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Mod Suggestions and Ideas

Guest Brian

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Guest Brian

Hello, my name is Brian. Just a fellow player of RimWorld.


I don't see a lot of activity on these forms, so, I wouldn't know where else to post this.


I'm not a modder myself, and I haven't tried to do it to this game. So, below I'll "float" some ideas towards you people, and see if anyone can do it.


Mod Idea 1:

Robots. These robots would do a task specifically set up by you. Say for example, you want a robot to collect all "Weapons" and take them to a stock pile. You could either wait for the people to do it themselves, but they have other focus's and do it slowly. So the robot would do its job and only that job. You could have other functions too asin

-Repair Robot (It would repair walls, turrets, and all that.)

-FIre Robot (it would put out fires in the home region.)

-Food Robot (from farming to killing animals, or, cooking.)

-Cleaning Robot (Cleans the floors, like seriously i have blood all over my floors and they don't even wanna clean it up!)

-Collection Robot (Collects what its told and puts it in a stock pile and or w/e the target is.)


But, each robot that is made, would require "level" ups in that area of its work. By either unlocking the robot from research, or something.


Research tree for example: (wouldn't hurt to make it a little longer)

Basic Robot > Repair Robot

----------------> Fire Robot

----------------> Food Robot

----------------> Cleaning Robot

----------------> Transport Robot



Mod Idea 2:

Fire Sprinklers/Fire Extinguishers.

I can't be the only one who gets tired of those fires. Like seriously. So I was thinking, if you have a room that has a roof you could put fire sprinklers above other objects. For example if you have something that blows up thats under a roof, the fire sprinklers would make a spray effect with a small range, say, 3r/6 diameter (or 7x7 round not a square) or whatever you come up with. Now why not just add fire extinguishers too, cause, that would make some since. So have that. These would of course be researched.


-Mod 2 Extension-

Now back to the fire robot idea, if you have mod idea 2 as well, you could research the fire robot.




Mod Idea 3:

Farming mod.

There is a limited amount of things you can grow, from farming. Potatoes and Strawberries, tasty right? So, why not have new farming foods. You would learn them from research of course, but to unlock that research you would get it from a farm trader via the comm's console (random of course).







Though I was also thinking, ways to speed up farming. Farming sometimes has a random "Drought" so, why not have water sprinklers. This would connect with Mod idea 4.



Mod Idea 4:


Now, last time i checked humans can't live without liquids. So then how the frop do they survive? So, ideas for this mod could be water collectors, that collect rainwater when it rains. Or even world gens that have pounds, rivers, oceans, seas! and you would create a transport pipe, water cleaning device, and etc. It would add a "drink" bar to the players need tab. It would also have, water storage to store water (which could be continuously filled by a water pipe which would come from a purifier for example) hoses, sinks, baths, toilets!


>This also could connect to Mod idea 2 to create those fire sprinklers, and mod idea 3 with the farm sprinklers.





Heck this could all be one mod! and make it RimWorld SIMS! xD But whatever! its up to who ever wants to take on these ideas.

Probably will be a while, before I see this come true, but, if you have more ideas, or comments regarding these, share them below. Just keep the hate to your self.

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Guest Brian

Mod Idea 5:

Damn Debris!

This mod would do something about those damn debris, i have over 2k of that garbage. There is a mod out there, i think with blacksmithing, and making guns and all that but, thats to slow for me. So I was thinking, make a oven. A oven that would melt all of it. it would be treated like dead people are treated. You don't want them laying around, so might as well turn them into something useful, like metal. Just faster.

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  • 2 months later...

Mod Idea 5:

Damn Debris!

This mod would do something about those damn debris, i have over 2k of that garbage. There is a mod out there, i think with blacksmithing, and making guns and all that but, thats to slow for me. So I was thinking, make a oven. A oven that would melt all of it. it would be treated like dead people are treated. You don't want them laying around, so might as well turn them into something useful, like metal. Just faster.

has this not already been implemented into the base game? it needs researching but its there? maybe im wrong i haven't yet got 1hour into gameplay without failing


just noticed how old this thread is lol

Edited by BladerRavinger92
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