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obvious plot gap is really horrifically obvious now.


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So I just had a thought, when you go at the end of Lonesome Road you can deactivate the nukes, Nuke the long 15, or Caesars encampment/supply line forgest exactly which. Anyways you can also nuke both. But why can you not nuke New Vegas itself? Or Hoover Dam? If I want to play a truly neutral good character, Destroying the Dam would be the best option of all. As well as New Vegas.


And heres why!


1) The NCR advancement only came to the Mojave after scouts confirmed of the existance of the functioning Dam, they came for the near endless energy supply it is and the massive amounts of resources that could be moved acrossed it to further their advance east if so be it.


2) The legion only came because it not only represents the old world tech they wish to remove, but a vast crossing to further their movement west.


3) House can only run New Vegas because of the Dams power, and as such can only build his empire around New Vegas with its functionality and control intact.


So if you destroy the Dam, by direct result you destroy New Vegas, or at least turn the NCR/House focus to Helios One, which you can also destroy if you wish. Not to mention you disable the only effective crossing on the river for either NCR and Legion, which would result in a stalemate with neither side able to garner a serious foodhold on the others shores. (considering NCR forces would then be diverted from reinforcing the Dam to patrolling the river. and thus find and elimnate Caesars small encampment on the western bank.)


Why the hell would you not give that option which could be yet another way to end the game entirely?

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It's probably because if they gave you the option to fire the nuclear missile at New Vegas or something like that, you'd end up messing up a lot of quests. Not to mention all the new models Obsidian would have to create to resemble the destruction of a nuke, which safe to say, would mean no more New Vegas.


It's probably the same for Hoover Dam too. But yes, logically if you wanted to deal a serious blow to the NCR or Legion, you'd attack their main objective. Although, if you wanted to create even more hell for the Legion or NCR, you'd aim them at either Shady Sands (NCR) or Phoenix (Legion).

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Why the hell would you not give that option which could be yet another way to end the game entirely?


I think the NCR and the Legion will still go after Hoover Dam, even without New Vegas. After what happened at the first Battle of Hoover Dam, I imagine Caesar (or Legate Lanius) won't give up until the NCR is defeated (or if they end up defeated by the Courier). Also, people besides the NCR and House depend on the electricity from Hoover Dam, which is mentioned by the Courier if he's convincing Arcade that electricity should be distributed equally across the Mojave (at Helios One).


In terms of game mechics, pretty much what McclaudEagle said.

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Bombing New Vegas is not what a neutral character would do. In fact i think its pretty freaken evil...


Destroying hoover dam would kill thousands of NCR troopers and the flooding would destroy cottonwood cove and irradiate the mass amount of unirradiated water and destroying New Vegas would kill thousands of Innocent people who are just getting caught in the cross fire of this conflict.


Oh and i almost forgot Mr. House would just shoot the nuke down like he did the others.

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I think your overestimating the amount of people at and around the dam, the tens of thousands that would die fighting the legion back, or failing to fight the legion back, or even fighting for NCR/House/you would far outweigh the deaths dealt at the dam and from the irradiated water. Its more of a greater good scenario, as is the whole game plotline.
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Do you know how many communities are supplied by the purified water coming from Lake Mead? All of New Vegas, Most of the NCR, and probably a whole lot of the Legion. Do you know how many troops are garrisoned inside Hoover Dam? Do you know how many people are being supplied by the electricity from Hoover Dam? All of New Vegas and the NCR. Remember how important purified water was in Fallout 3?


And your still missing my second point about Mr. House.

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Yeah, the amount of people in hoover dam IN GAME aren't the actual number of troops at the dam. There's probally atleast a couple thousand troops there and around the area, so you'd be killing innocent troopers just doing they're job, and then you'd be essentially f***ing over the entire Nevada by destroying the only source of clean water.


If you decided to nuke New Vegas you'd be destroying one of the major safe havens in Nevada, thousands would die, and again radiation would kill a lot more people.

Edited by Bdthemag
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