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Which ending do you usually go for and why?



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  1. 1. Which end do you generally strive for in the Mojave? Write why below.

    • Caesars Legion
    • NCR
    • House
    • Independant New Vegas

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Interesting thread and points.


I have yet to complete the House questline... The part about blowing up the BoS irks me, there should be a way around that. I've been meaning to play a merc with no conscience and see how it goes.


The Legion is brutal but enjoyable as long as you don't overthink it (Caesar is the only one with acual brains if you ask me).


The NCR is despicable and corrupt (consider the fate of Cassidy Caravans and the fact that the NCR won't do anything unless you go out of your way to make it happen).


That leaves the Yes Man route which is let's face it is tantamount to anarchy and chaos... Still my "favourite" because I root for the underdogs most of the time and House is a capital jerk (Vault 21 anyone?) and the Bear and the Bull only oppress people (they do it differently but still). Of course my Wild Card Courier's last move would be to make sure the Securitron army is disabled once both the Legion and the NCR are pushed out from the Mojave (not sure Yes Man would play ball on that one though).


The good thing is that there is no "good" ending no matter what. House is as obnoxious as they get but he is striving for stability and independence (if not from him from other factions). I still have a hard time coming to terms with his demands though.


Why would you shut down the Securitron army? They're the only guarantor of peace and security from both the NCR and the Legion.

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It boggles my mind too why would anyone destroy/shut down the Securitron army. Of course, anyone can always hack them but Yes Man would probably solve that rather quickly before anything bad happens.


I wonder what happens to the Securitrons after NCR annexes New Vegas? Do they reprogram them or just destroy them?

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Personally I prefer the Independent Vegas, although there are some "worries" about Yes Man might betray the Courier. However we shouldn't forget that we are talking about a character who survived a fatal gunshot wound to the head, singlehandedly fought against the massive Ceasars Legions (and depending on the player, the NCR), the drug addicted Fiends, the White Legs in New Canaanan, collecting dangerous eggs (including Deathclaw eggs) for The Thorn, becoming a half cyborg after visiting Big Mountain, outwitted and survived in the dangerous Sierra Madre and finally meeting a dangerous old foe in the Divide...


So.. I doubt a rolling tin that just got upgrades and planning to play Skynet would be any danger to the Courier... as the saying goes "Meh, I been in worse situation before."


Although the Legion is considered as the "evil faction" but somehow personally I find Ceasar quite charismatic maybe because of his blunt but true view about the NCR. During the game, we mostly come across many NCR propaganda and supposed to see them as the "good guys" (and also for those who played Fallout 2). However we do know that as soon as Ceasar dies, the Legion will be fighting amongs themselves with the Legate takes over after killing off many of his rivals.


House is a charismatic person, I would have choosen his ending, if it not because of his plans to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel. For better or worse, the Brotherhood did save the humanity many times in Fallout universe, from aiding Vault Dweller against the Master to giving useful hints to the Chosen One, and trying to restore order in Washington DC. I find it hard to kill them....


The independent Vegas is like giving the middle finger to the established authorities. I still find it funny to order Yes Man to punch general Oliver after his threats of "Enraging the bear". Since the Courier has an army of missile shooting Securitons with the Remnants at his side.

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Actually that's one thing about the Independent ending I don't like. You'd think that the Courier would offer a total amnesty program to former Enclavers as a way of attracting highly trained and talented people who could finally begin in peace and quiet that the NCR will never afford them. It's one thing to see the Enclave of Fallout 3, but the Remnants were good people who fought on a terrible side, and freed from the Enclave, they bloomed into honorable, decent people. I really like that about New Vegas. And I think goodness should be rewarded.

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Actually that's one thing about the Independent ending I don't like. You'd think that the Courier would offer a total amnesty program to former Enclavers as a way of attracting highly trained and talented people who could finally begin in peace and quiet that the NCR will never afford them. It's one thing to see the Enclave of Fallout 3, but the Remnants were good people who fought on a terrible side, and freed from the Enclave, they bloomed into honorable, decent people. I really like that about New Vegas. And I think goodness should be rewarded.


They're nearly all retirees and out of touch. Who gives a damn?

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Actually that's one thing about the Independent ending I don't like. You'd think that the Courier would offer a total amnesty program to former Enclavers as a way of attracting highly trained and talented people who could finally begin in peace and quiet that the NCR will never afford them.


From what I gathered about the Remnants, they wanted to retire their remaning days as "normal citizens" of Mojave, so I guess even if the Courier offered them a place in New Vegas, they wouldn't accept it since they already left Enclave behind them. However they helped the Courier because Arcade insisted them to fight the "Good fight" as a redemption of their past with the Enclave (except Morion, depends on the player, reluctantly joined in). Also bear in mind that beside the "inferior" Washington Enclaves (that got whopped by a 19 year old teenager), the remnants was survivors from the original elite Enclaves of Navarro and the oil rig, but one problem is that many of them are OAP in New Vegas timeline and it seems that not many of them are alive or already left California.


I actually like all of their ending, as it leave them as "Mysterious" and fearsome reputation in the Fallout universe (even the Legions wussed out in searching them).


However I was a bit let down with the ending for Freeside or Children of Apocalypse, the Courier could actually "help" out a bit to the Freeside and the Children of the Apocalypse if the player had a very good reputation with them.


They could make a better ending for the Brotherhood of Steel if the Courier becomes one of them.

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Well, the Remnants doesn't refer to just the Enclave military, nor the Enclave military at the time of Oil Rig's destruction. As Arcade's story indicates, there's a long line of family drama involved in this: children, grandchildren, all susceptible to abuse and infringement by NCR forces. I'm not taling about just the six: I'm talking about pooling in as many former Enclavers as possible, as a place to start again. Beyond any silly notions of mystery and such, any state would drool over the educational and technological knowhow of the Enclave educational system. Considering NCR is just know establishing an independent state school university system, and the Followers are still largely scavenger in their logistics, the Enclave, beyond their Nazi tendencies, are the only group in the post war US who's education is completely modern and post-secondary in nature. They are the kind of highly educated managers and workers that even modern developed nations crave and give special immigration status to attract.


Imagine Dr. Henry getting a bunch of Robobrains properly programed to work in the Vegas Steel Mill And Daisy flying in and scooping up the detritus cars out in the Mohave to be melted down. And the reestablishment of the Internet. And having a functional knowledge of the Enclave entirely automated Power Armor and energy weapons production lines. The Remnants as a whole have so much intellectual capital, that if they are willing to to put their Nazism behind them, and they are, they are too valuable not to put them up in the high roller suites of the Luck y 38.

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And having a functional knowledge of the Enclave entirely automated Power Armor and energy weapons production lines. The Remnants as a whole have so much intellectual capital, that if they are willing to to put their Nazism behind them, and they are, they are too valuable not to put them up in the high roller suites of the Luck y 38.



The Enclave is a bit like the Nazi, although WW2 was over, and many of their best scientist was granted amnesty and sought after by USSR and U.S (Operation Paperclip more to it), but there was a witch hunt and also a "self shame" of working for Nazi Germany, also there are those who disliked the victorious Allies and instead went into hiding (Moreno is an example of those hardened Nazi who never regretted what he did during the war).


The NCR would be more powerful if they did employ former Enclaves, but remember that there was a hatred towards them, just like in Operation Paperclip was done in a "hush hush" way, in case it will enrage those who fought against the Nazi or their new Jewish allies. And I guess this is why NCR wouldn't dare to openly employ the Enclave scientist, at least in public. Who knows maybe OSI (where Dr Hildern came from), might be set up by former Enclaves? Dr Henry worked for NCR for a while but he was found out I remember and have to move out again.

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Oh it's true. My Courier would force Enclavers seeking blanket amnesty to sign and pledge (written and verbally) a document that denounces the Enclave as an illegitimate government, owing to it's abandonment of the mainland populace in late 2077, a reaffirming of the US Constitution in principle, and a sworn declaration that 14th Amendment applies to all sentient beings born or manufactured in the US, including baseline humans, radiation kissed baseline humans, ghouls, supermutants, robots, vampires, etc.


Denazification is a part of the game, but there needs to be denazification.

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