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Cure Addictions By Going "Cold Turkey" Mod?


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Is there such a thing? Is it possible? I google searched and there's a bunch of drug mods but none of them add ONLY this feature, they always add in extra things that I don't want. I'm surprised this feature is not in the base game, and if it is and I'm really stupid for missing this then please tell me so now.

Like instead of having to go see a doctor or use Fixer, you should be able to stop taking the drug/alcohol and after several in-game days (going "cold turkey" as they say) eventually the addiction goes away. I play hard core mode so simply using the wait function won't cheese this.

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I think that cold turkey already IN. since that addiction effect has duration, IIRC. So if you go explore combatless for long, you have no need to check your status tab, thus dont notice that expiration.

People dont make it a singleFeature mod because that mean you want to shorten that duration. Only reason to make such a mod. And nobody going to waste a slot for such thing, not when you can spend 15 sec to fast travel to novac and have Ada dealt with it in a flash.

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Oh it is a feature? My game is heavily modified, but I just noticed that there is a timer in brackets next to my current addiction. It's looong, like 18000 secs. I never noticed that before. Alright I'll tough it out while doing quest and s#*! and see what happens when that timer runs out.

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If there's timer in withdrawal status, that mean there's mods dealing with it in your load order.

In vanilla I have two ways to deal with it

1. Have doctor removed it for 50 caps. That's fast and an usage for doctors. Generally, I would use all the chems for a day duration, THEN have doctor remove addictions. That's 50 caps for at least 2 addiction. Otherwise have them do it before sleep is fine.

2. Use a Fixer BEFORE go to sleep.. 2 hours should be enough. Generally when waking up the status is gone. That was exploiting a game engine feature relating to sleep, combo with fixer temporarily removing status. 90% successful IIRC. it's not as economical and bugfree as doctors, but sometimes, you just cant fast travel to doctor before sleep (deep in dungeons)

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