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so whats the diffrent between the "modpca" and "modav" and "setav"?

SetAV is setting standard value, ModAV is changing standard value either up or down, ModPCA not a clue really...

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need codes for more perk points...might have to resort to either giving them 1 by 1 using the console, or decreasing skill level and player level then gaining another level to get more, which is to say, tedious.
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TGM still works? I know what codes I'll be using.

TGM is a no-go...


player.setlevel and advlevel however do work.

Lol bs, I was playing it and I opened console, put in "tgm" and it said god mode activated or somthing of the sort.....get ya facts straight homie.

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It's times like these you realize just how much you relied on GetBaseObject.


From the looks of it, pretty much all the GameBryo commands have been preserved (Unlock has got a work out on my end, cant use that minigame to save myself), even if they have been modified a bit, eg, MoveToQuestTarget now fails unless you specifiy the quest's ID (I'm assuming, since I haven't found a way to extract the IDs yet).


TGM works, but if you toggle it while overburdened, you have to make another action, ie draw weapon, before it updates your movement speed to allow you to run and fast travel. You still get blood spatters on the screen if you get hit, but it doesn't do any damage, and works in the same way, ie, All spells castable (including unlocked shouts with no cooldown), no hp/mp/stam drain, etc.


Since F works for gold, you might be able to get lucky and find more of the Form ID's from Oblivion are preserved. For identical items, ie gold, possibly soul gems, they may have the same ID... I'll check and get back to you on that.


EDIT: No, it doesn't work, as was probably expected.

Edited by Skevitj
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God mode with infinite stamina and werewolf form = very fast traveling speeds. Good bye horsie.


Also, be careful with adding armors and weapons. Some say they were added, but don't show up in my inventory (like Nightingale for instance.) Maybe it's because it requires the questline for obtaining them to make them visible, I dunno.

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