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Help Scripting Music to Stop Playing When Combat ends

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It's me again, lol.

So this time I'm trying to get a specific battle music to play and then stop after combat.

Getting the music to play works, but getting it to stop at the end of combat isn't working. I've tried a couple different approaches (OnTrigger) and (GameMode), but neither work.

Here's one of the scripts I tried:

scn AerieQuestFightBeginScript

Short DoOnce

float Timer

Begin OnTriggerEnter Player
    if DoOnce == 0
        SetMusicState 1
        PlayMusic AerieBattleMusic
        SetStage AerieQuest 80
        ShowMessage AerieFightWarnMssg
        set DoOnce to 1
    elseif DoOnce == 1
        set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed
        if ((Timer > 10) && (player.IsInCombat == 0)) || (Timer > 190);    battle music stops if combat stops or stops if the song ends.
            SetMusicState 0
            AerieAudioMarker1REF.enable; re-enable background music



The highlighted portion is the problem spot. Basically, the script refuses to recognize if the player is not in combat. I've tried player.isincombat; player.isincombat 0; player.isincombat == 0 - nothing works. The song will stop after 190 seconds so I know the Timer is working fine.

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