Unofficial mod updates


Ok, I wanna apologize in advance if 1. this is the wrong place to ask this, I'm realitively new to the forum thing and as I did try looking around, I very well could have missed the right place, if there is one, to post this. & 2. if it's been previously answered already here. I skimmed through while searching keywords in the pages in the thread, but found nothing. So I am sorry if I missed any kind of answer, but.

I'm having horrible fps issues. I seen a couple others saying the same things, both with & without mods installed, and I was wondering if anyone happened to know the solution if there is one for this? A couple things about my gameplay; I DO have mods, but they are all updated and such. The sound is fine, music plays normally and ambient sounds (like walking, tool usage, animals, etc) are synched up with movement. It's on the title screen and game; it's basically like I have a PC from 1990 and it can't keep up, but my PC is higher end and I know it's capable. I've edited my affinity and verified the files, too.

Not sure if some of this is useless, but I am kindof stupid when it comes to all this and not exactly the most savvy person tech-wise, but I'd rly like to play and I feel like I've tried everything. Is this just something that we have to wait for a patch for? Am I able to uninstall the update to the previous version (steam) & play normal again? Is this just something incredibly obvious that I'm missing? lol pls
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Using PyTK 1.22.9 from
on SMAPI 3.13.1 with Stardew Valley 1.5.5

Log :

Got this Error
13:36:48    ERROR    PyTK    Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details:
HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: Patching exception in method virtual System.Boolean StardewValley.GameLocation::answerDialogue(StardewValley.Response answer)
 ---> InvalidProgramException: Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers._PrepareMethod(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, IntPtr* pInstantiation, Int32 cInstantiation)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms.DetourRuntimeILPlatform.PrepareMethod(MethodBase method, RuntimeMethodHandle handle)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms.DetourRuntimeILPlatform.<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<Pin>b__0(MethodBase m)
   at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms.DetourRuntimeILPlatform.Pin(MethodBase method)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.DetourHelper.Pin[T](T method)
   at HarmonyLib.MethodPatcher.CreateReplacement(Dictionary`2& finalInstructions)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper(MethodBase original, PatchInfo patchInfo)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ProcessPatchJob(Job job)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ReportException(Exception exception, MethodBase original)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch()
   at HarmonyLib.Harmony.<PatchAll>b__10_0(Type type)
   at HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do[T](IEnumerable`1 sequence, Action`1 action)
   at PyTK.PyTKMod.harmonyFix() in /Users/ishanjalan/RiderProjects/Platonymous/PyTK/PyTKMod.cs:line 385
   at PyTK.PyTKMod.Entry(IModHelper helper) in /Users/ishanjalan/RiderProjects/Platonymous/PyTK/PyTKMod.cs:line 105
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase) in SMAPI\Framework\SCore.cs:line 1529


Using PyTK 1.22.9 from
on SMAPI 3.13.1 with Stardew Valley 1.5.5

Log :

Got this Error
13:36:48    ERROR    PyTK    Mod crashed on entry and might not work correctly. Technical details:
HarmonyLib.HarmonyException: Patching exception in method virtual System.Boolean StardewValley.GameLocation::answerDialogue(StardewValley.Response answer)
---> InvalidProgramException: Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers._PrepareMethod(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, IntPtr* pInstantiation, Int32 cInstantiation)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms.DetourRuntimeILPlatform.PrepareMethod(MethodBase method, RuntimeMethodHandle handle)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms.DetourRuntimeILPlatform.<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<Pin>b__0(MethodBase m)
   at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms.DetourRuntimeILPlatform.Pin(MethodBase method)
   at MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.DetourHelper.Pin[T](T method)
   at HarmonyLib.MethodPatcher.CreateReplacement(Dictionary`2& finalInstructions)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper(MethodBase original, PatchInfo patchInfo)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ProcessPatchJob(Job job)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ReportException(Exception exception, MethodBase original)
   at HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch()
   at HarmonyLib.Harmony.<PatchAll>b__10_0(Type type)
   at HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do[T](IEnumerable`1 sequence, Action`1 action)
   at PyTK.PyTKMod.harmonyFix() in /Users/ishanjalan/RiderProjects/Platonymous/PyTK/PyTKMod.cs:line 385
   at PyTK.PyTKMod.Entry(IModHelper helper) in /Users/ishanjalan/RiderProjects/Platonymous/PyTK/PyTKMod.cs:line 105
   at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SCore.LoadMods(IModMetadata[] mods, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ContentCoordinator contentCore, ModDatabase modDatabase) in SMAPI\Framework\SCore.cs:line 1529

Try disabling "OneSprinklerOneScarecrow 2.0.1" and "Mobile Phone 2.5.0"

They were the last mods that were active before the error. Then run your game and see if the error persists.
If it's gone, then re-enable one of the previously disabled mods and run your game again.
Process of elimination, so to speak.



Try disabling "OneSprinklerOneScarecrow 2.0.1" and "Mobile Phone 2.5.0"

They were the last mods that were active before the error. Then run your game and see if the error persists.
If it's gone, then re-enable one of the previously disabled mods and run your game again.
Process of elimination, so to speak.
Try disabling "OneSprinklerOneScarecrow 2.0.1" and "Mobile Phone 2.5.0" still got error.
So I try disabling - enabling all mod I have. then I found that PlatoTK can't use along with Pytk
Enable PlatoTK cause PyTK to get this error.


I'm only getting a moment of the SMAPI interface being up before everything shuts back off - if I try vanilla game, no issue. I've tried the updates in this forum, but SMAPI hasn't generated a log since before the update to 1.5.5 - each time I've opened the log today, it's told me that the log date is 11-26, despite multiple attempts to run the game. *sigh*


I would love to know as well. This mod is amazing! I don't think it will be updated for 1.5.5 any time soon... Wish I knew how to make it compatible. Thank you to who ever takes this on!
Yeah, it's needed for the majority of custom NPCs, some of which I use in game, and it's a shame that I can't use the mod and with it the NPCs.


I'm having an issue with the JsonAssests on mine and cant seem to fix it. If anyone knows a way to fix it that would be greatly appreciated. After the intro or if i skip the intro it'll sit on the saving screen and just stay there.


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I'm having an issue with the JsonAssests on mine and cant seem to fix it. If anyone knows a way to fix it that would be greatly appreciated. After the intro or if i skip the intro it'll sit on the saving screen and just stay there.
maybe you can post your issue at nexusmods, because JA still an official mod
this is the link
and you should post it with smapi log format, not with screen shoot
here is the web and follow the step at the web