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Why does everyone like the Brotherhood so much?


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The power armor and energy weapons. Also, my Courier likes to use the Brotherhood to defend HELIOS One and Novac against the Legion and NCR.


Only once have I ever killed the Brotherhood, and that was during my first Mr. House playthrough. Even then, I did things a certain way so I could keep Veronica in my party. Second time I allied with House, I used a mod to restore some cut dialogue allowing you to get him to team with the Brotherhood. As for Vernie, I always have her try joining the Followers. They could use her knowledge of Pre-War technology. There's no reason why the Mojave Brotherhood can't adopt a similar role to their Capital Wasteland counterparts or the Followers. They can't keep cutting themselves off from the rest of the wasteland forever. At the very least, McNamara should have embraced the farming technology from Vault 22. An army marches on its stomach, and you can't eat power armor or laser rifles.

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  • 11 months later...

Probably because Bethesda inexplicably made them the "good guys" in Fallout 3.


They're only slightly more tolerable than the utterly insufferable Boomers, which is a very, very low bar.


Common raiders are are more rational than these people. At least they don't kid themselves into thinking they're the good guys.

Boomers? Insufferable? Why don't you like the Boomers? (Serious question, I'm not judging you here)



The BoS from FO3 is a different brotherhood. Lyons defy the ideology of the Brotherhood from the West by helping the people of the Capital Wasteland, fighting the good fight and I like Lyons for that. That is the brotherhood I love not the brotherhood Maxon and the other elders has.


Though I admit, I do have a hard time in New Vegas, currently siding with Mr. House, and I can't seem to hold the idea that I have to destroy them even though I know they were not Lyons' BoS. Maybe because of Veronica, or maybe because when I think of the Brotherhood of Steel, I think of the one from the Capital Wasteland, not the technology hoarding ass other Fallout franchise has.

Think of what the Mojave Brotherhood does to Veronica (Sentencing her to a lonely life of exile) and to the Followers Doctors she joins (genocides them) all because they think Veronica might have shared the Brotherhood's secrets with them. Think of what they were designed to be from the start back in 1 and 2. Trust me, this makes setting off that self-destruct much easier.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Actually, I find it strange that so many people want to kill them.

I don't think you understand the history of the BoS.


The BoS wants to rebuild civilization. For themselves. And only for themselves. Everyone else is wasteland trash and needs to be eliminated so that the BoS can rebuild their own version of the world. If you aren't part of the BoS, then the BoS really wants you to no longer exist.


Yes, you can get the BoS to work with the NCR, but that's only because McNamera is so terrified of the NCR that he will make a deal with them just to prevent the NCR from completely wiping out Hidden Valley.


Keep in mind that the NCR just set out to make a better civilization for themselves. The BoS didn't like the NCR getting bigger, so the BoS tried to wipe out the NCR. In other words, the BoS started it. This resulted in the NCR-BoS war which nearly destroyed the BoS. What's left of the BoS is shattered into tiny groups like Hidden Valley. The little groups don't even have contact with each other. Hidden Valley in particular lost over half of its members fighting the NCR at Helios One. There is no way that the BoS would willingly help the NCR. McNamera only agrees to it because he's afraid that the NCR will completely wipe out Hidden Valley and he doesn't see any other way out. The BoS isn't helping the NCR because the BoS are good guys. They aren't.


This is the history of the BoS. They hoard technology because they think that they are the only ones worthy of having it, and they try to destroy anyone who gets in their way. It's no surprise to me that everyone wants to kill them. The BoS is horrible. The wasteland is much better off without them.


The east coast BoS is significantly different, even though they started as the same group. The east coast BoS was an expeditionary group, and along the way, since they were a much smaller group initially, they were forced to work with locals, and they began to see outsiders as just people and not as wasteland trash that needed to be destroyed. The east coast BoS had a major philosophy shift with Elder Lyons and started accepting outsiders into their ranks and started using their tech to actually help people. They even became the heroes of the wasteland in FO3 and are still somewhat heroic in FO4, though you can see a slight shift back towards their west coast attitudes and roots.


If the west coast BoS had embraced a more humanitarian philosophy like Elder Lyons, then perhaps they wouldn't have been an evil group that needs to be destroyed. But they didn't.


If the player manages to convince the BoS to help the NCR, you have to wonder what happens after the end of Fallout New Vegas. Sure they made a truce, but everyone at Hidden Valley had family, friends, and loved ones killed by the NCR. There is so much hate for the NCR at Hidden Valley that I can't picture any truce lasting for a long time. Once the BoS gets a chance to rebuild, there are going to be a lot of BoS members who want revenge, and that truce that the NCR made will likely come back and bite the NCR in the backside.


There's a reason that Mr. House's assessment of the BoS is that they can't ever be trusted and making peace with them isn't a realistic option. If you follow the House questline, he very intentionally does not give you an option for peace or a truce.

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"If the player manages to convince the BoS to help the NCR, you have to wonder what happens after the end of Fallout New Vegas. Sure they made a truce, but everyone at Hidden Valley had family, friends, and loved ones killed by the NCR. There is so much hate for the NCR at Hidden Valley that I can't picture any truce lasting for a long time. "


There are no perfect groups. What can be learned is that groups (Tribes) have to be given a chance to change. Endless fighting is how Caesar was able to get in. NCR had its problems with clueless individuals as well like Thomas Hildern, Fantastic and a few others.


What BOS has is technical knowledge, and they can keep I 15 safe. They just need to learn how to work with others. As for the future, there maybe another army that wants to take on the NCR. Building a new relationship can help them because they were spread too thin.

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  • 1 month later...

I replayed this game:


At messiah level 30 idolized by NCR and liked by BOS with the second quest "eye sight to the blind completed" and that small gun quest the third quest for BOS. BOS clearly stated they would help NCR fight the Legion. Colonel Moore was still angry about it because she wanted all of them dead, but it still went through. Honestly, really DON'T like killing a group with family unless I have to. I don't kill the Khans, and I had more reason to do so.


As for NCR, they suffer from corruption. They brought in the Powder Gangers, and they take 95% of the water as well. They all have dirt on them. The Legion is correct in saying the NCR is corrupt but the Legion is not the answer or a group worth supporting.

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  • 3 years later...

The NCR own the water through the pipes they built, not Lake Mead itself. It should be obvious that they earn that right, since building something in post apocalyptic conditions is not easy and only them can and would do it. The other group can do it is Eastern Brotherhood, from building Citadel to restore the 200 year old continental siege robot.

Anyone can take water from the lake, or build a farm nearby if they want. But all of the organized groups in Vegas are enamored with casinos, and the rest doesnt have the organizing to build community there.


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