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What ending do you think is best? - Poll


What side would you shoose?  

232 members have voted

  1. 1. Of the 4 General Endings which one did you chose?

    • Independent New Vegas under Mr. House
    • Independent New Vegas under Yes Man
    • NCR Rule of the Mojave
    • Caesar's Legion Conquest of the Mojave

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In the long term, Vegas under Caesar would fall, as after Caesars death, a power struggle would occur and the tribes he once conquered will turn back to their past. A Vegas under house would give a single man absolute power, same with independent, and it would be extremely hard to maintain a robot army, keep supplies for them, and it wont be long until someone challenges your power, and the city of sin you have created. Now, the NCR may be corrupt, inefficient, and a bureaucracy, but it is a democracy and that makes it extremely flexible when it comes to leadership and the direction that it should go. It also provides the basic needs of its people, making the taxes well worth it, especially for those living in the wasteland. So basically, everything will fail relatively early except for the NCR. Not to mention, NCR soldiers aren't given much in terms of payment, so its not like some mercenary army. They're patriots, and if anyone threatens the NCR values, whether outside or inside the NCR, they will refuse to fight for them. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a small revolutionary governmental purge when the corruption becomes too much.

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  • 1 month later...

Personally I choose Mr. House. While he is quite despotic and has little regard for individual human (although same could be said about any other faction) he is the only one with an actual longer term plan. Plus his ability to accurately predict eventual future events and lack of of petty feelings (no prejudices towards "races" that used to be humans, lack of interest in small time revenges, etc.) are also a bonus. Also he has already demonstrated that his plans tend to bear fruits (saving Vegas from nuclear holocaust, manipulating NCR into signing a treaty clearly beneficial to him). Maximum efficiency with as much as possible personal freedom is the best thing you can hope for when you live in a crapsack world.

NCR under Kimball is in my opinion a shadow of what it used to be under Tandi presidency. Ironically the best thing it can hope for is loosing the whole Mojave campaign,as it would be the impulse to change it's decaying political body. Victory in Mojave would only win Kimball more support and promote individuals like Moore and Oliver.

Caesars Legion is a bunch of murderous misogynistic Luddite slavers, best chance for future my ass. Bonus points for falling after its leaders (who unlike House isn't ageless) death.

I tend to have mixed feelings towards wild card ending. On one hand it would be possible to Courier to create haven on earth with all his resources. On the other Courier is basically ax-crazy (judging from number of people he killed, whether those people deserved it is another thing), brain-damaged, half machine (hello Big MT and dr. Usanagi) half mutant (since most of perks are clearly mutations: Toughness (bulletproof skin isn't quite normal), Solar powered (healing factor PLUS superhuman strength while under the sun isn't either), not to mention rad child, atomic and the one that removes radiation over time) clad in power armor. He is basically good old Frank Horrigan MK. II, with a golden heart (if good karma) but still. Terrific enforcer, guy/gal you would call when you need a hole punched in some troublesome deathclaw, but I doubt he/she would make good faction leader.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the NCR because they have the grit to survive. corrupt politicians for sure, and inefficiency, but they are still there. The whole political system may suck, but the grit of the soldiers in the NCR keep them there.


Legion seems promising on paper and statistically. They have better economy and security in other lands, but just like the Romans they emulate, they will be very successful for a while, but crumble quickly. the Romans were strong as hell for centuries but crumbled in about a generation. They are also pretty mean to anyone not Legion, and condemn them as well.


House is an autocrat who wants money. Sure he can promise wealth and security, and maintain it, but hes greedy and doesnt care about the people raking in his money. That will come back to him eventually.


I would totally do Yes Mans at least once if I could keep the NCR in the Mojave. Id keep Vegas to the Securitrons and Yes Man, but NCR everywhere else. NCR seems to actually have a chance, especially if they tried to separate from the Hub or fixed their issues. The military of the NCR alone is actually pretty effective when they go after something. They could really get a handle on the Mojave if they coagulated a strong enough force.


NCR has a lot of issues, alot of them related to ones we have today. leadership is key to success, and they dont have much of it. The system by design works well, its the people running it that drive it down. Even with all the corruption and inefficiency, they are still present and a formidable force, and that tells me that if they were clean(or at least for the most part0 they could dominate the region.



my .02$

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  • 3 weeks later...

House is my favorite (but I fell bad about the Kings :sad: )

NCR is my second choice

then Legion (maybe Lucius manage to kill Lanius and become the new leader. He seems like a reasonable guy.)


yes Man ending is silly, I do not consider it as an option.

Edited by YanL
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House is my favorite (but I fell bad about the Kings :sad: )

NCR is my second choice

then Legion (maybe Lucius manage to kill Lanius and become the new leader. He seems like a reasonable guy.)


yes Man ending is silly, I do not consider it as an option.

get them go attack the ncr for house to spare the kings

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  • 9 months later...

with yes man you can make the best government possible, a benefactory dictatorship, normally this dosen't work since the nice dictator would die and be replaced with an a**hole dictator, but with Mr. Houses machine you can avoid dying altogether. You also avoid Mr. Houses greed, the ncr's corruption, and the legions everything. and you can defend it all with your army of overpowered securitrons.

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