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Legion Howitzer


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On my last playthrough my char was going to worm her way into the Legion's good graces as far as possible then double cross them later. However, that only lasted up to the point where she was about to repair the Legion howitzer. Was hoping that, after the repairs, a bit of C-4 would take the gun out but it turned out to be indestructible. (Cue going back 1 save to pre-repair status and then annihilating Caesar's camp.)


So I'm wondering, for my current playthrough, how big a role does the howitzer play in the outcome? (Though it would be tough for my char to even contribute a little to NCR losses at the final battle.) Do you think that a mod that made the howitzer blow-up-able would change the ending at all? Or would the game's scripting ignore the gun's destruction after it were repaired. (Assuming I could figure out how make it destructible in the GECK.)

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I can't say for sure, but I had the feeling that getting the howitzer working reduced the number of NCR snipers shooting at me when we were taking over the damn. I'm talking about the number of Rangers on top of the dam towers with their AM Rifles, It's just a gut feeling though, that there were fewer that time around, I don't know for sure though. Also, I was playing 1.4 on that run through and previously it was 1.3, so maybe that was why.


As for the big game ending, can't say at all.

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Ah, ok. Maybe I'll give it a shot in the GECK sometime. Even if it doesn't change the game ending, it would be some measure of satisfaction for my char to blow it up after fixing it :tongue:
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