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In the Independent ending, the courier will join the midwestern brothe


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Mhmm yeah~ The only reason Brotherhood doesnt explore there because event happen quite recent and the closest chapter is in serious trouble. Shoot the nukes and MidWest/east Coast chapters certainly will hear about it and send groups there in some month. You dont want BOS knights after your ass along with NCR hit squad and Legionaire death squad. I mean, you prolly must protect The Divide, that mean you being a stationary target.

Getting Through the Divide isn't exactly a walk in the park, it can defend itself lol.

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  • 6 years later...

sorry for the necro and the bad english


I personally prefer the independent new vegas. NCR has good intenions (generally) and is a good option in the short term, but they care more about expanding their territory than governing it, and that makes them a bad option in the long term (leaving aside their corruption and their lack of empathy for non NCR) and that is proved by the facts that the fiends became such a pain in their a%$&/es, their inhability to keep an stable security in their own trade routes, and their inhability to keep an stable moral in their own army in SOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY of their camps. Now, should the courier gain a good reputation with the NCR army (idolized, for example) and show a good will with the NCR army, and later tell them that he/she is not willing to accept NCR rule in NV, well, that could send them a hard message.


Regarding the threat of an NCR invasion, I will say this: should the courier have a high INT and CHA, he could convince the NCR politicians that is more convenient to them to have him as an ally than as an enemy. Remind them that he was the one that supported the NCR army and the NCR rangers when their own government left them helpless, remind them that was thaks to him/her that the legion was wiped out, and speaking of the legion, the courier could remind them that their defeat at Hoover Dam and the death of their leaders doesn't meanns that they are finished, in fact, they can become even more dangerous due to desesperation (should the courier take the intimidating option, he could tell the politicians that their NV army owes so much to him/her, and for that reason, a forceful takeover could backfire in them). For those reasons, the courier could negociate a militar and comercial alliance between an independent NV and the NCR (In fact, that could be the BEST option in my personal opinion)

Edited by ElrazielMoon
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  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...

It's been years but now looking back.


Independent ending is like a pipe dream.

Las Vegas and their local factions are like Indians with low pop expansion.

NCR is like European migrants who come to Vegas to seek new life, new farms, what with their internal population bubbles are huge and they are full to brim.

Legion, while being an out of date slavery group, has an advantage in organization: they can gather lots of people (slave) and concentrate on one region to build it fast.


So at best the locals can survive as groups with identities. At worst they get subsumed into NCR or Legion. What would they have to defend against them?

Robot? They only have what they have, cant produce more. So the other two can just mince them to death with their number advantage

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