the snakes of the land and holds them in high regard, most Yuan-ti are followers but humans wishing to follow or any race can follow and take on aspects of the scaly kind or have their natural abilities enhanced. 

proficient in creating and applying poisons, you can make twice the amount of poison than normal. 

2nd) Summon snakes/control snakes: you can call local snakes to you and your circle of the scale can: take on snake forms of various kinds as you advance you can gain more of their natural abilities such as better poisons, deadlier ones, constriction evasion-like abilities and poison spray attacks as well as larger and stronger sizes. 

6th) You have a natural ability to spray poison and gain resistance. (if you already have these then you become immune to poison and your poison spray gains extra damage or greater area of effect 

10) your skin becomes more scally and your base AC increases to 12 when not wearing armour, if your base is more than this then it increases by one more point. You also can't be disarmed as your grip becomes greater and gain an advantage on grapple checks 

14) you gain evasion and can summon a nature spirit of the world serpent, By doing this you can have it fight like any summoned creature or absorb it for a short time to increase your physical prowess. 

the spirit: is a large creature and can constrict,  bite (poison) or do a poisonous breath attack, if the target is constricted then it has an advantage on all its attacks on said target. The aspect: your strength is set to 25, you increase in one size and have a reach as well as an extra poison bite attack and poison spray that is a cone up to 60 feet (this is usable only once).  



just an idea




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