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Seeing a lot of the same questions asked over and over, so I thought I'd start a FAQ thread.



Addon Writing Specific

Can I use the GECK from Fallout 3?

You cannot use the same GECK for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. Please download the FNV version from Bethesda's Site. This will avoid a crash on startup when you read the FNV data using the FO3 geck.


After you download, install into the same directory where FNV is installed. This will avoid messages such as "libvorbis not found".

The Script editor isn't saving my scripts!! What gives??

When you close a script editing window and you get a message that you were not able to save, this is usually because the script has a syntax error. NV GECK does not display any details about the error.


You may want to pick up: GECK Powerup which many modders consider an essential tool.

Why do I see Grey Areas in the GECK rendering window?

When you load a complex interior, you may see large grey regions where it appears nothing has loaded. This is usually because of room multi-bound objects blocking your view. You may wish to disable display of these bounds; see This Thread at the Official Bethesda forums for details.

Addon Installation Specifics

Where are the data files?

Steam keeps all the game files inside it's directory structure.

If you have a default installation of Steam, the files are located:

64bit: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\

32bit: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\


Mods are placed in the \Data directory of the above.


How do I enable mods?

When you launch the game, click the Data button and place check marks next to each file you want to include.


How do I change the load order?

Until a mod manager is released you will have to manually change the timestamps on the files. There are many utilities out there that will allow you to do this.


Oldest files are loaded first. Make sure that FalloutNV.esm is the oldest file. It HAS to load first.


What's this ArchiveInvalidation file I'm hearing about?

This file is a list of textures, meshes, sounds that override the originals from the .bsa files. It's a text file that resides in the installation directory (see above), you have to manually create this file each time you add or remove textures, etc.


That said, there is an easier way. The ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa technique does work. You just have to manually add it.



11/10 UPDATE: With the latest patch (version the Archive invalidation technique has changed. You will either need to rename the file so it will load first, or change the load order. I recommend the first option which is detailed below.


1) Place the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa file in your \Data directory

2) Rename this file to: Fallout - ArchiveInvalidation.bsa

2) Edit the ini files to reflect the addition of the bsa file.

  • There are 3 ini files for this game.
  • C:\My Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\fallout.ini
  • C:\My Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\FalloutPrefs.ini
  • [steam location]\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\fallout_default.ini
  • The fallout_default.ini file is used when launched from Steam. It will overwrite the files in the My Games directory. If you use another program to launch you will need to edit the first two files with the changes below

3) Find the [archive] section

4) Modify the SArchiveList and add the Fallout - ArchiveInvalidation.bsa to the beginning of the list. It should look like this:

SArchiveList= Fallout - ArchiveInvalidation.bsa, Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa

5) Get rid of the ArchiveInvalidation.txt file in the main directory.

6) Play


If there are still issues, modify all three ini files. It's a little extra work currently, but it will guarantee your changes are accepted.


Where do I get the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!bsa file?



Grab the manual version.


Can I move the location of Steam?

Yes, just move the entire directory structure to a new location and then run the steam.exe file from the new location.


Don't forget to update any shortcuts you may have to reflect the change.


Are Fallout 3 mods compatible for Fallout New Vegas?

Not entirely. Both games use the same basic engine. There are assets in FO:NV that came from FO:3.


Easy to Port:

  • Texture replacements (Armor graphics, hair, weapons, etc)
  • Small gameplay changes

Hard to Port:

  • Anything that references FO:3 directly. There is no Capital Wasteland here.
  • Companion Mods
  • UI mods

I ported a mod from FO:3 to FO:NV. Can I upload it here?

Unless you are the original writer of the mod, then no you may not. Not without permission from the original author.


The best policy is to ask first. If you are given permission, then credit the original author.


News post:



Is X addon going to be released?

The short answer: No idea.


The longer answer. A lot of the authors who have addons for FO:3 are currently working on FO:NV versions. This includes (but is not limited to)

  • New Vegas Script Extender (Adds functionality to GECK scripts)
  • UI mods (DarN, MTUI, etc)
  • Mod Managers
  • Custom Races

Note: I don't endorse any of the above. It's for information purposes only.


Be patient. They are hard at work.


11/10 - Updated to reflect new archive Invalidation technique

12/14 - Updated for GECK related issues with answers from davidallen. Thanks much.

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I did the Archive Invalidation but,the textures were still funky for the Kerberos Panzer Police mod than i change the the fallout NV default int and now everybody is purple in game as well as the armor i had on having a messed up texture and the modded armor still doesn't work any help would be greatly appreciated
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Need some clarification on step 5. I'm pretty confused sorry for my lack of know how :[


Some mods include an ArchiveInvalidation.txt file with them. If you use the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa change you no longer need that file. If there is no ArchiveInvalidation.txt file just ignore the step.



I did the Archive Invalidation but,the textures were still funky for the Kerberos Panzer Police mod than i change the the fallout NV default int and now everybody is purple in game as well as the armor i had on having a messed up texture and the modded armor still doesn't work any help would be greatly appreciated


Try removing all your updated textures/meshes/etc and see if it goes back to normal. Then add the files back in and test every so often to make sure they are working. It's usually best to get one or two mods working first and testing to make sure everything is in the correct places.

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Thank you for reply i found that the mod had to be re uploaded and is now fix. lol but i messed my game by messing with the fallout int and default some how XD i fix by reinstalling so :D thanks again for quick response
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I did the manual archiveinvalidationinvalidated install and the textures got messed up. This without any new stuff added in just the archiveinvalidation changes and the bsa file in there. Also i dont have a prefs file just a Fallout_default file where I found the section indicated above. What can I do to remedy this i want to use some custom meshes and textures in my game.
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I did the manual archiveinvalidationinvalidated install and the textures got messed up. This without any new stuff added in just the archiveinvalidation changes and the bsa file in there. Also i dont have a prefs file just a Fallout_default file where I found the section indicated above. What can I do to remedy this i want to use some custom meshes and textures in my game.


Where did you put the .bsa file? It is supposed to go into the /data directory.


Just adding in the override will not affect your textures if you haven't added any.


The other ini files are in:

C:\users\[your username goes here]\My Documents\My Games\FalloutNV

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