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In the Independent ending, the courier will join the midwestern brothe


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The NCR would be the biggest threat of them all, due to the well organized and well equiped soldiers and such. But As far as I understand, the reason why NCR had such hard time fighting the Legion was that: they didnt get enough forces from Califonia.

But when the threat from the legion is gone - An Independant NV will be short lived.

Edited by Ryuukage0101
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The NCR would be the biggest threat of them all, due to the well organized and well equiped soldiers and such. But As far as I understand, the reason why NCR had such hard time fighting the Legion was that: they didnt get enough forces from Califonia.


But when the threat from the legion is gone - An Independant NV will be short lived.


Which is why Vegas would have to make it so it made more financial sense for the NCR to be at peace with them than at war.


I think the Legion are fairly handy at farming as well. It's an impression I get from the fact that the legionaries often carry fresh fruit and vegetables, and purified water, and are clearly well-fed. I'd imagine them to have huge slave plantations in the east, churning out masses of food for their armies. Seeing as their strategy seems to be based around strength in numbers, I'm guessing they have plenty of men, especially when the main role of women seems to be to pump out babies so they can become soldiers, as opposed to the NCR, where women enjoy pretty much full equality.

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1. "Legionaires carry fresh fruits". No actually that does not reflect well on their level of farming. A soldier need to bring processed foods with them for ease of movement and storage. They dont need to bring easily spoilt fresh foods. That fact reflect badly on the level of logistic, meaning they can not provide processed foods to their troopers and they have to forage foods from the environment.


2. Independent Vegas with Legion gone. It's actually feasible with some level of political strategy. It's inevitable that with Legion gone the NCR will become undefeatable with their level of farmings, trade, and troops. But the thing is, you just need to make the prospect of Vegas joining NCR unpalatable, that is hard to swallow, and you can delay the process. Why a town need to join NCR? Security? Vegas can form alliance with Boomers to be independent but support each other in defense: possible with Courier already forming strong bonds with them and their own tendency to stay aloof of the world. Trading foods? Vegas have plenty of farmers herself: westside, freeside, vegas square, and strongarming the bums in the underground sewers plus the clean water right there. Trading processed goods? This is one aspect that Vegas cant beat NCR and have to import them. Demand trade concessions from NCR will make them unpalatable: remember, they are a nation of merchant companies as well. Vegas still have to import great deal from them but in return the tourist trade will pick up the slack.

Vegas got the same chance as San Francisco in the West Coast, totally possible to stay independent.

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Food doesn't spoil easily in the hot, dry desert environment, it doesn't really need to be processed, especially if legionaries are only going to be on the march for several days. In fact, it says a lot for either the legion's logistics, or their ability to have civilised their territory east of the Colorado and making it productive, that they are able to keep their troops supplied and in good health with plenty of fresh food. Certainly the food you take from dead legionaries hasn't had time to go rotten, and there is plenty of it.

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Where do you get those ideas anyway? One, fresh foods is easily spoilt, desert or no desert. The only climate that keep them is the cold artic region. That is the fact of matter, proved throughout history. Two, ingame there's only fresh foods and processed (canned) foods. There's no spoilt food items. So how the heck do the game engine simulate the spoiling process here?

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I don't see why most of you think the Vegas BOS will be such a pain in the ass.


If you played it smart, you're their best friend or they're utterly destroyed. Either way, you won't have problems with them.

-The first is, because, ofcourse, they like you. You trade with them, you provide them technology, new recruits, and hell, after you maked sure the power at Helios 1 goes to where you want it, and thays there, they could have that too. They'd have it in tip-top shape within weeks.

-Second option : Everyone of them is dead in your area. Problem taken care of.

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Where do you get those ideas anyway? One, fresh foods is easily spoilt, desert or no desert. The only climate that keep them is the cold artic region. That is the fact of matter, proved throughout history. Two, ingame there's only fresh foods and processed (canned) foods. There's no spoilt food items. So how the heck do the game engine simulate the spoiling process here?


Have you ever bought fresh food? Potatoes and apples stay good for at least a week, probably closer to two. The fastest-growing populations in the world aren't the USA or Western Europe with their processed foods, it's Africa, India, South-East Asia, where almost all of the food you get is fresh. The legion would probably be defeated by the NCR eventually, but it wouldn't be because of their lack of Cram and Fancy Lad's Snack Cakes.


Spoiling of food would be perfectly easy to simulate in-game if the developers wanted to do it. Start a timer when you pick up an item, when it hits a certain value, remove the item "fresh apple" from the player's inventory, and replace it with a new item "rotten apple", with worse healing properties. There are mods out there that already do this.

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Honey, I live in Vietnam. I know exactly how long can fresh foods last in hot weather, without fridge. If you leave potatoes in hot temperature typical to mojave for long (days) you gonna get some very nasty surprise come cooking times. A worst case can lead to deadly food poisoning. It's very hard to store them in hot climate in primitive condition, which is FNV game world we are talking about. fresh apples on inventory? Pffft~


As to low level scripts to automate refreshing inventory you are talking about: KEEP DREAMING! There are a lot of scripts running already, mod's scripts will certainly lead to a mess up game. If you read the troubleshooting threads you will notice the problems related to low level scripts. And talking technically, how the hell do you start marking fresh foods to replace them anyway? Start marking when we get them from the first corpse? how about a day and two level down of that dungeon later we get another item of same type? mark it as another item different than the first? As for making a totally different item with lesser properties, that will just lead to bloating the item count with more useless items.


Automated scripts like that is a nightmare for us users. I'd like some good come from them, not comestic changes.

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Honey, I live in Vietnam. I know exactly how long can fresh foods last in hot weather, without fridge. If you leave potatoes in hot temperature typical to mojave for long (days) you gonna get some very nasty surprise come cooking times. A worst case can lead to deadly food poisoning. It's very hard to store them in hot climate in primitive condition, which is FNV game world we are talking about. fresh apples on inventory? Pffft~


As to low level scripts to automate refreshing inventory you are talking about: KEEP DREAMING! There are a lot of scripts running already, mod's scripts will certainly lead to a mess up game. If you read the troubleshooting threads you will notice the problems related to low level scripts. And talking technically, how the hell do you start marking fresh foods to replace them anyway? Start marking when we get them from the first corpse? how about a day and two level down of that dungeon later we get another item of same type? mark it as another item different than the first? As for making a totally different item with lesser properties, that will just lead to bloating the item count with more useless items.


Automated scripts like that is a nightmare for us users. I'd like some good come from them, not comestic changes.


Vietnam is hot and humid. The Mojave is hot and dry. That's the difference. Food that will go off in a day or two in Vietnam will last several times as long in somewhere dry like the Las Vegas valley. And as I said before, if the Legion's supply lines are good, they only need to keep things fresh for a couple of days to get them from farm to fork.


Seriously, google "shelf life of apples" or "shelf life of potatoes" if you don't believe me. Somewhere like Vietnam is possibly the worst place to be trying to store fresh food,

Edited by peadar1987
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